Monday, April 30, 2012
Night Sky
night sky by Jolene Perry
Story about a high school senior who just watched Sarah with Eric when he thought she was going with him.
He leaves the party and heads to the Paris casino on the strip and meets up with his mom who gives him his dads' Porsche keys to drive the car home.
He meets up with a college girl who lives almost right across the street and he invites her to go for a swim and to have some soda.
The boy tells the story as he's thinking, we are able to hear his thoughts even as he's talking and what he really means to say to others.
Love the date he has planned as we have traveled through Las Vegas and know the places that are talked about, Paris Eiffel Tower and the dolphin show at another casino.
He can't seem to understand that his dad has another love and has moved out of the family house.
He is able to spend a lot of time with her and finds out bits and pieces of her life in Alaska with the clan.
Like finding out more about totem poles and other things to do with her peoples clan.
When major health issues arise and Sky has left to go home to fight for something dear to her, Jameson is confused and confesses to Sarah and they are not sure what the future will bring for any of them.
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Night Sky Summary
After losing Sarah, the friend he’s loved, to some other guy, Jameson meets Sky. Her Native American roots, fluid movements, and need for brutal honesty become addictive fast. This is good. Jameson needs distraction – his dad leaves for another woman, his mom’s walking around like a zombie, and Sarah’s new boyfriend can’t keep his hands off of her.
As he spends time with Sky and learns about her village, her totems, and her friends with drums - she's way more than distraction. Jameson's falling for her fast.
But Sky’s need for honesty somehow doesn’t extend to her life story – and Jameson just may need more than his new girl to keep him distracted from the disaster of his senior year.
Jolene Perry's Bio:
Jolene grew up in Wasilla, Alaska. She graduated from Southern Utah University with a degree in political science and French, which she used to teach math to middle schoolers.
After living in Washington, Utah and Las Vegas, she now resides in Alaska with her husband, and two children. Aside from writing, Jolene sews, plays the guitar, sings when forced, and spends as much time outside as possible.
She is also the author of The Next Door Boys and the upcoming Knee Deep.
ISBN: 9780983741862
ISBN: 9781466052338
Pages: 247
Release: March 1, 2012
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Sunday, April 22, 2012
books read in april 2012
42 Rules for a Web Presence That Wins : Essential Business Strategy for Website and Social Media Success by Philippa Gamse
This book is about the net and how to use it effectively in your business, your goals and strategies.
There is some advice at the beginning, basically to go to the experts.
The book starts with the net in the 1990's and I also found there was much there. Love how she targets a certain area and finds the expert with the right knowledge/answers and gives that to you.
Like how she uses the 'seeing is believing' concept when it comes to a web site.
With her knowledge and the clients she's helped in the past the book leaves you to believe, she's seen it before and knows how to get the most out of what you are doing-especially the one of the long-term nursing facility where the menu is listed daily, so those on the outside will know what their loved ones on the inside had for a meal.
Although not all 42 rules may apply to you, I do suggest you sit down and read through all of them, the words are so informative.
Even though an example might be about a business to make money if your site is for information sources only you may be surprised at just a simple thing about layout can also benefit your website.
read 4/4 pub June 19, 2012 ISLAND APART by Steven Raichlen
ISBN: 9780765332387
Story of Ed and Claire. He lives on the island and everything he eats and uses is from the island. Nobody knows much about him as the tale goes on so he's known as the hermit.
Claire and her friend are summering at Sheilas house when Claire informs her that divorce from her husband and police charges against him make her not want to go back to NY. It's agreed she will stay on into the fall months to catch up on her reading for her publishing job and travel to Boston for chemo when needed.
Brings back memories of what it's like to live on the island where I grew up. Summer months and the island growing to 5times the population. Love the winter months the most where you get to learn about your neighbors and you barter with one another.
Love to hear of the history lesson as to the first inhabitants to the island.
The hermit travels the island on foot and we discover all the hidden treasures.
He found her on the beach knocked out after a bike accident and carried her miles to the ferry where ambulance was called. After she was better she would make food for him, breads, pies, etc and leave them just past the cemetery, he would arrive and get them and return the empty sack to her mailbox at the post office.
The ingredients used to make their lavish gifts came from the island where they probably were just a few feet from one another as they foraged for the fruits or nuts to make flour. Cooking and combination of what goes into a dish is just outstanding!
What Claire does is what I'd want to do, live on the island year round and read. And add in that Mary knits, I'd like to do that also. And being that it's on an island the smell of the ocean would be super.
Tender sex scenes are very loving and passionate. Like how they spend time investigating the island by car.
They each have secrets and the other finds out in time...
Medical and other studies cited are like a mystery solved.
Love and mysteries, nature scenes and island living got to me, priceless.
read 4/24 pub June 19, 2012 Midnight Promises by Sherryl Woods
SubTitle: A Sweet Magnolia Novel
ISBN: 9780778313489
Once again we find ourselves back in Serenity. This book concentrates on Karen and her marriage to Elliot. She still works in the kitchen of Sullivan's restaurant and he works at the corner spa helping where needed.
He's neglected to tell Karen, his wife about the funding he's going to get to start a man's gym in town with backing from the woman's spa.
Her ex mother in law, Frances is going through forgetfullness/Alzheimers and her friends are concerned.
There are other problems with the finances with others in the group also.
His sister is also going through marital problems. Others come to her aid in hopes they can fix them.
What a concept. the trip of a lifetime!
The Letting go of the past, forgiveness and moving on with your life and that of your family...
Love how the title of the book says it all.
read 4/21 pub June 19,2012 Summer Nights by Susan Mallery
ISBN: 9780373776870
Annabelle Weiss was the dancer on the bar, in real life, she's the librarian, showing her friends the happy dance of the virgin. She had to raise money for her bookmobile at the festival and knows the dance of the horses might be the thing to learn and do it herself. She had divorced her author husband and had moved on.
He witnessed the dance but Shane Stryker was only on the bar for a beer and a burger, then he left. He is the horse whisperer and that is what attracted me to this book. Have seen many shows on documentary tv about them and what they accomplish.
It's just so fascinating. He was now divorced, having married the woman he thought he loved. He moved his horses from TN to Fool's Gold, stabling them at his mothers barns til his house and barns were ready.
His mother was gonna set him up with the librarian. he just wanted a regular woman to love him til he found out she was the red head dancer from the night before, the one who haunted him and his dreams at night.
Montana who was due any day with Simon's baby led the dog into the library. He was a tutor and helped relax himself when the children read to him.
All the females of Fool's Gold are helping Heidi with her wedding plans.
Jo's Bar should have the other room finished for such things as bridal showers and even weddings.
Annabelle was taking horse riding lessons using Charlie's horse and she did grasp onto the killer stallion and they went around the corral a bit til it was time to end the lesson. She couldn't believe the horse was a killer horse. He was so gentle with her on his back.
She was getting tingles when Shane caught her upon unmounting from the horse.
The deal: Her choice of household accessories for him and he was to teach little girls how to ride ponies.
He needs to reword most of what he says to her, he learns in time...
Subplot about Charlie and her past and her wishes arise and she talks to many about it.
Steamy hot sex scenes like riding a horse top off this novel that make it complete.
Love learning about the horses, races and other facts.
read 4/25 pub: April 10, 2012 I Only Have Eyes For You: The Sullivan Series by Bella Andre
ISBN: 9781938127175
Sophie Sullivan, the town's librarian, has made sure her sisters wedding is going smoothly. Now she can concentrate on herself having fun finally. She's always had a crush on Jake but he is best friends with one of her brothers and she's been more like a sister than anything til the day of the wedding.
Jake McCann, Irish Pub owner, is serving at the bar and she helps out while he eats. She ends up sampling his kisses and wants more of that and of him. He has always watched out for her but with what she is wearing there is noway she is wearing a stitch of clothing under that curve hugging dress.
She has gone to his house and have nightlong hot steamy sex.
Several months later as she and her sister are finding out that another dear friend got engaged the day of the wedding, she determines she must be pregnant although protection was used.
When she tells him and that he's off the hook she agrees he's got one week to convince her to marry him.
Laughed out loud, something I don't do very often, when they are at the doctor's office, too funny!
During that one week she learns a lot about his life and he tells her about hers, as he was right there. She never knew he paid that much attention to her and what she liked.
Love not only the places he takes her to but the history of the area.
Health scare really has them talking to one another of the important things.
Reading the excerpts at the end about the other books in this series makes me believe that the whole family is a giving, caring, sharing one. Can't wait to read the others.
Spartina by John Casey
I first was interested in the 2nd book of this series and was happy to learn that I could still buy the first book.
It's about Dick and he is a fisherman and he also has worked in various jobs around the shipyard. He knows how to do a lot of
things besides being a fisherman, onshore and offshore and how to deliver boats to other locations, design his own boat but he
can't get the banks to loan him the money he needs to complete his big boat that he can then go offshore with to get the crab and
lobsters he needs that bring in the big bucks.
He takes on a job where he has to provide the seafood for 30 people on the beach that will have a clamboil in exchange the man will look at the boat he's building in the back yard, in hopes he will fund the rest of the building of his boat.
He tries to negotiate with Jackster but he wants a co signer. He continues to work getting red crab and swordifsh that brings in a lot of money.
Dick has started to hang around with the DEM agent for many reasons: he can't get the money to finish his boat, he's bored and the sex is good.
I saw how a clamboil is done in the backyard of a cousin one year: the rocks, seaweed and specially wrapped fish and onions and all kinds of other things that make the clamboil on the beach the best meal you've ever eaten.
Love the talk of how to sail the boat and all the nautical terms.
Legend of Indian wampum and how others think it was used as coins.
He takes his boat out to sea when the hurricane hits then makes his way home to deal with the aftermath...
compass rose by john casey
Dick Pierce is now focusing on the women in his life: his wife May.
Elsie the woman who born their daughter Rose. She allows him to bring the baby to his house for hours during her life as Dick has two boys at home. Everybody loves Rose.
Land deals, ship being broadsided and sinking, and some sex scenes make this a really good read about family life and living on the island and making a living from the sea.
Honest Illusions by Nora Roberts
A teen boy, Luke is out hustling and getting away with picking others pockets for money while they are at the carnival. The magic show interests him and he enters while also continuing to pick pockets. He's called upon to go on stage and be part of the trick.
After he is asked to return to the magicians (Max) room. He's been watching the child and tells him how much he took from others and where he hides it. The family has discovered some of his past and have sworn he will never be ill treated again.
Luke travels with the family onto other towns and when Lily is sick he gets to perform and make money at it. His dream of going to Miami is still in his mind. He is so fascinated by the craft of illusion and learning it.
They take another into their household but find out he's stolen from their friends shops so they oust him, while he's telling them he's had sex with the younger daughter.
They travel all over the world as a family to show others their shows of illusions while they steal things that are insured.
read 4/30 The Mother Road by Jennifer AlLee
First thing that interested me about his book was Route 66. Tom Brockaw had done a special on TV about the places on that route.
