Friday, May 31, 2024

Books reviewed: May 2024


Sworn to Honor by Charlee James
Love this book and the theme. Starts out with Samantha, and she's a singer at a bar. She uses her guitar to also help disabled people get over fears and their other ailments.  She's run away for the last time and hopes to just disappear where she can't be found. She spends many times with Julian, a Navy SEAL who's back in the states til the next mission. He and his buddies rally around and want to help Sam when her mother shows up. They get her arrested with a restraining order, but they know she's not done with harassing Sam. Julian was not one to share his feelings and thoughts but he's taken and consumed with Sam, his starburrst. 
Love events that take place where the whole community the close knit family all share together.  Boys are called away on a mission and that's when things get terrifying.
Like hearing Julian's side to his problems and worries and his upbringing. They both vow to make a world a better place especially for children.  Terrifying moments and how they are all taught to be aware of their surroundings. This book has something for everyone:  romance, adult situations, caring, giving people, travel, life lessons, and new words that I learn about. Can't wait to read the rest in this series.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

Enchanted by the Highlander by Gerri Russell
Story starts out with Rosalyn and she's being physically abused by James. When her brother finds out he insists she marries the English Captain James so he can get on with his life. She's lived with him for years. She is part English and part Scottish. She takes off with an escort and is rescued by Keiran who is part MacLeod and he takes her back to his family’s castle but not after having saved her life. She has wounds to prove it. 
Keiran states he will protect her now. The women of the castle are also friendly as actually show her how to protect herself with various weapons at her disposal.
She also teaches Keiran how to read, it's the least she can do.
There are other aspects of this story because Keiran is from the fairy land, having been abducted when he was young. The God there sped up his years and he missed so much of his younger years.
There are so many threats to the clan, from the English and from the fairy God. 
Things just get worse for them as other tragic things occur leaving some in the open to be taken.
Such a great read, love these stories. Love the travel, romance, customs, action, strategies, politics, mystery, action and adventure and so much more. Something for everyone.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

Nashville Seal Jameson by sharon hamilton
This story picks up with Jameson and Lizzie and their daughter who has her fingers wrapped around his head. He can't do enough for her. Problem is Lizzie wants to return home and he's training to join the SEALs because he wants a future for the family, they will be insured if anything happens to him. Love the event and how it opens Lizzie's eyes as to what to do while  he's overseas fighting a war with the SEALs. Before that he has the worse thing happen to him as  a musician. Love hearing about the wine business and everything it entails. So fascinating.  Adult situations. 
Can't wait to find more of these books from the author. So detailed.

Nashville SEAL by Sharon Hamilton
This sstory starts out with Jameson and he's a musician, traveling all over but staying close to Nashville. He meets many women and there are many adult scenes. He is also aware of the SEALs that stop by to see him on stage. His music career is not really taking off and he considers a different line of work. He also has dreams of Lizzie , the one who got away from him when he traveled to NC several years ago.
She is in his radar again and she has things to tell him that could change his life. Problem is there are kidnappings and it halts them all...
Reading the next book in the series already, they are SO good.
Great read, couldn't put them down.


The Mistake by Joanne DeMaio
In this book there are many who have made mistakes in their lives and some had very close calls to ruining their lives forever.
Love how the community is there for those in need to help them, guide them in the right direction.
Love catching up with all the others in the community as well.
Scenes are so well detailed and descriptive. I can just hear, see, touch and smell what is going on during the meal.
Love hearing more about the green apples-I swear by them also.
Books end too soon for me. Can't wait for the next book as it will involve the west coast. Love finding out what rowboat symbolizes on the cover.


 The Cowboy’s Bride by Barbara Ankrum
 Story starts out on the wedding day of Isabella. Problem is she is a bit nervous and notices others reactions to her walking down the aisle. Her mother is high in politics and has invited all her friends and it's a huge gathering.  Gina does her a favor and Isabella leaves the church and hops in the limo waiting to take them to their honeymoon. Problem is she has nothing but the clothes on her back, no id, no cash. 
The limo driver, ex football player who owns the company will drive her to Seattle. He feels everybody has abandoned her...Things go smoothly til he gets a call from his family about their mother.  He decides to take that journey home and Izzy is along for the ride, for now. Love how the plans with what to do for the ranch come into play and what things they can do right away...
Misunderstood conversations on the phone and now things aren't going so right...
Love travel, adventures, how to make things work, plans and  how to make them work for the family. Great read, glad this is start of a new series and this is the first book...Can't wait to read more about the others.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.


The Lion Hunt by Richard Zappa
Really enjoy this book and found myself reading it far into the night.
It has so many qualities I like reading about. Author really describes the details of events, houses, layout and so much more. The clues add up if you pay attention.
Story starts where Jo, an ex cop is being framed and goes to jail.
Another character is Diego and he watched his father killed as his mother and sister were hiding from the enemy.
There are so many police forces that come into play also.
Like the story of how Elena and Jo are plotting to escape.
So much action, adventure, mystery, drugs, cartels, harm, death, money and so much more. 
Like how they all come together but not really knowing the full story, the book could've gone so many ways. Love how it did end. Have read other works by the author and can't wait for more of his works.


