Thursday, February 13, 2020

Books read Feb 13

Lost and Found by Danielle Steel
What I like right from the start is the lead character is into photography.
Madison has raised her 3 kids and then bought the old firehouse to live in.
She's competitive with fashion and design...her children are all different: one likes fashion, one design, one business.
She hoped to get the kids and their kids to spend time around the Christmas holidays but the firehouse stairs and pole were not the right places for young child.
Other children grew up and do very well in their jobs and in their kids. They are too wrapped up in their lives to even call the other siblings or their mother.
Kinda sad, her life and she makes a choice while cleaning out a closet and seeing letters from the men who loved her and after breaking her ankle she'd go visit each of them.
She knows after visiting the first two that she had made the right choice and followed her dreams by letting them go.
Third man who bought land and created his own ranch in WY was the one she was too late for.
She decided then to just go visit the kids in CA.  Love the travel and wish there were more time she had spent there describing it all.
Ben her son the one who spent more time reaching out to her wants her to come visit. His wife is too busy for a visit and he puts his foot down that he will spend time with her.
She heads to Big Sur to relax and meets a man from England and they take a liking to one another.
Love the time she gets to spend with her kids before heading back to NY for work. It's a wonder a severe world wide catastrophe brings them back to one another..
Some sex scenes but love the locations.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

Book 1: Telescope Jim: A Children's Pirate Adventure (The Longfellow Adventures Book 1)J. S. Lome
Has parts of the second book at the very end.
All starts with Longfellow Jim and how he ends up in the South Seas.
at a bar playing a card game. A boy that works nearby sits to enjoy a drink and he doesn't realize the position he takes in it all.
The bar erupts in a brawl and the boy is lucky to get out of there alive.. He realizes some things are missing and he searches the bathroom to his suprise.
As his dish washing job slows he has other tasks to do and that is delivering things to other businesses.
That starts the boat rides to undiscovered places for him and how Jim is always there to rescue him as he gets into fixes all the time.
At the end of this book the next book has an excerpt of 10 chapters. 
Enjoyed the book and I know a young teen would thoroughly enjoy it-take you to places you'd never go by yourself.
Pirates and nicknames are cool.

Toothless Jim: A Children's Pirate Adventure (The Longfellow Adventures Book 2) by J. S. Lome
I'd not consider this a children's book, more like a young teen.
The adventures and subjects that come up I feel are not appropriate for a child.
Like seeing some pictures in this book.
Lots more treasure hunting in the weirdest places, South Sea. So wild and crazy people and things they do. Quite the imagination. 
11 chapters of the next book is included at the end.

Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the Quarters by Patricia C. McKissack,
Enjoying not only learning how the slaves got the masters house in order for Christmas but their own.
They were also sent to other estates to help out as well.  Very informative and I can picture being there, so descriptive.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

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