Natalie Marino married for 18 ears had the perfect welcome home dinner ready on the table when her husband came home from his business trip. Instead he informs her he's with his assistant and she is pregant and he, Tony wants a divorce.
She is a Christian romance writer, how to books about marriage and how will others see her now that she won't even be married?
Jade her assistant helps pack up and move his clothes to the porch and even finds her a lawyer.
Nat stops at her sisters apartment an hour away and finds her things packed, a bruise under her eye and 4 months pregnant. She convinces her their Dad needs them to come home to see their Mother while she may still remember who they are.
The start out at Santa Monica Pier and travel along Rt 66 to get to their parents home in Illinois.
Upon after an elderly couple take a video of them standing near the sign they find out their car with all of Lindsay's belongings is stolen.
They get a nice convertible with a radio as a loaner.
Fascinating thing is the travel agent has highlighted all the places along 66 that they just must stop at. While Nat is videotaping she reads along from the tour guide so I feel like I'm seeing/hearing about the places as if I am right there.
As the sisters have not been in contact with one another the trip is going to be a long one especially when Lindsay is 4 months pregnant and always has to use the bathroom.
Sleep in a Wigwam has got to be the ultimate thing to do driving cross country! Sisters are bonding and talking more as they also sightsee along their journey.
Upon arriving home they see for themselves what the disease has done to their mother.
They have a lot to work through but with faith anything is possible....
North of Heartbreak By Julie Rowe
Willa is a trained nurse and has many settlements in the wilds of Alaska. She has run away from society as her ex husband not only beat her but made her lose the baby and any further chance of having a baby.
She does not trust any man now but wants to try again with a new pilot that is sent there to help with the other pilots.
They start out by just kissing and she tolerates that. They go out on emergencies that puts their own life in danger but they only want to help the ones they are called to the area to help.
She almost faints when she sees the bear is after him Liam and has visions of him lying in blood.
Like how the terms of the local tribes and their clothes is explained, makes me feel like I'm there with them. How they use trees and smoke as signals and other things I've learned about the tribe.
Like how they explain why the bears are further inland, makes sense if you're familiar with the area.
When Liam tells her why she should know who he is from the TV reports he has to tell her why as she never has time for TV.
When his father comes to pay a visit things get out of control and he thinks Willa is after his sons money like the last female.
These two have a lot to work through to get to the point of being civil to one another in the plane on an emergency trip.
She just had one thing to tell him and she knew he'd run back down to the southern US for good.
Sex scenes are an added plus to this wilderness novel.
where the wild things are by maurice sendak
illustrated very colorful children's book about a boy being sent to bed wearing his wolf costume and he dreams of what he can do.
His room turns into a forest and he sails to another world where the animals are terrible. he tames them and leads them to have fun.
after a while he gets hungry and heads for home he can smell the food cooking. He arrives back from his sailing adventure and he is back
in his own room and he has a hot meal at his desk.
a chair for my mother by vera b. williams.
about a little girl and how she goes to where her mom works at the diner. she has chores there and she saves her money for a new chair for her mom. they have a huge container and are able to fill it up and he travel by bus to go find a chair for their mom and that she liked and was comfortable. they lost everything when their other house burned up. neighbors brought them everything they needed
for their new apartment.
mama's little duckling
illustrated very colorful children's book about how a duck is ready to let her little ducking start venturing out to see the world. she tells her to be aware of the bad things out there, in the water, on the shore and in the air.
the duckling does see these things and remembers what her mama told her and is able to get back home where she is safe.
not a box by antoinette portis
about a rabbit that likes to image about a box but it is not a box at all.
sometimes it is a spaceship, another time they are on top of the mountain.
ice cream sunday
illlustratred, very colorful children's book about ice cream and how it is a
special treat when the man in the van comes around to the neighborhood. it shows a lot of
different flavors and a lot of different toppings that you can use.
silly monster abc
illustrated very colorful children's book about the abc's and how a monster goes with every letter of
the alphabet. these are not known monsters but made up names and the other things on the page
show what that letter also stands for.
what is blue at the zoo
illustrated very colorful children's book that is also a guessing game where it shows just a portion of
an animal that you would find at the zoo. it then shows them int heir own part of the zoo. it is for
children around the world as some animals from other countries are shown as well..
little miss snot monster
illustrations and is about a family: the little boy and his friend watch the baby sister lucy pick her nose and
eat it. she then turns into a snot monster and she grabs others and eats their snots and then eats them. the boys must find the golden tissue up in the clouds where the giant lives and when the super hero zack lets monkey boy be the hero they go together to find the tissue. when the monster is just about to take another child they hold the tissue up to her nose and she turns back into herself, little lucy. was surprised that now my grandson is no longer picking his nose after reading this story, sot that's one good thing that happened.
the cat in the hat by dr. seuss
this is about a girl and boy and how they sit in their home while their mother went to townn. a cat walks in and wants to have fun with them.
the fish is not for it at all and tells him to leave. the children play with different things and the whole house turns into a mess and they see
their mother about to walk in the door when the cat calls upon things one and thing two to help clean up the mess. they do it before the mom walks
in the door and the cat leaves. the ending question is do you tell your mom what you did while she was gone or just say you looked out the window all day.....
read 4/14 pub aug 2012 Are You Sleeping Little One? by Author: Hans-Christian Schmidt and Cynthia Vance
Illustrated, very colorful children's book that shows a mother with her young infant animal. There are the typical animals and the
not so typical making it a bit uniqure in that this is a book for children all around the world. Words are easy for the young
ones who are just starting out to read. This is one of the better books i've read that shows the pairs.
SBN: 9780789211231
Bannon Brothers: HONOR by Janet Dailey
Didn't expect this type of book from the author-I've been catching up with another of her series.
After the wedding there is a car crash and Linc thinks she has been killed. She had lent her yellow car with the black stripe to her girlfriend.
Kenzie goes into hiding at the gun range where she feels protected while she and Christine's family try to find out the answers as to who made her go off the road causing the accident.
She thinks they really meant for her to be the one to crash. She finds more clues at her friends house and with the hlep of Linc Bannon they go further with the investigation. He
belongs to a government agency and doesn't use his credentials often. He finds some bugs and sweeps other places to make sure she remains safe.
She hears from a nurse that is stateside for a few hours that has more information as to why their friend was sabotaged in the war. She has more leads to follow now to try to solve the
whole thing.
Love the link in there about knitting and how it can relax you. It sure does! Reading about the dog handlers and their healing powers was interesting.
Action packed with romance. Lot of weapon technical things along with the protective vests that military soldiers wear was a great combination.
The Lifeguard by Deborah Blumenthal
ISBN: 9781453247334
This book first appealed to me because of the water scene and then the words Rhode Island in the summary of the book. I am from there and wanted to read this to find out
if I knew of any place they spoke of. Love the water and the shells so this is a familiar scene to me.
The prologue starts out with her standing in the water, on the edge and the undertow making her fall, she can't get a hold of her footing, it's like quicksand and she ends up away from the shore where noone is paying attention to her yells of help.
Sirena arrives in Rhode Island to spend the summer with her aunt. Her parents are working out the details of a divorce and they thought the best place was for her to get out of the middle of it.
She lives on a beach and goes daily, sketching on her towel. She has some interest in the lifeguard as he is so cute.
Her aunt Ellie is a writer and likes to write about ghosts.
They talk about the female ghost and Sirena learns the story of the ghost.
She volunteers at the hospital and first day there's a little boy that comes in and it scares her. She also sees a teenage girl jump on the back of the lifeguards motocycle. She follows the boys progress over the next few weeks.
She also meets an 80 yo man, Antonio who has his own gallery and she explores, and works side by side with the artist, and confesses the theft.
She remains grounded with letters from her friend Marissa who is stuck at camp all summer.
Love learning about healing powers of plants, stingray bites, very fascinating.
What happens next is the whole story, what one perceives what happens and what really happens is all divulged and why.
Shelter by Frances Greenslade
ISBN: 9781451661101
Starts out when Maggie was being told from her dad how to build a shelter. He used to work in Oregon but traveled north to BC to live off the land and avoid the Korean draft. He had come over from Ireland and had enough battles.
He knew many ways to make a shelter and she watched.
Scene at the homefront reminded me of when we first moved to the island-we had to carry our 5 gallon buckets of water up the hill 300 yards and we had no heat for the first several months, outdoor bushes for the bathroom.
After their fathers death they move to a camp where Irene, the mother cooks for those who come to camp. After summer they move in with a local woman who can do/fix anything. After a time they have to leave there and Irene puts the
kids in a home with friends of the family-The Edwards while she goes to the logging camps to cook. no kids allowed but her kids will be able to attend school.
When Ted develops cancer she spends time with him in the hospital where he's on morphine for the pain. He tells her all about her father. She and her sister now work after school and their mother's last letter stated she wasn't feeling very well.
They stopped receiving money after that.
Maddie plans a weekend trip to try to find her mother, along with her sister and meet up with some crazy people while hitchhiking.
When Jennie gets pregnant from a boy who's left the area. Bea makes a call and ships her out to a home for unwed mothers run by nuns.
She finally tracks down someone who knows Irene's past and divulges secrets to her in hopes it will lead her to find her mother...
Love all the descriptions about the meadows of flowers and other nature. Also learning what they used to keep the deer out of the garden, gonna have to try it.
Canasta talk is cool to read about. Quilt making and the patterns from the Indian tribe women.
read 4/15 BRIDGE OF SCARLET LEAVES by Kristina McMorris
Really enjoyed all the learning in this book. Starts out with a brother and sister(TJ and Maddie) who each have a friend (jo and Lane). The male friend (Lane) is Japanese and he has fallen in love with Maddie.
Back in the 1940's marriage between two different racial groups was taboo, but they went and got married anyways hiding it for a while from others. The day they returned to their home town from their honeymoon
was the day that Japan bombarded Hawaii at Pearl Harbor. From there the book follows each of the four as they struggle to get through the hard times of their lives and how they strive to get it all back together
once. This book takes you all over the world and I really liked how you could feel you were there with the descriptions of the surroundings and what was going through each of their minds.
TJ is the baseball pitcher and his best friend is Lane til TJ finds out Lanes's married his sister.
Maddie is a violist and has scholarships to pay her way at the Juilliard School of Music in NY but plans change.
Her best friend Jo sticks by her in good and hard times and plays for the womans baseball league during the war.
Lane is torn between camps, the war, his Japanese heritage and loving his American wife.
War, food rations, birth, death, POW and farming bring this book together ending with an explanation of the stars in the sky that two are looking at from different places in the world.
Love the Japan inspired recipes at the end also. Found myself wanting this book to continue on as I didn't want it to end.
read 4/3 pub May 29, 2012 Against the Sun The Raines of Wind Canyon by Kat Martin
ISBN: 9780778313502
Jake Cantrell's job was to watch over Ian Dumonds granddaughter while the Saudia Arabia sheik was in town with his family.
Sage Elizabeth didn't think she needed a bodyguard.
She's engaged to Phillip so Jake is not a threat to getting serious over.