When the Earl Desired Me by Lydia Lloyd
Like this story for many reasons.  You can never imagine that Augustus and Olivia would be a couple ever again. He had sent her a note along with 10 guineas and she had left the household for another job in another country.
He is amazed when he sees her at the gathering. He listens to his sister so he knows which method he can use as not to put her in harms way, just so he can talk to her.   They become friendly again till she finds out the truth. There is so much more to the story and others lifes that is entertaining.
Love the orphanage and the work they all do for others. Can't wait to read more from this author as things are so descriptive and realistic for the times.
Adult situations, many of them.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion. 

The Cowboy's Mail-Order Bride by Megan Crane
This story starts out with Kendall and she's in town to meet the man she's bound to marry. She answered the mail order bride ad and she thinks with her situation that she can fit the bill of helping out on the ranch and all duties she'd have to learn to do. She comes with a past and doesn’t think her relatives can find her...
Harlan meets her at the saloon and he had decided out of hundreds that he'd give her a meet and see what she was about. He gets a few signals while talking to her... He had learned his father was not much longer for this world and he wants grandkids so he decided to find a wife and have children with her. He is married though, to his ranch. 
She fits in so well, she loves the ranch and mountains and is able to follow him some days to learn what it’s all about. The family and community also envelope her in with kindness and love.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

Beyond the Hurt by Akilah Trinay
This story is about relationships in three different families.
The dynamics are different for each family. Like how the eents that take place bring all the families together. Love how they go back in time so you get to see what really happened and how it continues in the same fashion years down the road.
Lots of adult situations, drugs, gang wars and the like associated with the area in question. So much action and mystery .
Lobe how the mothers take care of their children, no matter what is going on with their lives and work.

Bayou Redemption by Susan Sands
This story starts out with Doctor Elizabeth who is a cardiologist and works at the local trauma hospital. Her family lives in town also and there is a lot of drama and past stories to learn about.  There is also a new doctor, a cardiologist that is also hired at work and Elizabeth fears she will no longer be the head of the department.  She gets to know Dr. Charlie and likes him a lot as they do work together. They are able to discover many things the hospital had budgeted for that are not in place when the hurricane  is due to hit them. There is so much going on and injuries occur and how they all handle them. So many in the community come to help them out. Love that and how the problems the different generations are faced with, are handled.  Realize author knows about hurricanes with the words in the story and how to relief the pressure. She does her homework.
Love how Dr. Charlie steps back after all the help and caring Elizabeth has given him. It's for her own good. Ypu wonder if she will ever learn of his secrets or if he will leave the area like his last place of occupation… Excellent story. Other works by the author are listed at the end.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.


Adopting With The Doctor (Marietta Medical Book 4) by Patricia W. Fischer
Story starts out with Susan and she's arriving in Marietta earlier than her siblings expect her. She enters the food mart and realizes there's a pregnant woman, Bernie, about to give birth and a drunk gunman that wants her to hurry so they can reach the Canadian border before sunrise.
Ben, the clerk, also a friend of Bernie is trying to keep out of the way of the gunman.  Susan gets the woman as comfortable as she can and tries to calm the gunman down. By the time the ER doc comes in through the back door the clerk has stabilized the situation. Ray is good at emergency situations but Susan has it covered. They both agree to adopt the child....  Love how they learn to love the little girl and themselves at the same time. Love how the community comes together to help them. First one of this series I've read and can't wait to read more. Very descriptive detailed thoughts and scenes.
Just when the adoption is about to go through the bio father shows up and wants her. Ray knows everything about the boy as he's stitched him up many times and he has a hint as to what would  alter his decision. Susan is a mess when she knows it could be the last afternoon with the baby. She's had so much heartache over the years as others find she is broken.
Love how it all turns out. Had me on the seat of my chair while reading through the opening chapters. It could’ve gone so wrong so fast.
Received this review coy from the publishing company and this is my honest opinion.

 The eight second wedding by Anne Mcallister
This story starts with Madeleine and she's heavy into her dissertation.  Her mother and her best friend, Antonio who has 4 boys are scheming to get a marriage between Maddeline and  one of the boys. Over the years the boys have gone off and gotten married without een notifying their mother. There is only Chan left and both of the parents are trying to get them to even meet each other. Madeleine works out of NY and Chan is on the rodeo circuit but does agree to get the whole thing over with and meets Madeleine in NY where he's shocked when she answers the door.  Once he's left Madeline gets it into her head that they must combine forces to prove their mothers wrong and they are NOT compatible at all. Love the trekking around the US to the rodeo shows while she writes and he rides. Love how he also teachers her things about the rodeo and just everyday things, like how to drive. Things are going so well til they are not.
They are right all along there is no way they would ever marry one another...   Funny story at times and sincere.
Great read
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.


