Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Book Review: The Love Hack (Tech-nically Love Book 1) by Michelle Dayton

The Love Hack (Tech-nically Love Book 1) by Michelle Dayton
What I love about this book si that it's so technical and it's realistic that yes it could and does happen in todays world.
Tessa is losing her sister to a job in CA so she helps get a party together for her leaving. Tessa's boss is retiring and she has the chance to take over his position. She has to attend meeting with clients who don't really see a woman doing the right job for them. She is able to put them in their place.
She also gets help from a lawyer about her x rated photo/video being released to the public. without her permission... she tells her sister and she has a friend that can help her.  Love how he  gets paid and she ends up getting him into her company  with the chance to become permanent in a few weeks time. He's super friendly and helpful but he has secrets that get out...
Tessa is also dealing her mother depression, has been for years and she knows what she has to do. More secrets from her sister. There is no easy way around everything she wants to get done.
Love ending and how it all went down, didn't think it was really possible.
Love this series a lot, so informative and entertaining.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion.

Oct 15 Book Review: Framed: Astonishing True Stories of Wrongful Convictions by John Grisham, Jim McCloskey


Framed: Astonishing True Stories of Wrongful Convictions by John Grisham, Jim McCloskey
Two authors with their own true life stories of how something could go so wrong that their clients end up in prison.
What I really is the organization behind it all, the lawyers, ministry and so many more.
Like that the story starts when everything was fine with the clients world then one day something goes wrong and before they know it they are the ones being accused of a murder.
Goes through the whole court scenes, evidence collected and the solutions that they come to.
Sometimes the cops persuade the clients that the death was their fault, sometimes the judge is corrupt, sometimes it's somebody else totally.
After imprisonment then he team really start working. They talk to those who were eye witnesses and how they really didn't see a thing and before you know it the client is freed.  Some take years to gather the information.
Sometimes it's not so easy, sometimes it's too late because the court has the death penalty in place but the outcome was changed
even after their death.
Love the team and hope they find the time to help more that have been imprisoned wrongly and are released and given the money they are deserving of to exist on the outside.
So many intricate details the lawyers point out them all. So many emotions while reading this. Kept me up a few nights and I was so sad I cried at some of the outcomes.
Received this review copy from Doubleday Books Doubleday via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#Framed #NetGalley 

Oct 15 A Christmas Duet by Debbie Macomber


A Christmas Duet by Debbie Macomber
 Love this holiday read. It starts with Hailey and her friend that has a cabin in the woods that is great for escaping the holidays.
They are schoolteachers and Hailey just wants solitude so she can play her guitar and write songs.
She finds out her mom had invited the ex-boyfriend to spend Christmas with them and they makes her run quickly to the cabin.
Problem is when she arrives it's infested with animals, inside. She heads to the local store and finds the woman owner and asks about help.
She sends her son Jay who's also a musician and not only does he rid the place of the raccoon but they also jam several times and lose all track of time.
She finds out more about her and she tells him all about her ex-boyfriend.
Things don't go according to plan. Love the local festivities, similar to ones here in our town.
It's so magical. Love the extra things they do, especially when Daisy her sister shows up. and discusses her love interest.
They have deep sister talks and are closer. Song Hailey had sung at the town sing along went viral and everybody wants to sign her to their music company. Love hearing of the song process.
She has other plans. Then her parents show up and the ex.  So twisted and you can't even imagine how things turn out.
Hilarious and festive. Great fun read.
Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Ballantine Books  via NetGalley
#AChristmasDuet #NetGalley

Friday, October 11, 2024

Oct 1 Book Review: Wanting a Family Man by Dani Collins


Wanting a Family Man by Dani Collins
Story starts with Cloe who's arrived on the island to check in on her sisters daughter.
The family had wondered what took her so long but she only opened up to Trystan, one of the Fraser men who's holding the family and company together. He also opens up to her to tell some of his past secrets.
Good thing she watched his survival skills as one a trek she had fallen off the trail and injured her ankle. She had to stay there while he went for help, for hours. When they return to the village he breaks it off and she moves on to visit her real father in the states. Love time Cloe gets to spend with Storm, such a cutie and full of fire. So much reminds her of her sister.  She still hides secrets from others. Love how this all comes together at the end. Adult situations.
Love nature and how the family interacts with one another, precious.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Oct 10 Book Review: Texas Cowboy Flame by Rebecca Crowley


