Sunday, July 28, 2024

Book Review: The Cupcake Cottage by Jean Oram


The Cupcake Cottage by Jean Oram
Story starts out about hockey players and their quest to find the right girl for them.
There is a lot of drama and couples break up but take up with another player.
We end up with Maverick who is renovating his house in his time. He's a hockey player so they celebrate holidays while 
Maverick is home.
Story also follows Daisy May, team mascot manager and she grew up near Maverick so they spent a lot of time together. They are friends.
Team photographer/coach feels a bit of exposure would be good for them so take photos of them together and it goes viral.
Coach then thinks they need to be seen more often, dating.  It’d bring more sponsors to Maverick to get him on the right track to make what he’s worth.  They go along with the pretend dating...
Like details of furniture and how descriptive it really is. Like how the title came about...

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