Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Jun 26 Book Review: Adopting With The Doctor (Marietta Medical Book 4) by Patricia W. Fischer


Adopting With The Doctor (Marietta Medical Book 4) by Patricia W. Fischer
Story starts out with Susan and she's arriving in Marietta earlier than her siblings expect her. She enters the food mart and realizes there's a pregnant woman, Bernie, about to give birth and a drunk gunman that wants her to hurry so they can reach the Canadian border before sunrise.
Ben, the clerk, also a friend of Bernie is trying to keep out of the way of the gunman.  Susan gets the woman as comfortable as she can and tries to calm the gunman down. By the time the ER doc comes in through the back door the clerk has stabilized the situation. Ray is good at emergency situations but Susan has it covered. They both agree to adopt the child....  Love how they learn to love the little girl and themselves at the same time. Love how the community comes together to help them. First one of this series I've read and can't wait to read more. Very descriptive detailed thoughts and scenes.
Just when the adoption is about to go through the bio father shows up and wants her. Ray knows everything about the boy as he's stitched him up many times and he has a hint as to what would  alter his decision. Susan is a mess when she knows it could be the last afternoon with the baby. She's had so much heartache over the years as others find she is broken.
Love how it all turns out. Had me on the seat of my chair while reading through the opening chapters. It could’ve gone so wrong so fast.
Received this review coy from the publishing company and this is my honest opinion.

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