Interesting to learn so much about Muslims and their customs.
Sage has them lined up to shop one day where the stores they want to visit will shut down to the public while they are there.
Another trip is to the family ranch to ride horses and stay overnight. Then onto the talks of the sale-the main reason why the Sheik is there.
Jake follows some of the son and cousins talk about drugs, shipment and money and doesn't like the sounds of it. He thinks as he's been away from
the country for a long time that he's gotten the words translated wrong.
His other ex Marine friends are close by and have helped with guarding and escorting when he's needed them.
Sage's friend Rina likes Alex, one of the extra men but she's living with Ryan who's away for a few days.
Sage was slowly but surely forgetting about Phillip and concentrating more on Jake, she had only kissed him once.
Missing person, drugs, betrayals, bombs going off and sex are just a few more things to look forward to in this book.
Just when you think the whole book is done, finish has been written, other things have come to light ...
Circular Knitting Workshop Essential Techniques to Master Knitting in the Round
by Margaret Radcliffe
First starts out with what looks like colorful doll sweaters and vests as if I needed any enticing to continue on.
Like the comparisons it shows from circular to straight knitting, the ribbings.
Hands on diagrams make it easy to see so you can do what they are talking about in each chapter.
Multiple means of casting on and working with magic loop method is described along with binding off methods.
A chapter I was looking forward to was the converting flat knitting to circular. I just really like to knit with
circulars, especially on a plane so I'm not apt to lose one of my 4 double pointed needles.
Shows basic chart knitting if you need a refresher or are a newcomer to that method of following a pattern.
Patterns for potholders, bags and hats are included.
Love just the different patterns and am thinking of another baby afghan I have to make this week looking at the diamond pattern vs. the one I am currently using will be a nice selection.
Always am telling my blind friend that you can knit with needles and make a circle but that you'd have to then sew up the seam-she can't do the circulars but this book gives me another idea on how to achieve it.
Shawls and scarves, socks and mittens and gloves, vests and sweaters. Something for everybody in this book, beginning or experienced knitter.
Other abbreviations, glossary and index are at the back of the book.
Beach Lane by Sherrryl Woods
Susie is very good friends with Mack and their life is moving along. He has just started his new buiness and has
hired a past girlfriend and he often regrets that choice, as do other relatives.
We are cuaght up with the rest of the family and their plans for the upcoming year and they mix with what's going
on with Susie's health problems. Given the choices they can't go back so forward they go on.
The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks
Dawson works on the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, 30 days on, 30 days off and has his money sent to places nobody could ever find if they tried.
When he was younger he fell in love with her, she was from the other side of the tracks and her father and mother held the college education over Amanada's head.
Instead of going to unknown places with Dawson when school ended she took off to college, met her husband, now a dentist and an alcoholic with 3 kids, and one also had died from cancer.
He ended up in jail for an accident and he would send money to the the wife and kids of the guy he felt he killed. He had met Amanda through Tucker, who he lived with and had given him
a job fixing cars. Tucker had lost his wife recently and having Dawson there was good for him.
When Tucker died they both came to town and got time to talk to one another and were given instructions on the memorial service Tucker had wanted private and what to do with the things he owned.
Dawson was still having nightmares of an explosion that occurred on the oil rig. He keeps seeing the guy at different places, he knows he is seeing things and when he looks again the man is not there.
While at the cabin he tells her about his cousins, they are mean tempered.
She must return home and deal with family life again.
Love how the book all comes together at the very end, thus giving the title of this book true meaning.
Crossroads by Fern Michaels
Once again the godmothers are thrown together to solve a mystery.
The security along with the presidential pardons they were handed scattering them all over the world, even though they are now brought together their help is needed.
Mira feels out of sorts, not happy with anything she is doing. So she heads back to the grand house.
Mira and Charles at the grand house are at odds with one another. She is just not happy with anything that is going on in her life. Something is missing, her friends.
When the girls all get together again and track down the fugitive, the men also get together and come to aide them in their endeavors leading them all over the states.
Once More with Feeling by Emilie Richards
Elisabeth gave up her career to raise her son Grant and to entertain her husband Owen's clients.
He is a world known architect and their son left home to live near where he teaches in the Bronx.
She is at odds with herself just writing her one column a month and knows if she had continued with
her career she'd be as good and famous as Gypsy Dugan is on her talk show.
Then the car crash happens and it seems as if Elisabeth is living in the body and life of Gypsy but she knows nothing of her life or career and she attempts to keep track of what's going on with the real body of Elisabeth still in the hospital.
She does not remember her apartment, simple cuz she is not Gypsy but she strives to get better and do Gypsy's job as if it was her own. Dating scene is another major problem as she's been married for too many years to count when the last time she
went out on a date.
Some one is still after Gypsy according to messages left and being followed and them going through her security but she tries not to think of that as she gets back to the career she never had.
After another life altering health issue she reaches out to her best friend ever Marg and explains what has happened and hopes she will help her with Elisabeth.
Love all the technical things in the background of producing a TV show, ah the things one learns.
Layout of the gardens with trees and landscaping is very knowledgeable.
Love reading about all the glamour of the high end lifestyle of Owen and his wife. I can just dream for a bit.
Like how the ending goes and how it's all connected to the title.
Only Mine by Susan Mallery
Dakota Hendricks practices psychology in Fool's Gold and meets up with Ben.
She can never have children due to her cancer.
Fin Anderson is there to pick up his twin brothers so they can finish their last semester of college.
They are in the reality show and want to follow a lead for Hollywood when they are done there. They don't want to join the family business either but never told him.
Her adoption papers come through and she gets the baby which changes her life a lot.
Steven had hooked up with Arreila and their conversation was on national TV but Fin hadn't heard the whole conversation. They did meet up and talk like brothers.
When she divulges a health issue to him, he reacts without thinking...
Finding Perfect by Susan Mallery
Pia O'Brien has inherited Crystals eggs and Raoul offers to be her pregnancy buddy. He was best friends with Keith who was married to Crystal who came down with cancer and gave the eggs to Pia after her death.
He is an ex football player and has the time and money to make things happen, besides having a heart of gold. We also get to catch up with the others in the town.
Due to the fire Raoul has offered his camp to the town to use for their school til it can be made habitable.
Dakota helps with that coordinating and transforming the camp.
Denise talks about dating again at her age!
She is having 3 babies at one time and he's wrapped up with the foster system as a boy's foster parents are nowhere to be seen/heard from.
News spreads fast about the upcoming wedding and the town is ready for the auction-men are put on the block and are auctioned off for one night. Then the dinner and dance for the rest of the night. And the mayor
meets a reality TV show producer that wants to bring bachelors to the town and tape it.
Almost Perfect by Susan Mallery
Liz, an author and her son, Tyler have to head to Fool's Gold to take care of her brothers two girls. He's in prison and his wife has split from the scene.
She had run away pregnant and had told the father of her child but a letter was written to her telling her to never come back. The father had never gotten the letter.
Ethan Hendrick is trying to make amends while she tries to find out from her brother in prison what happened with the girls mother.
She gains some friends in the town but others have nothing good to say about her and her decisions of the past.
She has talked to her brother in prison and she will fix the house up, rent or sell it and move all the kids back to the big city and bring them for weekend visits.
She had some really good news from the local college that made things worth while again.
Already Home by Susan Mallery
Includes recipes at the end.
Divorced sous chef Jenna is now back home living with her mother. She has rented space for her store and has Violet to help.
Just letting others watch how a recipe is done isn't making it. Violet tells her to let the woman participate in making the item and after having them buy the ingredients there, make it and get to take it home hits the jackpot.
Erin was the one who had cheated on her with a younger woman and he had called her to tell her somebody had called looking for her.
Jenna's real parents show up on the scene and her family that actually raised her try to smooth things over between them all.
Another part of this book is Violet's dating and her past. Both her and Jenna are now dating and things are going well at the store so much they hire more part timers.
Love the ideas they have for the store and that it works. Hope recipes are included at the back.
I have many connections to this book: cooking, fashion and knitting store right next door are my favorites.
read 4/20 pub: May 28, 2012 Snowbound with a Stranger by Rebecca Rogers Maher
ISBN: 9781426893803
Danie, a nurse, divorced, 38 was on her way up the mountain with several other regulars and one she had never seen. She needed the time to clear her head of all the deaths, sickness and sadness that went with her job.
She let the last in line know she was going to find some underbrush to go pee and rejoin them. When she returned to the trail the footprints in the snow had vanished. She was there alone, a fork in the path, hours later she figured she had taken the wrong path.
Hours later the newcomer had found her and walkie talkied to the others who were at the hotel that they were heading to the cabin, an hour hike away in the blizzard condiitons.
Lee is an social working dealing with oncology patients and has watched many die. He loves the cabin and spends time there often to get away from the misery and pain.
They pass the time by playing scrabble and talking to one another. Each has thoughts of sex as they will be there for several days and each finds the other attractive.
Sexual hot steamy sex makes this a perfect read, any time of the year.
Love the scenery and facts about hiking as I like these things also.
Cabin is to die for. I could live there forever!
Awesome read!
Sweet Tea and Secrets by Nancy Naigle
Jill and Garrett grew up living in the same town but she got a career opportunity in another state and went for it.
Upon her grandmother dying she moved back to town to deal with the property and ran into her long lost friend.
Just simple free things one could do to
show their affection towards one another was priceless.
In her will the grandmother, Pearl had plans for them to live together and then after a set period of time if it hadn't worked out
they could separate and divide the proceeds. Some of her land would go to him for his dream, Bridal Path Estates a charity for children.
While he heads out of state to deal with his business problem she heads back to where she works for Hase Foundation and her boyfriend to
tell him she has to leave. What she finds when she arrives is beyond shock.
House breakin's and other dangerous attempts as she searched in the attic, papers from her grandfather that she never even knew about-trying
to find the connection with it all.
Hearing about the treasure hunter and his fortune and how they go about discovering what it is and where.
Poisoned food, fires and more to get her out of her house are enough to combat. And she doens't know why these things are happening.
Love that I have a connection with Blacksburg, knitting, gardening and pearls.
Love recipes at the end.
Always the Designer, Never the Bride by Sandra D. Bricker
ISBN: 9781426732232
Audrey always dreamed of a wedding dress and the ceremony with her grandmother helping. She had the fashionasta bug and had relocated to NY where the action was, after her grandmother had passed away leaving her an inheritance that was almost gone.
She was on her way to Carly's wedding in atlanta-her best friend with hopes upon her return somebody would have bought her wedding dress gown design.
JR arrived on his motorcycle to be Devon's best man and has kept glancing at her through lunch.
When the ladies went to watch Carly try the gown on agian Audrey fears she has cut it to make it different.
Tragedy, Kim, hotel millionaire heiress doesn't like the design Audrey has drawn for her, she wants to see Carly's dress on the bride. Kim wants Carly's dress.
Ah the recipe for the wedding cake is included and others!
Love new things I learned: Marine Corps tradition at the wedding, technology of ordering at the 50's style diner.