Texas Cowboy Flame by Rebecca Crowley
This story starts out with Amy Star and she has been working at local department as en EMT. She's learned another will be joining her and she can't believe it's her ex-boyfriend, Logan. She had made it appear to others that she got rid of him, to better himself and it worked. Logan joined the army and served many years to return back to Last Stand to tend to his mother and younger sister. They do open up to one another about past secrets and why certain actions had taken place. 
He's got his hands full with just the mother who's been seen making meth deals. Also his sister is wheelchair bound and has needs.
Amy has her hands full at her home also tending to the running of their family property.
Together they do form a force to be reckoned with during 911 calls. They get a wake up call when they realize it's Logan's family home on fire and the sister is still inside.
Love the time they do spend together for the good of the town, helping others. Nice to hear how they relax at McNab's bar and other adult situations. 
Never thought it'd end as it did, great series, good stand alone also.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Oct 10 Book spotlight: A Love Worth Waiting For BY Lara Van Hulzen




Sadie Woods leads a structured life, and she likes it that way. As owner of her family’s antique store in the town where she grew up, she is surrounded by history. The past is full of intrigue and rich memories, while the present has bills piling up, her aunt battling breast cancer, and a future full of unknowns that have her grasping for hope.

Former professional football star James Larsen just wants a quiet life for himself and his teenage daughter, Maddie. Being Deputy Sheriff in the town he calls home is just right. In the wake of his wife’s death, he’s able to heal without too much attention, and life has become a comfortable routine he appreciates.

When Sadie’s shop is supposedly broken into, and James is the police officer called to the scene, the faded memories of attending high school together stir a connection neither of them is prepared for. While Sadie is knee-deep in trying to save her store, James is hesitant to let another woman into his and his daughter’s lives.

Both hesitant to trust, Sadie and James must brave a path that includes believing there is a love worth waiting for.

Praise for Lara's Books

“Lara writes emotional, heartwarming stories about
love, family, and friendships, that I can’t wait to read

“I’m very grateful to have been introduced to this
writer, who consistently presents wonderful
inspirational romance novels, filled with heart and
relatable characters.” —MADISON'S LIBRARY




I write books. I read almost all genres. I love sports, tea, books, and cookies. My faves are my Great Dane, my husband, & my 3 kids. Not always in that order. :)

I'm an author with Tule Publishing. I am all about people and I love character driven stories. I love history and am a curious person who consistently wants to learn. I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn't writing or reading. I had journals as soon as I could write words. And I would get lost in books for hours as a kid. Stories and writing are how I process the world around me, what I see and experience as well as what I learn. I could talk books for hours and am happy to do so with anyone. I also love to sip tea and watch baseball.

"You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me." - C.S. Lewis

Happy Reading Everyone!

Connect With Me!



A Love Worth Waiting For BY Lara Van Hulzen
This story starts out with Sadie and she runs the family antique store in town , Nearlake, ID.
Story also follows the deputy sheriff James and he raises a teen daughter on his own.
He comes to Sadie's aid when the back door glass has been broken. He investigates and figures it was a ball tossed through the window.
That mystery gets solved later that week.
They are both getting urged from their relatives that they need to go out on a date.
Sadie shows up at their house with Maddie, dropping her off from her work at the shop, along with a surprise for her and Sadie gets invited for dinner.
Love the festivities of the home coming. The town is a small one and the community comes out to support the team.
Sadie has her girlfriends around also and offer to help with the secret passage that had been found.
What i like about this book is the community wide support, various generations of problems, older couples finding love, romance, history, career of an antique store manager, deputy sheriff career, his woodworking and the mystery of the secret passage. Quilting checks a high mark for me to hear about. Love how solutions come for everything. So very descriptive details, historic, landscape, and architecture.
Can't wait to read more from this author!












As Sadie made her way down the bleachers and along the field level, she scanned the crowd. Not seeing James, she realized he may have joined the team in the locker room. Taking one last look around, she spotted him walking around behind the grandstands, his hands in his pockets and his head down.


