Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9 Book Review: The Cowboy's Mail-Order Bride by Megan Crane


The Cowboy's Mail-Order Bride by Megan Crane
This story starts out with Kendall and she's in town to meet the man she's bound to marry. She answered the mail order bride ad and she thinks with her situation that she can fit the bill of helping out on the ranch and all duties she'd have to learn to do. She comes with a past and doesn’t think her relatives can find her...
Harlan meets her at the saloon and he had decided out of hundreds that he'd give her a meet and see what she was about. He gets a few signals while talking to her... He had learned his father was not much longer for this world and he wants grandkids so he decided to find a wife and have children with her. He is married though, to his ranch. 
She fits in so well, she loves the ranch and mountains and is able to follow him some days to learn what it’s all about. The family and community also envelope her in with kindness and love.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

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