And the ceremony takes place but a health issue arises... a major one.
Must be something in the water or the air, everybody is getting married.
Party was extended a few more days for them to enjoy their time together, giving those not married time to connect with their love interests.
Single people were at the Inn and before they knew what hit them, they were in love and some were getting married.
Each chapter starts out with important information about a specific topic of the wedding.
Like how the production of a wedding dress is done between Audrey and Kat working together to make it all happen. There are so many little details that in the long run are going to make it what they need it to be.
Shame they don't have a lot more time together as each of them must go back to their corners and work obligations.
BaSatai: Outside In by Suzan Battah
Fascinating story line. I do watch Grimm on TV and it's one of our favorite shows, love the different shape shifters there.
In this story a baby was sent to Earth to be raised by a very old man. He brought her up as if she was his own. Fast forward to high school and strange things have started happening.
She is the chosen one but she doesn't feel she is the one at all. She starts to see things that might or might not be there and she now has protection from the evil ones. Some are trying
to be her Guardian, another wants her to be connected to him, others just want to guide her and help her learn her new craft.
Armani has so much to learn about the rules, laws and her tribe.
Training has started now and the descriptions of what each can do and show her and explain how she can do it is vey descriptive.
Love the battles and how they show off what each of them can do individually and as a team.
Can't wait for the next one in this series!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
circular knitting

Circular Knitting Workshop Essential Techniques to Master Knitting in the Round
by Margaret Radcliffe
First starts out with what looks like colorful doll sweaters and vests as if I needed any enticing to continue on.
Like the comparisons it shows from circular to straight knitting, the ribbings.
Hands on diagrams make it easy to see so you can do what they are talking about in each chapter.
Multiple means of casting on and working with magic loop method is described along with binding off methods.
A chapter I was looking forward to was the converting flat knitting to circular. I just really like to knit with
circulars, especially on a plane so I'm not apt to lose one of my 4 double pointed needles.
Shows basic chart knitting if you need a refresher or are a newcomer to that method of following a pattern.
Patterns for potholders, bags and hats are included.
Love just the different patterns and am thinking of another baby afghan I have to make this week looking at the diamond pattern vs. the one I am currently using will be a nice selection.
Always am telling my blind friend that you can knit with needles and make a circle but that you'd have to then sew up the seam-she can't do the circulars but this book gives me another idea on how to achieve it.
Shawls and scarves, socks and mittens and gloves, vests and sweaters. Something for everybody in this book, beginning or experienced knitter.
Other abbreviations, glossary and index are at the back of the book.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
books i read march 2012
54 books this month
Knits for Nerds 30 Projects: Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy by Joan of Dark a.k.a Toni Carr
ISBN: 9781449407919
Even though there are categories: Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy, if you change the colors to something mild the patterns can be adapted for everyday use.
There are some very easy patterns to knit, some are charted.
Cute: baby elf hat with horns is adorable and could be used on a daily basis.
Hand coverings in different varying lengths and patterns make it so the easy to advanced knitter wouldn't be lost making these.
Head coverings and cape/wraps are also a high priority.
Great for make believe or a child dressing up or for a Halloween costume.
Let your imagination go wild and use the patterns in the book to make a whole new world.
Glossary with pictures of how to do some techniques is at the end, very helpful and knowledgeable info there.
CLASSIC ELITE QUICK KNITS 100 Fabulous Patterns for Wraps, Socks, Hats, and More by Classic Elite
I was hoping this book would be about some basic patterns and it is that and more. It covers patterns for average and advanced knitters. I feel one has to know or learn quick how to use knitters charts to be able to knit items from this book.
Patterns are for clothing and/or accessories for many members of your family..
What a treasure this book is: the patterns, color sequences and the items themselves.
I am sitting here trying to decide which needs to be started today.
For the patterns with charts, the written instructions are not included but they do point out when a new pattern starts, but you really have to know how to use charts.
Head coverings, sock section, neck/shoulder adornments, and blankets/bags.
Has an extensive glossary of terms used along with other information to help you select your yarn thickness.
Very good resource book.
OUT OF MY LEAGUE by Dirk Hayhurst
This book is written by and spoken from Dirk's point of view as he is the one going through all of it.
Talk of him growing up in his family where his dad would help him by coaching in baseball. Over time it's all Dirk wants to do.
Being in the minor league hasn't amounted to a big pay check and because of what he shows on the mound he is moved to the major league where things turn around ten fold for him.
Liked how he handled the let down of losing a game and that others could see it also.
Love the guy talk and pranks along the way. A man would super really love this book as they could relate more to the things that happen. I just like baseball so the story line was interesting to keep me reading through 400 pages.
A plus was the romance to Bonnie and how the book and season follows her as well in every day life.
Besides traveling to different new places to me, there is also a lot I was able to learn. The most funnier things were the beer bag and princess knapsack.
Big Cat, Small Cat by Ami Rubinger
Pub Date: March 17, 2009
ISBN: 9780789210296
Illustrated, very colorful children's book.
Pages show and state in words about the sizes and shapes and other characteristics of different cats.
Good educational tool and fun for all.
I Dream of An Elephant by Ami Rubinger
Pub Date: March 22, 2010
ISBN: 9780789210586
Illustrated, very colorful children book.
This is the type of book that allows the child to fill in a blank with the answer they want.
The choices are usually a color and the colors of the items in question are shown. You can point to them.
Follows an elephant through their day, flowers, other animals, different forms of weather,
Can even be used a counting book.
Dog Number 1, Dog Number 10 by Ami Rubinger
ISBN: 9780789210661
Illustrated, very colorful educational children's book.
Each dog not only has their own name, but a number and each has something different about themselves.
Good for not only colors but numbers and playing counting games.
Also adding game at the end when the book combines different numbered dogs on a page.
Sweet Anger by Sandra Brown
Carly works at the local TV station and is a personality on live TV. She's just lost her husband to a truck hitting him.
She learns she is pregnant and she wants Thomas's children to have the house that is rightly theirs. She can continue to
work and a new district attorney, Hunter McKey has come into town telling her that her husband was to be tried for stealing money from accounts.
She searches her house top and bottom to find something that will credit her husband as having nothing to do with the allegations.
She comes to awareness where she's on the couch in a room off the courtroom and she has her hands around his neck wanting more kisses until she realizes that it's Hunter, not Tom at all.
She had suffered a miscarriage just 3 days prior to the trial and the doctor now ordered her to bed rest.
After 5 months she was back at work feeling renewed.
She got the job of being the breaking news reporter-giving up her entertainment position. She would be up against Hunter in court, following his every move and she hopes to gain the information she needs to set him in his place.
Hunter fantasizes about being with her and she just can't help herself with wanting to be loved.
She gets suspended for 3 months and takes off for parts unknown.
He attempts to find her by hounding her boss to no avail. He's going out of his mind with the loss of her.
Things heat up and become steamy when he does find her....
New work detail, his ex spouse and Carly shows up unexpectedly...
Financial Peace of Mind by Steven Trumble and Katherine Ross
What a great guide for all your financial needs. Like how the book is laid out in chapters and the followup worksheets for you to fill in your own information.
There is much to gain, even if you are set with your finances and goals, to refresh. This book is so up to date it even mentions Obama Health Care Program.
There's parts about organizational and budgeting basics. This section will come in very handy when I talk to my mom this week about her will and what it should
cover. Also about power of attorney and other forms of insurance.
This book just covers everything to help you understand how the systems work and how to stay afloat and out of trouble.
There are also links for the internet for you to check further into things: credit score, IRS, and other things.
read 3/28 pub May 15, 2012 A Color Game for Chester Raccoon by Audrey Penn
ISBN: 9781933718583
Illustrated very colorful children's book. Not only good for colors but counting games as well.
TYpical day in the life of Chester the Raccoon and what creatures he comes across and their color. Quite the selection of animals, birds and other natural things.
Book at the end suggests you play the color game and first start with white...
Hearts of Darkness:James Taylor, Jackson Browne and Cat Stevens The Unlinekly Rise of the Singer-Songwriter by Dave Thompson
The cover got to me because I grew up with James Taylor, Jackson Browne,
and Cat Stevens. Love their music even to this day I search for them on XM radio.
Everything from why their names were changed, moving and the instruments they played and
the music revolution.
Record companies, the politics and the signing, not knowing what you were really signing away,
who you were friends with and the travel, places near and far and who were there. The bands
and recollection of things happening all made the music we listen to today.
Love reading about the refereneces to the Newport Folk Festival as it's only 15 minutes from
my house.
Always interesting to find out how and why and who the songs were written about.
Adult book because of the swearing words.
Love the epilogue, tells you where they are now
And the very detailed discography.
The Alibi by Sandra Brown
Luke is dead at the hotel, shot 2 times. They inform his wife and she's not surprised he's not been murdered from his lovers husband. He has had many affairs in the past and although they are married, live in the same house, she knows nothing of his style or meetings of his life.
At the hotel there was also several others who had come down with food poisoning that may have seen the murderer. The cops try to get through to the ER doctor that they must talk to the people right then and there to help solve the murder case.
One investigator had spent the night with a woman he had met at the fair. She left before the next day and now he knows why she was on the phone when he walked into the bedroom and who she is and who she is related to.
Was never just a simple death, a lot of others are involved: unknown relatives, blackmail, insider trade secrets
Love that they staged the scene to catch the real murderer at the end.
prime time by sandra brown (rachel ryan)
She's trying to get the scoop of a lifetime to get her the better job at the network.
He is a recluse and is getting very old and he has stipulations to the interview.
Andi has the interview and he wants her to stay at the family house. Her film/audio crew will stay in the bunkhouse.
Ryan the son has objections but his dad holds his ground.
Health issues arise and Ryan falls apart and Andi tries to help but can she achieve a better outcome?
Just when you think a happily ever after ending, everything erupts and there is no way this is going to be a happy ending....
The Returning by Ann Tatlock
A man returns home to the place his wife and three kids moved to when he went to prison. It's ideal for them, the kids play on the water and there are jobs for the teens.
He tries to fit in with them all. There is a boy who has autism and he's open to hugs. The others are very hesitant to show their love.
The father also was an alcoholic. Now they find out the oldest daughter, Rebecca has been out drinking at nights after escaping from her bedroom window. They have a lot to deal with
amont the problems he has, his job cleaning up dishes at a restuarant. He hopes to move back to Rochester where the job opportunities are better with better pay. His wife and kids
want to stay put til they are out of high school at least.
He has also found faith in religion again.
Most couples don't stay together when one gets out and he knows it will be a struggle.
read 3/28 pub 5/1 Out of the Blue: A Book of Color Idioms and Silly Pictures by Vanita Oelschlager
ISBN: 9780983290421
Illustrated and very colorful children's book about color.
One side of the page will show the animal in a normal situation. The other side shows the same animal showing them as an emotion that depicts a color.
This can also be used, some pages as a counting tool.
Very silly, just right for bedtime.
