Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21 Book Review: Mind Games by Nora Roberts


Mind Games by Nora Roberts
This story starts out when the parents ae delivering their children to their grandmother on the farm in KY for a few weeks.  Love all the chores they get to do and it's not hard work at all. Thea and Rem love being outside. Parents go back to the city in VA and because of a man who's not right in his head and kills them. The girl and her grandmothers had seen the scene as if they were in the killer's mind.
So tragic and frightening for me because I can see this happening in todays world. Haunting and chilled reading it.
As life goes on for the kids living with grandma Lucy they learn many things. Love how Thea is able to help the cops commit the man and his other killings, brining closure to those who lose their loved ones.
Kids get educated and they become adults before you know it. Rem still beta tests Thea's games. She is able to perfect them for the public and she also uses them fto get back at the killer, who is still in her head at times. She's got a plan how to deal with him once and for all. Like that she has others that come into her life with fun times. Ty misunderstands her and he can't trust her any longer and jumps to the wrong conclusions. It over for them and you wonder if they can ever get back together. They were good for ne another. NEVER seen the ending happening as it did. WOW.
Excellent read.
Received this review copy from St. Martin's Press via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion. 

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