Loving Arnold by Sara Adrien
This sums up all the stories in the set after the stories have originally ended. I have not read any of the stories but enjoyed this one. Like the woman his courageous and brave during the time period and she is heavily into the design work of the jewelry. Love hearing how the men in the stories have treated all women.  Love finding out what happens next.

Not able to review this online as it doesn't even have a ISBN # nor is it listed at author's website. Its just a quick read.
Know I would totally love the whole series.


Bayou Redemption by Susan Sands
This story starts out with Doctor Elizabeth who is a cardiologist and works at the local trauma hospital. Her family lives in town also and there is a lot of drama and past stories to learn about.  There is also a new doctor, a cardiologist that is also hired at work and Elizabeth fears she will no longer be the head of the department.  She gets to know Dr. Charlie and likes him a lot as they do work together. They are able to discover many things the hospital had budgeted for that are not in place when the hurricane  is due to hit them. There is so much going on and injuries occur and how they all handle them. So many in the community come to help them out. Love that and how the problems the different generations are faced with, are handled.  Realize author knows about hurricanes with the words in the story and how to relief the pressure. She does her homework.
Love how Dr. Charlie steps back after all the help and caring Elizabeth has given him. It's for her own good. Ypu wonder if she will ever learn of his secrets or if he will leave the area like his last place of occupation… Excellent story. Other works by the author are listed at the end.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

The Echo (Lockwood Gate Thrillers Book 2) by Melinda Di Lorenzo 
Story starts out with Rose and aftrr having been released from the hospital she arrives wt her apartment and there is a newspaper article there. It might be the lead for the police to reopen Daisy’s case. Police aren’t happy to see her but the detective finds her later. He seems to think there are similarities.  Cop sends a detail to bring her to the station.  She also meets up with Orin who has more info about other similar cases. She knows someone is out to get her when they set complex on fire. She has help also from her sister Daisy who’s in her head with more hints. She moves around a lot to keep safe. I never guess who it  is, just when i think its one, they are ruled out.  Had me sitting on the edge of my seat.  At times  I had to put the boo k down, so scary for me, but had to pic it up to find out the rest of the story. There are others who also have information about the cases...
Great mystery.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.


Tangle of Lies by C.J. Carmichael
For me this was a great mystery read. It was hard at first to figure who everyone was but it finally came to light. You are given the facts, now to solve who did what and why. Lots of secrets, deceptions,  missing ring, friendship bracelet, etc.
They all play a big part of the whole story.  Very descriptive and loved the flowers, gardens and the areas highlighted  around the town.
Touching moments with some but others are at each others throats to find a missing high dollar ring that they feel was theirs.
Love how this all comes together amidst a cancer scare. Love the community and neighbors who watch out for one another.
Great read.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.,



This book is so very organized. Starts with an introduction and how to use the book. There is a national parks checklist available that is also the table of contents.
Each Park also has a colored tab to the edge that shows the state or territory the park is located.
There are checklists and suggestions for planning your trip so you don't forget anything. There are several pages that you can print out for each park you plan to visit.

Each of the parks has their own pages that starts with a colorful scene, when it was put into the national park system and a bit about the highlights.
The journal type pages have other information about where to take the best picture and the square miles and elevation are also noted.
Temperature and weather conditions, who went with you and a section for your best experiences. Also places to note wildlife you saw if you’d return and what to do on your next visit.
 Also a section for stamps and sketches.  Great book, worthwhile to have on hand.
Received this review copy from Callisto Publishing Callisto via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

Facts about the Ring tailed lemur by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the lemur.  
Never heard or seen these.

Facts about the Mustang by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the mustang.  
Have heard of and seen these.

Facts about the Siberian tiger by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the tiger .  
Have heard of and seen on TV.

Facts About Nigeria by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include intro, pupulation, government, natural wonders, terrain, native animals, exports, leading citizens/inventions, climate, tourist destination. There is so much to learn about this country.  There are even maps and other things that might interest you.


Facts about Brazil by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include Introduction, population, government, natural wonders, terrain, etc There is so much to learn about this country.  There are even maps and other things that might interest you.
Have read books that had features of this country in them. Each chapter also has a color photograph about the contents of the chapter subject.



Facts about Chipmunks by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the chipmunks.  
heard of and seen these.

Squids will be squids  by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the squid.  
Have seen these when fishing using them as bait.

Alligator Wallet, Alligator Head, Alligator Slippers, Under My Bed: Fun Facts About American Alligators by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the alligator.  
Have seen these in TV shows..


Dirty Boys: Why Bathe? Cleaning Ears and Other Parts, A Picture Book For Kids by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  cleaning ears, hands, face, toes, hair, etc
Colorful pictures throughout the book.
Shows them how to clean their bodies and by the end you will be clean and feel great.
good habits throughout your lfie.

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