Mooshka, A Quilt Story By Julie Paschkis
ISBN: 9781561456208
I was first attracted to this book because of the word Quilt. The cover is very pretty and I know it can be done by quilting various fabrics together to tell a story.
Karla calls her favorite quilt, Mooshka.
It protected her from scary things. Also the quilt would talk to her: sweet dreams, it said, every night.
This quilt, made by her grandmother stitched it, told her of what the squares meant with a story. Precious stories she could rest her head on and listen to the quilt tell her what the square was about.
One day a new crib was moved in and her new baby sister was in the same room as her. The quilt stopped talking.
Karla then retells all the squares stories to her sister.
North of Heartbreak By Julie Rowe
Willa is a trained nurse and has many settlements in the wilds of Alaska. She has run away from society as her ex husband not only beat her but made her lose the baby and any further chance of having a baby.
She does not trust any man now but wants to try again with a new pilot that is sent there to help with the other pilots.
They start out by just kissing and she tolerates that. They go out on emergencies that puts their own life in danger but they only want to help the ones they are called to the area to help.
She almost faints when she sees the bear is after him Liam and has visions of him lying in blood.
Like how the terms of the local tribes and their clothes is explained, makes me feel like I'm there with them. How they use trees and smoke as signals and other things I've learned about the tribe.
Like how they explain why the bears are further inland, makes sense if you're familiar with the area.
When Liam tells her why she should know who he is from the TV reports he has to tell her why as she never has time for TV.
When his father comes to pay a visit things get out of control and he thinks Willa is after his sons money like the last female.
These two have a lot to work through to get to the point of being civil to one another in the plane on an emergency trip.
She just had one thing to tell him and she knew he'd run back down to the southern US for good.
Sex scenes are an added plus to this wilderness novel.
Making Piece A memoir of love, loss and pie by Beth M. Howard
The power of pie!
This is a story of a woman who loses her husband that was just about to sign the divorce papers.
They've traveled and lived all over the world and he could never find enough time for her.
Love to learn new things: pie safe, had no idea that's what they were called.
Love scenery of Washington along Olympic Mountains western area where we first learn of how she made her first pie ever, the instructions are priceless!
Making pies to her is like what knitting does for me-calms, relaxes me.
Love the shortcuts to baking pies and learning how she perfects her technique.
She has returned to Portland, Oregon from Texas after he dies and tries to get a job making pies. Nobody is hiring.
Heartwretching to hear of her going through Marcus things to be donated, given away or to keep a few for her memories.
The RV Camper that he wanted to travel to every national park and camp at is a bucket list item for me as well.
She loaded up the camper and drove it to her friends in CA and met up with another friend who would return in 30 days so
they could start their venture: how pie helps me grieve with my loss. making pies on the road.
She starts by researching the other places around town that sell pie. They filmed and showed how pies are made at different
establishments and at others homes: baking parties learning something new at every stop.
Love the idea of the Spur Award and how she uses it not only with horses but other major aspects of her life.
Story of how she is coping with her grief is spot on, even with her thyroid problem.
Judging at the various events was eye opening in what they do to their creations and creatures to be assured a ribbon.
And recipes are included!
The Switch by Sandra Brown
Lawson was in town and had set up a date escort with Maleena. Problem is it was Jillian who had showed up. The girls are identical twins and Maleena needed a night off.
Mercenaries, stock market agents, FBI agents, Cult like organizations are all in this book.
This fast paced and interesting to see what's going to happen and how it involved them all.
Sides have changed and now there's a goal to just survive.
Medical records come to the rescue at the very end to solve all the questions.
Love the different places I was taken to in this book.
Lethal by Sandra Brown
The sick man on the lawn draws Emily and her mom, Honor to go outside.
Honor sees nothing out of the ordinary when she peers outside in the Mississippi bayou.
He attacks her and holds her hostage as he takes her over when she gets close to him.
The attacker, Covern checks out her house and computer to try to find out where Eddie, her husband, who had recently passed away had hid the bonds, or gold or the money.
She knows nothing of any of this.
This story follows what the attacker is thinking and what she is trying to do to get away while
keeping her and her daughter safe.
The reader is also up to date on what the investigation is doing and how close they are to solving the mysteries.
Lot of moles in the police departments and the 'agencies'.
Only His Fool's Gold Series by Susan Mallery
Love the sound of this town, close to the city and in the heart of the mountains and country and wine vineyards nearby.
Nevada was trying to get the next site job. She thought she'd be meeting with the older man, not the son, who she had gone to bed with years prior.
Tucker doesn't know why she won't take the job, she finally agrees and it's so hard to keep business in the forefront because she wants to have sex with him.
Nevada is a triplet, Montana and Dakota are her sisters.
Ethan, her brother took over the family business, when their father unexpectedly had passed away just weeks ago.
He introduced wind turbines and was able to help put all of them through college, putting his education on hold.
This is the town where every main job is done by woman, it still astonishes me!
There is also a story of their mother, Denise. She has hooked up with a man her own age and after they hook up she has a crisis and breakdown because she feels she's betrayed her dead husband.
The building of the casino is in place and on schedule. They have to do some blasting which is new to Nevada.
It started with a kiss and then onto hot steamy sex.
Kat, who had gone out with Tucker 10 years ago is back in town. She is the famous metal sculpture and wants to give the town square a giant vagina.
artist. Kat shares another secret with Nevada.
After the explosion there is a problem that halts further progress on the casino.
Another story is when Jo tells Will of her past and he can't forgive her and move on, he wants to leave.
Nevada's sisters are to be married on the same day, same ceremony. Lot of work for a double wedding.
Love what they did rather than having the wedding cake, so unique.
one summer by David Baldacci
Jack is on his deathbed, but his wife dies and the kids are sent to other homes.
In SC he gets better and rejoins all the kids to be a family again.
Jack returned from the war with many medals is a construction worker and after he had worked 3 hours he was getting pains in his back, legs, all over.
The doctors told him 6 months if he was lucky. They were in Ohio where her family had moved to due to her dads' job relocation.
Jack was getting worse, on oxygen and taking pain meds.
3 kids and he's not sure how they are going to handle his severe illness.
He's written Lizzie letters, numbered, one for the last weeks of his life.
Lizzie wants to spend one summer at the Palace, her summer home and Jack thought her and the kids would enjoy it.
Lizzie leaves to get his meds at the pharmcy, roads are icy and next he's awake and cops are telling him she's dead.
Lot of changes occur when he's in the nursing home when his daughter smiles at him. He does recover and nobody has a clue as to why.
He collects the kids and bring them all to live in Cleveland, Ohio and they will summer at the Palace, that he can fix up. Lizzie's lighthouse is on the property also.
Lizzie's grandmother who had just passed away had left a note with her lawyer for Jack when he showed up with the kids.
Life of living at the beach and the everyday chores and parties, sand angels, all this brings back nice memories.
Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
Starts out with young teens looking up the date of their 30th birthdays.
Then they are in their late 20's and they have no idea where they are going or what they will be doing.
They grew up together, right next door to one another and did everything together.
Years later: Darcy is to be married and they all go out drinking, problem is Rachel is so drunk she goes to bed with Darcy's boyfriend, Dexter and
it doesn't stop there. Seems he wants to know her better than worry about marrying Darcy.
There are many relationships they each go through and hope they've made the right decisions.
Love trip to England and the castles sound gorgeous.
Bring Me Home for christmas by Robyn Carr
Rich normally comes every year or so to meet up with his other Marine friends to Virgin River to go hunting and flyfishing and to set up the annual Christmas tree in the town square.
Becca was engaged to Denny, one of Rich's friends and they broke up after he had just lost his
mother and signed up for the war.
She's got some time on her hands as she lost her fulltime job teaching and was doing
sub work now but it's a school holiday-the week of Thanksgiving.
It was a total surprise when Becca showed up and Denny flipped out.
A medical mishap and now Becca will be staying for up to 6 weeks time.
While he watches her at night at his place she's at the bar owner's house during the day where the 7yo
and 4yo are around some. Love that she gets to teach them things, especially help to make the Thanksgiving
decorations for the table. The table is so big they move the celebrate to the church hall.
She's also had a chance to talk to Denny to find out what happened with him. We know from previous books
that he left San Diego to go to Virgin River to find his real father, whom his mother said was Jack. They
bonded but it was not Jack at all but the relationship stayed intact as the whole town just helps everybody
out that needs help.
Love again hearing about the locals and what's going on in their lives.
Never know which way things will do with these novels, at times everything seems set in stone then things
crumble to reveal a different ending...
And Mother Nature has to put in her two cents worth!
Hotel Vendome by Danielle Steel
Hugh has built a hotel that is fit for a king or queen. After a few years his wife leaves them and he gets to raise their daughter which he has no problem doing.
His whole life is Heloise and the hotel.
As years go by Heloise also loves the hotel business and applies to a Swiss school to get further training. She gets in and he finds himself lost while she's gone
so he undertakes a new project: redoing some of the larger suites. The designer is one he feels very comfortable with and really likes what she's done with the one
suite, enough to offer her the job of doing the rest.
Heloise is now doing an internship for 6 months in Paris along with her lover but things don't go so well.
She had visited with her mom a few times over the years but she was so wrapped up in her drugs, new babies and her music lover to even give her notice.
Now that she's back in NY with her dad they find their interests are the same and they get to talk about their love for one another and how they can further their
relationship and allow others to come in.
Bright Island by Mabel L. Robinson
ISBN: 9780394809861
First thing that attracted me to this book was that it's about an island. Love islands as I spent many a year in my teens growing up on one local one.
Next thing is the state of Maine. We have traveled around the state and have spent many a week there just discovering new things.
Mary Curtis has 6, 4 living boys who were now all married and living on the mainland and the last child she had a daughter which she named, Thankful.
They were all coming to visit for the day to have a Sunday dinner.
The family has decided come September she will spend time over on the mainland going to regular schools. Spend a few weeks with one relative and then onto
another. Thankful is not too keen as she likes her daily routine of jumping into the frigid ocean for a quick wake up swim, then onto breakfast, feeding the
animals and other chores before she heads out in her sailboat, The Gramp. she misses him so much and loves being so free to do, dress and as she likes on the island.
The mainland will be so different.
The charcoal type drawings throughout the book are interesting to visualize.
Another solution presents itself and that is what Thankful wants and is able to get.
Is this going to be the right choice for her?
Love not only the Latin language, I had picked up a book of my brother's once to study it. but also the knowledge of the winds and sailing. What a lesson!
Highlander traditions, song and dance and everything it stands for comes out in this book.
Not only the weather she knew about but the signs of fall, when certain berries were a certain color, I remember those.
Happy to hear the gift her gramps gave her in his will, priceless!
Wish there was a previous book when the grandfather was alive and teaching her everything.
Getting Rid of Bradley by Jennifer Crusie
She's just gotten divorced and feels free again. Until she gets mugged in the alley.
Bad things lead to her ex-husband, Bradley but she holds the secret.
Somebody blows up her house, many times, her car, and the protection comes to pay a visit and
stay. She has feeling for the cop and he as well.
Lucy can't wait til they find out the person, there are a ton of bank bonds out there
still and a strange double identity.
Comical and serious at the same time.
Mad About the Boy by Suzan Battah
Julia was shopping when Kelly saw her and attempted to meet up with her.
Julia found a cute guy and asked him to be her pretned boyfriend and he agreed to have dinner with her Friday night in exchange.
They finally got rid of Kelly and exchanged cell phone numbers and then left the store.
Kelly was mad that she'd not heard back from Sebastian when she thought Julia was dating him.
By Designs is her company and a lot of the detailed descriptions are about the places she goes through and sees.
She's not felt anything for a man since her husband died 2 years ago.
He is a surfing champion and also is part owner of THE Augustine Hotel there in Miami.
Surfing lessons, like to learn new things with each book I read.
He has the hots for her but is too busy with charity events he has no time for himself.
She has the hots for him and wants him but her dead husbands face keeps coming into her line of vision and she feels like she'd be out of line by forgetting him and moving onto another man.
After a long time in the hospital recuperating from a car crash her mother in law comes to the rescue and gets her to not feel guilty and to start eating again.
He whisked her away for a few days to a pivate island where we find it a hot and steamy scene.
They return after much needed relaxation to their jobs which leave them but just a few hours every week to get together with one another.
The wedding of her girlfriend finally happens and he has had a visit from his fathers wife, leaving Dylan the 4 yo at his apartment, til she takes him back from the nursery school.
Health issues arise leaving him very concerned about her.
Death, custody and other major things happen that keep them away from one another and at the same time bring them together.
Will they ever be at a place where both of them can come together?
First Impressions by Jude Deveraux
Eden Palmer was sent away when as a teen she became pregnant from a rape on her way home. She ended up filing papers for a woman in the Carolinas. When her son was released from jail, a sex pedophile, she had
to leave and journeyed to NY where she got a job in the publishing field and raised her 5 yo daughter. Now she's notified she owns the house as both the mother and her son are gone. Her daughter is pregnant and
expecting her first. Eden decides to check out the house and spend some time with the longtime residents still alive.
Jared McBride is sent to find out things about this woman as her name was on a paper that a spy swallowed before he died. He's been part of special ops for many years and is recuperating, taking things slow as his leg heals. He will take up residency in the 'washroom' where he will spend time fishing and relaxing.
Because she attacked him in her house when he was attempting to reset the breakers she felt bad and invited him to live in her house so it'd be easier to feed him.
Love how the garden helped solved some riddles and puzzles and mysteries in this book. Learned a few things about wisteria as well.
The history of the garden was fascinating and going to look awesome once planted. Excellent finish.
If You Were My Man by Francis Ray
Mathailda owns the prestigious restaurant in South Carolina.
Rafael is on duty with his special ops buddies, he mostly talks others down or out of the line of fire.
They have started dating and family gets in the way. Her sister is in town and bad things start happening at the restaurant.
And now she is pregnant.
His sisters and family come to the rescue towards the end of the book to get them both to realize what's important.
Lord of the Mullets by A. M. Sawyer
A mythical magical land...
Matilda and Sasha rule the world. They make things appear and can control the king.
He has nothing left worth any value.
King does tell the women the weaknesses of the enemy surrounding them on all accounts.
Now the women take their time to travel to the different parts to conquer the enemies there so they can rule.
Fred, George and Billy have no one to ask for a loan so they can get money for beer. They are the southern army, Trailer Country better known as. A black cloud appears and afflicts pain and hurt on everybody but the 3 boys. The others are withering in pain and seem to have a hangover.
The boys wander around to try to figure out what's going on.
On their way to cut off the witches from destroying a town they hit the gun shack and armor themselves with what they will need.
Each chapter we find them at a different location and it's explained how they got there and why
they are there and how it will help them beat the witches and warn the others.
Lots of quests, almost like Lord of the Rings, and the Three Musketeers along with several other movies.
There is so much to get out of this book. At times it's also like a comic book series with the 'SLAP' and
other action words. I like where they go and what they do to achieve the final outcome. Didn't see that ending coming.
One Easter Basket by Cindy Bracken ASIN: B007GE8JF6
Illustrated, very colorful children's book.
Starts out with one Easter basket and it is a counting
game as to what goes in the basket on each page. After
it's all counted I can imagine it would be a very nice
Lion Pictures by G. Alexander ASIN: B0074B6UTI
A colorful book that has fifty pictures of lions.
Different species of lions and mostly shows them
sitting in their environment in the tall grass.
Fish Pictures Volume 3 ASIN: B00746N6AY by G. Alexander
A colorful book that has 49 pictures of fish.
The book shows a lot of different types of fish
and different colors, some are at an aquarium and
in their own tank, some share the tank with their
Baby Farm Animals by Cindy Bracken ASIN: B006M1TKDO
Illustrated and very colorful book about baby farm
It not only tells you what the adult animal is called
but what the baby animal is called.
It's Wintertime, Freddie Frog by Karl and VonLogan Brimhall
Illustrated children colorful book about a frog that is
wondering why instead of seeing summer insects and bugs
there is white snow falling from the sky.
Snowmen, shovels, hockey pucks and icicles are what he
finds when he looks around at the snow.
The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland
A few things struck my interest: an island, word summer and sky is blue.
Just two things I like to get out of every book I read: learn something new and to be
taken away to a new place. This book has that and much more.
Her whole life was planned out for her, as were her other brothers and sisters lives.
College, law school and then the family law firm. Just before graduation she had gotten
a note that Aunt Tilly wanted her to spend the summer with her at the Outer Banks in NC.
The island with the bed and breakfast is in the outer banks, loved hearing of the wild ponies
when Nicholas Sparks wrote about it.
They never talked about Aunt Matilda but they agreed to let her go for one month and then she
could come back and work a month as an intern.
She and her sister were planning on what she could do there, cooking was a high priority and a summer romance.
She loved to cook but her mother when caught, would scold her and tell her she's never to cook, always to be served.
She hopes to be able to cook this summer and meets a challenge when she can pick out what spices were in the fish the first night she was on the island.
When she arrived some bad things happened and some good things. It was not at all like she
expected and there were other family secrets as well. Why had no one even talked about the secrets so deeply hidden....
Love detailed descriptions of all the lush vegetation on the island.
Wow and to learn about surfing, never knew about a guard before.
And I love the indepth secret of the family, as more is revealed and more is hidden.
Love combinations of foods and spices, gives me an idea of what to use in my own homemade muffins.
I did laugh out loud when she answered the phone thinking it was her sister and it was her mother and she told her where she was. I never laugh out loud, it was SO unexpected.
Glassblowing, love to watch the artist do this craft in person, such a treasure to hear the objects being described.
Love the ending and wish there was another book as in a series, the next part...
Only The Strongest Survive by Ian Fox
This book starts out with a kidnapping of the CEO of a huge company that is worth billions in the stock market.
Although I don't normally read thriller books this one held my interest because of the many aspects of it.
The book concentrates on those who now run the company and the decisions they make with Emeily gone-they are still not sure if it was a kidnapping or she just needed a week away from things.
Love the story line and learning about the stock market.
Her life is spared, brought back to life and must now live where she has no outside contact with others but has transferred 2 million dollars to John. She had taken over his familys company several years ago and now John wants what the company was really worth-10 million.
One brother, Ronald has no idea she is alive again, last he left her was in the ground in a coffin, buried.
I am caught up in the moment of reading this and I can't seem to read fast enough to find the answers I want.
John leaves many nights and from her basement room she can hear the alarm that sounds when one comes and goes into the complex.
The story goes back in time as to how she got the position she held at the company and then to the present: She does get to spend some time with John as she advises him what to buy and sell and they get to talk about the past. She gets to know him.
Love the explanations of how to buy and sell and why.
Journalism during war or earthquakes was a new one for me.
I am totally petrified for her and then he announces he will set her free.
There is some sex and at times it appears to be rather brutal and at other times it's just a passion for sex.
The Perfect Family by Kathryn Shay
When her senior year son comes out she is there to support him and others are also but it has
caused such a drastic change in his other relationships with others in town and his immediate friends.
Jamie has made a pact with his friend that they would both tell their mothers today. Luke didn't and told Jamie this. Jamie writes a journal to get his thoughts down on paper.
His mother, Maggie feels a lot of things, she's happy if Jamie is happy. Maggie would tell her husband, Michael tonight. Michael wonders if something he did or didn't do when the child was growing up could've stopped Jamie from being gay. Michael says the church says being gay is a sin.
Discusses how others take the news as they are told.
Other family secrets come to light also.
Therapy group is an eye opener Everything is going on an even keel, as much as can be expected when he is in charge of the blood drive at the school and prom season is approaching and he plans to go with his male date we find others who will not allow them to go to pre parties together, parents who want to escape by having an affair, and a suicide attempt.
Buried in Buttercream A Savannah Reid Mystery by G.A. McKevett
Something about the title made me want to read this book.
From the first page it's action packed and a mystery all in one. She won't just stand there
and let things happen. She is a policewoman and on her wedding day, just an hour before it
was to happen the community hall where it was to take place burns and with all her wedding
apparel and that of the bridesmaids. She looks at the crowd and figures out who it is and goes
after them. She then goes home to where her whole family and extended family are staying overnight in the tiny house with her and her grandmother. They've eaten most of the wedding meal and cake also. All I can think is: oh man, what next...
3 attempts and they are still not married but are trying to track down a killer. Leads them to
investigate at the local strip club and travel to Las Vegas and the islands off the coast.
Other catastrophes occur and other mysteries that I don't think they will ever get to get
married in this book, maybe the next one.
Summer Days By Susan Mallery
Rafe Stryker has come back to Fool's Gold, he just couldn't say no to his mother.
Heidi Simpson came to get her goat that had blocked Rafe from going any further.
She sold goat products and that made the mortgage payments.
Fool's Gold is a town where the fire chief is a woman, the police chief is a woman,
lawyer who is a female, Judge is a woman, baliff is a woman, you get the picture.
This is the first Fool's Gold book I've read and didn't realize there was a lack of
men in town.
His mother had given Glen $250,000 to buy his ranch, he never owned it and the money
went to a friend for medical expenses.
Never knew the things I learned about goats in this book, and about wine, glad they explained.
Judge has given them a few weeks til she can reach a decision. Her lawyer thinks
the solution is for Heidi to have sex with Rafe.
Glen and May, Rafe's mother have romantic tendencies. They are all living in the farm house
as it's a waste of money to stay at the lodge for indefinite length of time til the judge
gets back to them.
They decide to build up the ranch, fences, barn building and inside of the farmhouse to bring
it up to standards.
Spring festival sounds great, food, crafts and the locals all getting together and on Mothers Day
May was bringing in more animals to the farm, sheep, llamas and others to arrive she said.
Rafe had looked over the new casino and 300 room hotel and was hoping when he won the ranch back he
could build a 100 home complex for the workers of the casino.
