Sunday, June 9, 2024

Book Review: The Stardust Cowboy by Anne McAllister


The Stardust Cowboy by Anne McAllister
This story starts out with Riley and he's on his way to pay a visit to a woman who birthed his nephew. He has sad news for her but is offering to buy out her 1/2 share of the family  ranch. Dori and her son Jake think about it a while and she decides for Jake and his dream that they need to visit the ranch. Love that they just show up one day and she rather takes over the house chores. Riley keeps Jake with him all day teaching him how to take care of the animals and the ranch. One day it will all be his. 
Dori is able to meet the locals an there is a lot of gossip and the women want to know about her and Riley. She denies it then she notices he is very friendly with an old class mate Tricia. 
Lots of twists and turns.
Love the ranch and everything there is to do there, the community coming together and the love of everyone. Yes there is gossip and rumors but it's like that in a small town.
You wonder if they will get together or if they are going their separate ways.
Love legend of the stardust cowboy, such an imagination. Adult situations.

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