She followed, finding him all alone, leaning his back against a wall behind the bleachers.

“Hey, you.” She walked up beside him and copied his stance, the two of them looking out through a tall chain link fence into the parking lot.




“You okay?”


“I’m fine.”


She nodded but said nothing.


They stood there for a few minutes, not saying anything. If he needed to talk, he would. Sadie just wanted to be near him. Let him know he wasn’t alone. The announcer’s voice echoed in the night as he introduced the first float of the evening done by the freshman class.


James ran a hand through his hair and pushed away from the wall. He turned and faced Sadie. “I know I should be grateful. I’ve always had such strong support from this community. But…” He kicked the dirt with the toe of his boot.


Sadie waited for him to continue.


“But they don’t know the truth.”


“And what is the truth?”


He shook his head. “I’m not the superstar they think I am. I’m not the Golden Boy with the perfect life, the perfect career the way they imagine.”


“None of us has anything perfect,” Sadie offered with a shrug.


He looked down at the ground. “It’s just not the whole story.”


“I don’t know the whole story, James. But I think it’s pretty easy to know you.”


His eyes met hers.


“This town celebrates your accomplishments as a football player, yes,” she continued. “And it’s okay to soak that in. You had a great career.”


He looked away, then back at her again, his frown carrying the weight of whatever was bothering him.


“But I don’t think anyone expects you to be a perfect person with a perfect life.”


He took a deep breath in and let it out. “It sure feels that way sometimes.”


She pushed away from the wall and stepped over to him, taking his hands in hers. “I’m sure there have been people in your life who wanted to be in your life because of your success. But there are plenty of people who want to be in your life because of the person you are. The man you are.”


His lips formed a small smile at that, but it didn’t last. “Like I said, there’s more to the story.”


“I’ve been told I’m a good listener.”


“You are. But I gotta be honest, talking isn’t what I want to do right now.” He let go of her hands and cupped her face in his.


The music and noise of the night faded into the background as he placed his lips on hers. The first time in the passageway, there’d been an urgency to his kiss, almost a need for him to be as close to her as possible to know she was okay. This time, it was a slow, searing intensity between them that warmed her all the way to her toes. Her arms wrapped around his waist, her body sinking into his as if she were made to be there.


Sadie lost all track of time or rational thought, her mind only able to focus on being held by James, as if there was no one else in the entire world she was meant to kiss but him.


When he pulled away and placed his forehead on hers, they were both breathless.


“It’s official. I definitely love to do that more than talk,” James said.


Sadie laughed, her breath a cloud in the cold air.


The announcer came over the loudspeaker to announce the presentation of the float for the sophomore class.


James smiled down at Sadie, her face still cradled in his hands. “As much as I hate to say it—and I mean really hate to say it—I need to go.” He kissed her forehead. “Maddie will kill me if I don’t see the float she helped work on all week.”


Sadie nodded. “I understand.”


James stepped back, taking her hands in his. “Thank you for coming to find me.”


“You’re welcome. I’m here any time you ever want to…talk.”


He laughed at that and then kissed her gloved hands and then her cheek. “A very

tempting offer, Sadie. I hope you mean it.”


Oh, she meant it. If she wasn’t falling for James Larsen before, she certainly was now.


“I mean it.”


“Good.” With that, he took her hand and walked her back to the stadium, the two of them parting ways as he headed to the field and she into the stands.



Thursday, October 3, 2024

Oct 3 Book Review: The Cowboy's Christmas Wish by Kristine Lynn



The Cowboy's Christmas Wish by  Kristine Lynn
In this story the family have hired a traveling vet Tessa who also lives at the ranch as she tries to solve why the herd is falling sick and how to eradicate it.
Family also puts in a call to Matt who is almost done with his vet degree. He's been gone for so many years but returns because they called.
He loves all the family gatherings and how he can help with the new vet also.
They get closer to one another. Adult situations. 
Love hearing about Tessa's grandfather and her life with him and what he meant to her. She discloses this to Matt and he tells he some of his secrets.
They have an enormous outcome to the animal problem where the whole town could help.
Love the Christmas activities in town and her sweaters are talked about everywhere. Love catching up with the others in the family. such a treasure.
Can't wait to read more from this series, also good as a stand alone read.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion.