Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16 Book Review: Tangle of Lies by C.J. Carmichael


Tangle of Lies by C.J. Carmichael
For me this was a great mystery read. It was hard at first to figure who everyone was but it finally came to light. You are given the facts, now to solve who did what and why. Lots of secrets, deceptions,  missing ring, friendship bracelet, etc.
They all play a big part of the whole story.  Very descriptive and loved the flowers, gardens and the areas highlighted  around the town.
Touching moments with some but others are at each others throats to find a missing high dollar ring that they feel was theirs.
Love how this all comes together amidst a cancer scare. Love the community and neighbors who watch out for one another.
Great read.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.,

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