After spending the night together Heidi discovers the plans and thinks she has been betrayed. she will end up with nothing because he will win the ranch. Love the decision the judge did have to make.
His mom surprises them all with her purchases and he has no idea where that money came from.
All this and steamy hot sex makes this an excellent read and I will now go find the others in the series because I know they will just as good as this one.
The Perfect Christmas by Debbie Macomber
Cathy has decided to use a professsional matchmaker as she's had no luck on her own or her girlfriends blind dates.
Simon is the professional psychologist that has a dating service as well.
He's told her she needs to do a few tasks first then she will meet Mr. Right-John.
She's a bell ringer around the Christmas holidays near a store and finds some good people out there and some not so good people that left money for the pot.
Her next task is to fly in to meet Santa from up above the ceiling then help him with picture taking sessions.
Next task is to put on a dinner for her neighbors.
These are very trying tasks and things don't go just right but Simon is there to pick up the pieces.
Hounds and Heroes by Bill Miller
The Hunt was allowed access to the farms every year. It was just the understanding that the farmers would move their animals to other pastures so the fox population would be kept under control.
Carly had begun to see a nightly fox to their farm at nightfall.
She hoped to ride with the Hunt one day.
She lived on the farm and her grandfather took care of her.
Charcoal drawings of what's going on appear in the book.
This is the story of a hound, Hampton that starts out lead on the hunt, loses the scent and relaxes in the stream for a minute and then gets separated from the others and ends up running for miles
and finds himself in the city-very unfamiliar territory.
After school her friend Freddie and her got on dirt bikes and rode to see if they could find the hound dog. They did find some prints....
There are places that the speaker is the hound himself and also the US Vet and what is going through their minds.
Fred's disappearance brought them all together.
They are calling Carly the hero for following Hampton.
Thanksgiving Hunt is what happens next and it's a very troubled time with the train coming and the Hunt heading towards the train...
Summer's Child by Luanne Rice
This is the first story of Mara Jameson. She had gotten married and was pregnant. Then she just disappeared and years later no one had
heard of her again.
Patrick Murphy is the retired state police detective who is intrigued by the reports of Maya and tries to track her down by clues left.
Her parents are dead and she had lived with her grandmother, Mauve. Mauve's best friend, Clara grew up together in the seaside town of
Hubbard's Point.
At Cape Hawk Rose plays with Jessica and it's close to her birthday and she has high hopes of seeing the whale, Nanny who comes to visit her
every summer.
Capt Hook is the local oceanographer and has a love interest in Lily
and captain of the ferry where he has an office near Rose's mom yarn shop where Rose's mom, Lily rented the store along with
an apartment for them both.
Jessica can't even tell her best friend that her birthday is the same date as Roses cuz her dad might come find them and make them go back
to live with him. She has bad dreams of what he did to a dog. She is now happy to be away from him where nobody knows them.
hate how the husband they ran away from uses the interent to get others to send him money and to trick her into sending a message under one
of her alias names. He will be able to track down where she is now. Reminds me of one coming into an authors chat saying her daughter and
family had gotten burnt out of their home and she loves to read. Ended up getting the author to send her books and I'm thinking to myself
what's wrong with the free library? Hope it didnt happen and I do hate scammers.
Cool to have all these various stories connected by just one person. Like how the stories are all told.
Love new things this book has taught me, pocket rosary also known as chapette, i've made these for nursing home.
Also pine needle pillows-how neat of an idea!
This book follows Rose's journey to better health.
There are just a few things that link this whole book and all the characters together. What a tale!
The Joyous Hills by Peggy Gaddis
Ben picked her up at the train station and she didn't like his choice of cars.
She can't just give up her career when he's ready to retire.
Sally Jardin is at the home to recuperate from everythings that's happened. It's just been too much too fast.
The place is in the country and it takes some time to not only get used to the residents living there but also the animals that come by often.
Dr. Seth Wayne is an aboringine and is Ben's grandfather and his job is to restore the flowers that city folk will just rip out of the ground.
She had talked him into giving free talks to children so he could educate the kids on what and how to pick flowers so they'd not be ruined. She got what she wanted in the long run.
He is a world reknown botantist, reminds me of Grandpa on The Walton's, He had a Masters degree in botany also.
Illusions of Love by Cynthia Freeman
Leaving France after the war he made his way to USA and then to Panama to get to the west. Although sick someone helped him and he continued his journey. struck it rich in CA and staked others money so they could dig for gold. His parents had died and now the rest of the family wanted to stay in Jerusalem and not to the USA. He felt there was nothing worth living for. He was introduced to Sarah and married her.
Martin has met Jenny again after 25 years and now he's not going to let anybody
stand in their way. Before it was religion and he gave in and married whom his parents
wanted him to.
Silvia-who his parents picked for Martin
Martin never feels like he's earned being the head of they dynasty so he leaves CA for NY to head up his college roommates firm.
Martin and Jenny make decisions that makes them happy til after his father is taken ill and Martin flies back to CA.
Like The First Time by Francis Ray
A few woman get laid off due to bad economic times and one other wants to get with them to do something she's put off her whole life.
One is good at selling, one at making beauty products and one has all the money. They can go in together and make it work.
Although they put their all into this project some of their spouses or loved ones think they have made a mistake. This book follows
their lives and how they are able to accomplish it all and what they've had to give up for it.
Such an awesome idea for things you can do at home but it's more work than just for one person on their own.
Such a diverse group of women, strong, easy to keep track of them and their loved ones.
Keeping Secrets & Telling Lies by Trice Hickman
About a black woman who marries a white male. That's only the start of their problems. It's not them that have the problem
but others in their lives just don't accept it. They are both highly successful people in the buisness world and they have a
5 yo daughter who goes to the prestigous schools. When Victoria goes to sign her up she sees an old boyfriend who had cheated
on her. He's there with his son to register him for the same school. She sees him at the wedding of her friend because he's
there with his cousin Samatha. Ted's mother is very ill and not expected to live but a few days so he hightails it to Boston
to be with her and the siblings. What is learned will not only shatter his life but the whole family.
He was also handed an envelope at the funeral that he didn't open til later.
He didn't tell his wife everything either.
She didn't tell her husband everything either.
Scrapbook Of Secrets by Mollie Cox Bryan
The group of woman who meet to work on their scrapbooking have found out some interesting things. Weird things like one of their mothers getting stabbed in the neck, not feeling it, but having to be operated on. Their way home they drove by the one who had died to discover her husband had cleaned out all his wives things, all her scrapbooking so the woman take it all so they can go through it
later. They do not think she committed suicide as she had young children. They hope to find more clues to back up the fact that they think she was murdered. One thing they find out had brought in a lot of money for the family.
The chapters are very short and there are a lot of them. I do not think with everybody involved that I could even tell you who is married to who and what kids they have. There are just so many people.
The mystery becomes more than that as other things come to light and things are happening to others in the community.
Love the glossary of terms used, tips and tricks and how to do scrapbooking. Also love that this is a series and there is more to come of the same type of mysteries with most of the same group of people. This means that maybe I'll be able to keep the characters straight.
Fortune's Secret Baby by Christyne Butler
Cooper Fortune has just recently found out through a DNA test that he is the father of Anthony. He had met and hooked up with a woman in Minnesota when he
was traveling and he moved on after 6 months. She became pregnant and never told him, just dropped the baby off at a relatives house nearby along with
the coin. The coin holds a mystery for those who have one.
This story is also about the family unit, the extended family and friends in the town of Red Rock, Texas.
He starts to date the horse trainer, Kelsey Hunt that lives above the stables and really finds himself falling in love with her and her with him.
He has moved into one of the houses on the ranch so he can not only be nearer to his sister in law, who will lend a hand with the baby, but his horse, Silo.
Health tragedy brings the whole family together.
OK book , wish we could've learned more about her being a horse whisperer or a mystery about the coins.
Descriptions of the scenery was good.
The Daddy Catch by Leigh Duncan
Dan Hamilton is a surgeon who is interested in some land where he could build the medical center. The proceeds from that will
fund the community center for foster kids who have aged out of the system. He is a mentor to many of them and as the original
group of guys wants to go to Belize to fly fish he needs to learn how to. He wants to build condos.
Jess Cofer, widowed 5 years ago runs her late husbands fly fishing store. She wants to only preserve the land where the shop is
located. She is all into the preserving of the land.
She agrees to teach him how to fly fish after taking a Saturday lesson with dads and their kids. He takes private lessons one day
a week, then teaches the foster kids what he's learned.
She's helping him locate equipment for the foster kids on learn with.
Besides the romance I do like this book a lot, takes me to places i've never been, very descriptive area.
Also i feel with what i've read about fly fishing in this book that i could probably cast and not be too bad at it. Again very descriptive
about that, the fish, the equipment, how to tie flies, beach areas, scenery of Florida makes this a well rounded book to read.
Dan really gets along with her son Adam and includes him when he can.
An Innocent in Paradise by Kate Carlisle
Logan Sutherland and his twin own the whole Carribean island and the buildings on it.
Grace Farrell works as a waitress for their bar til she tips all the drinks over and Logan rescues
the rest. He finds out she's never done this type of work but is willing to do any job he wants her to so she can continue her research into the rare spores that are on the island for medical research.
He's given her one week to learn the job or she's off the island.
He starts to watch her at work and they spend time together. He talks to her of his plans for a sports center and she talks of her spores and what they can mean to the world for cures for diseases.
His father and brother show up with their friends who are the architect/designers and they spend a whole day just going over the whole island.
Little does Grace know what they have decided but she ends up seeing some plans that were old ones but she jumped to the wrong conclusions.
Will they ever be able to be together?
The One She Left Behind by Kristi Gold
Sam, his ex wife Darlene and their daughter, Jamie.
Savannah Greer left town as a teen but is back for her fathers funeral.
After the funeral all the people her age arrange for a get together. When in high school they were known as the 6 pack club and didn't go anywhere without one another.
Time to catch up with what everyone is doing and with whom they are with.
Her and her mom, Ruth are having a hard time getting along, they've drifted apart over the 10 years Savvy has been gone.
small town festivals are really cool to hear about, all the activities and the food.
Only Hers
Shannon is a nurse that needs some downtime so for a few weeks she travels to one of her patients cabins in the woods but she's met with the landowner. Matt brings her to the ranch house where the housekeeper, Octavia makes her feel welcome. She has a letter that says she
can stay for a few weeks time. The patient has since died now and the turmoil over the land is in upheaval. They have to work it out for themselves so she starts to learn how the horse ranch works by doing the chores involved.
Heart of the Falcon
Dam meets Madeline-one of his friends sisters, in the city. They share lunch and some sight seeing around San Antonio.
He thinks nothing of going 900 miles to get the pair of boots he likes. They both work in the petroleum industry and are
bound to run into one another again as he's moving his business to Houston.
Shes pregnant and he's responsible and does take care of her medically. She befriends his mother and they get close and
she's off to visit with her relatives.
Twins party was not the place to tell the family. just to enjoy the madhouse of all relatives meeting to celebrate.
Also touches on the romance of Felicia and John Henry.
