Tuesday, May 28, 2024

May 28 Sworn to Honor by Charlee James


Sworn to Honor by Charlee James
Love this book and the theme. Starts out with Samantha, and she's a singer at a bar. She uses her guitar to also help disabled people get over fears and their other ailments.  She's run away for the last time and hopes to just disappear where she can't be found. She spends many times with Julian, a Navy SEAL who's back in the states til the next mission. He and his buddies rally around and want to help Sam when her mother shows up. They get her arrested with a restraining order, but they know she's not done with harassing Sam. Julian was not one to share his feelings and thoughts but he's taken and consumed with Sam, his starburrst. 
Love events that take place where the whole community the close knit family all share together.  Boys are called away on a mission and that's when things get terrifying.
Like hearing Julian's side to his problems and worries and his upbringing. They both vow to make a world a better place especially for children.  Terrifying moments and how they are all taught to be aware of their surroundings. This book has something for everyone:  romance, adult situations, caring, giving people, travel, life lessons, and new words that I learn about. Can't wait to read the rest in this series.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

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