Break Every Rule:
This last book of the saga is about Domonica Falcon, she's just returned from Paris and wants to start her business in town.
Trent is a guy who got a break from a trucker who know trusts him and his wife with their decisions, business and on the house front. He is the supervisor for her store.
Interesting to learn about the trucking business.
Others in the family have a bit of time in this book also.
Her photography business can't seem to get off the ground and he offers to help with a business plan and introductions to others at a dinner party.
read 3/6/12 pub aug 1, 2012
Angel of the cove by Sandra Robbins
The description of what this book is about first struke me as one I had to read. Reminds me of
Mary Ellen of the Waltons and how she wanted to get on her horse and visit all the mountain people
as they had no means to get to town to see a doctor.
Anna is on her way to her a midwifes home, Uncle Charles the country doctor in his buggy are taking her
to the Cove where Granny Lawsom lives.
The descriptions of the flowers along the way sound beautiful.
She's only going to be on the mountain til the fall when nursing school starts. Or if God has another
path for her to follow.
Such a simple life, self sustaining and you trade food with others for the food they have.
Granny knows enough about the plants and how to use them to make medicine.
Ah love the explanation of a honeymoon cabin, barn raisings, like to learn new things with each book I read.
Lot of praying to God, inspiritational moments and bible scriptures.
Simon the preacher has also taking a liking to Anna and hopes she will stay at the cove and not go to NY.
Anna doubted she could do nursing after a wounded man comes to Granny's to get stitched up. She left the
area and sneeked back into her bedroom, she just couldn't face them.
The man's son the next day brought a loaf of bread in lieu of payment.
The lessons in herbs and what they could do to make a person feel better was a tremendous help to Anna.
God provided the plants to grown.
Bible stories are told to the children who are in Anna's care after their mother gave birth and the father
travel to get the mothers sister to help out.
After birth the baby is wrapped in the fathers shirt, what a legend/tradition, 4th of July pitching silver dollars.
Carefree lifestyle but when work needed to be done there was no whining, everybody pitched in.
When Simon kissed her she sent him away and they rarely now met at others houses.
She's got the healing hands as she breathes life back into a lifeless body, an angel they call her.
Knits for Nerds 30 Projects: Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy by Joan of Dark a.k.a Toni Carr
ISBN: 9781449407919
Even though there are categories: Science Fiction, Comic Books, Fantasy, if you change the colors to something mild the patterns can be adapted for everyday use.
There are some very easy patterns to knit, some are charted.
Cute: baby elf hat with horns is adorable and could be used on a daily basis.
Hand coverings in different varying lengths and patterns make it so the easy to advanced knitter wouldn't be lost making these.
Head coverings and cape/wraps are also a high priority.
Great for make believe or a child dressing up or for a Halloween costume.
Let your imagination go wild and use the patterns in the book to make a whole new world.
Glossary with pictures of how to do some techniques is at the end, very helpful and knowledgeable info there.
CLASSIC ELITE QUICK KNITS 100 Fabulous Patterns for Wraps, Socks, Hats, and More by Classic Elite
I was hoping this book would be about some basic patterns and it is that and more. It covers patterns for average and advanced knitters. I feel one has to know or learn quick how to use knitters charts to be able to knit items from this book.
Patterns are for clothing and/or accessories for many members of your family..
What a treasure this book is: the patterns, color sequences and the items themselves.
I am sitting here trying to decide which needs to be started today.
For the patterns with charts, the written instructions are not included but they do point out when a new pattern starts, but you really have to know how to use charts.
Head coverings, sock section, neck/shoulder adornments, and blankets/bags.
Has an extensive glossary of terms used along with other information to help you select your yarn thickness.
Very good resource book.
OUT OF MY LEAGUE by Dirk Hayhurst
This book is written by and spoken from Dirk's point of view as he is the one going through all of it.
Talk of him growing up in his family where his dad would help him by coaching in baseball. Over time it's all Dirk wants to do.
Being in the minor league hasn't amounted to a big pay check and because of what he shows on the mound he is moved to the major league where things turn around ten fold for him.
Liked how he handled the let down of losing a game and that others could see it also.
Love the guy talk and pranks along the way. A man would super really love this book as they could relate more to the things that happen. I just like baseball so the story line was interesting to keep me reading through 400 pages.
A plus was the romance to Bonnie and how the book and season follows her as well in every day life.
Besides traveling to different new places to me, there is also a lot I was able to learn. The most funnier things were the beer bag and princess knapsack.
Big Cat, Small Cat by Ami Rubinger
Pub Date: March 17, 2009
ISBN: 9780789210296
Illustrated, very colorful children's book.
Pages show and state in words about the sizes and shapes and other characteristics of different cats.
Good educational tool and fun for all.
I Dream of An Elephant by Ami Rubinger
Pub Date: March 22, 2010
ISBN: 9780789210586
Illustrated, very colorful children book.
This is the type of book that allows the child to fill in a blank with the answer they want.
The choices are usually a color and the colors of the items in question are shown. You can point to them.
Follows an elephant through their day, flowers, other animals, different forms of weather,
Can even be used a counting book.
Dog Number 1, Dog Number 10 by Ami Rubinger
ISBN: 9780789210661
Illustrated, very colorful educational children's book.
Each dog not only has their own name, but a number and each has something different about themselves.
Good for not only colors but numbers and playing counting games.
Also adding game at the end when the book combines different numbered dogs on a page.
Sweet Anger by Sandra Brown
Carly works at the local TV station and is a personality on live TV. She's just lost her husband to a truck hitting him.
She learns she is pregnant and she wants Thomas's children to have the house that is rightly theirs. She can continue to
work and a new district attorney, Hunter McKey has come into town telling her that her husband was to be tried for stealing money from accounts.
She searches her house top and bottom to find something that will credit her husband as having nothing to do with the allegations.
She comes to awareness where she's on the couch in a room off the courtroom and she has her hands around his neck wanting more kisses until she realizes that it's Hunter, not Tom at all.
She had suffered a miscarriage just 3 days prior to the trial and the doctor now ordered her to bed rest.
After 5 months she was back at work feeling renewed.
She got the job of being the breaking news reporter-giving up her entertainment position. She would be up against Hunter in court, following his every move and she hopes to gain the information she needs to set him in his place.
Hunter fantasizes about being with her and she just can't help herself with wanting to be loved.
She gets suspended for 3 months and takes off for parts unknown.
He attempts to find her by hounding her boss to no avail. He's going out of his mind with the loss of her.
Things heat up and become steamy when he does find her....
New work detail, his ex spouse and Carly shows up unexpectedly...
Financial Peace of Mind by Steven Trumble and Katherine Ross
What a great guide for all your financial needs. Like how the book is laid out in chapters and the followup worksheets for you to fill in your own information.
There is much to gain, even if you are set with your finances and goals, to refresh. This book is so up to date it even mentions Obama Health Care Program.
There's parts about organizational and budgeting basics. This section will come in very handy when I talk to my mom this week about her will and what it should
cover. Also about power of attorney and other forms of insurance.
This book just covers everything to help you understand how the systems work and how to stay afloat and out of trouble.
There are also links for the internet for you to check further into things: credit score, IRS, and other things.
read 3/28 pub May 15, 2012 A Color Game for Chester Raccoon by Audrey Penn
ISBN: 9781933718583
Illustrated very colorful children's book. Not only good for colors but counting games as well.
TYpical day in the life of Chester the Raccoon and what creatures he comes across and their color. Quite the selection of animals, birds and other natural things.
Book at the end suggests you play the color game and first start with white...
Hearts of Darkness:James Taylor, Jackson Browne and Cat Stevens The Unlinekly Rise of the Singer-Songwriter by Dave Thompson
The cover got to me because I grew up with James Taylor, Jackson Browne,
and Cat Stevens. Love their music even to this day I search for them on XM radio.
Everything from why their names were changed, moving and the instruments they played and
the music revolution.
Record companies, the politics and the signing, not knowing what you were really signing away,
who you were friends with and the travel, places near and far and who were there. The bands
and recollection of things happening all made the music we listen to today.
Love reading about the refereneces to the Newport Folk Festival as it's only 15 minutes from
my house.
Always interesting to find out how and why and who the songs were written about.
Adult book because of the swearing words.
Love the epilogue, tells you where they are now
And the very detailed discography.
The Alibi by Sandra Brown
Luke is dead at the hotel, shot 2 times. They inform his wife and she's not surprised he's not been murdered from his lovers husband. He has had many affairs in the past and although they are married, live in the same house, she knows nothing of his style or meetings of his life.
At the hotel there was also several others who had come down with food poisoning that may have seen the murderer. The cops try to get through to the ER doctor that they must talk to the people right then and there to help solve the murder case.
One investigator had spent the night with a woman he had met at the fair. She left before the next day and now he knows why she was on the phone when he walked into the bedroom and who she is and who she is related to.
Was never just a simple death, a lot of others are involved: unknown relatives, blackmail, insider trade secrets
Love that they staged the scene to catch the real murderer at the end.
prime time by sandra brown (rachel ryan)
She's trying to get the scoop of a lifetime to get her the better job at the network.
He is a recluse and is getting very old and he has stipulations to the interview.
Andi has the interview and he wants her to stay at the family house. Her film/audio crew will stay in the bunkhouse.
Ryan the son has objections but his dad holds his ground.
Health issues arise and Ryan falls apart and Andi tries to help but can she achieve a better outcome?
Just when you think a happily ever after ending, everything erupts and there is no way this is going to be a happy ending....
The Returning by Ann Tatlock
A man returns home to the place his wife and three kids moved to when he went to prison. It's ideal for them, the kids play on the water and there are jobs for the teens.
He tries to fit in with them all. There is a boy who has autism and he's open to hugs. The others are very hesitant to show their love.
The father also was an alcoholic. Now they find out the oldest daughter, Rebecca has been out drinking at nights after escaping from her bedroom window. They have a lot to deal with
amont the problems he has, his job cleaning up dishes at a restuarant. He hopes to move back to Rochester where the job opportunities are better with better pay. His wife and kids
want to stay put til they are out of high school at least.
He has also found faith in religion again.
Most couples don't stay together when one gets out and he knows it will be a struggle.
read 3/28 pub 5/1 Out of the Blue: A Book of Color Idioms and Silly Pictures by Vanita Oelschlager
ISBN: 9780983290421
Illustrated and very colorful children's book about color.
One side of the page will show the animal in a normal situation. The other side shows the same animal showing them as an emotion that depicts a color.
This can also be used, some pages as a counting tool.
Very silly, just right for bedtime.
Mooshka, A Quilt Story By Julie Paschkis
ISBN: 9781561456208
I was first attracted to this book because of the word Quilt. The cover is very pretty and I know it can be done by quilting various fabrics together to tell a story.
Karla calls her favorite quilt, Mooshka.
It protected her from scary things. Also the quilt would talk to her: sweet dreams, it said, every night.
This quilt, made by her grandmother stitched it, told her of what the squares meant with a story. Precious stories she could rest her head on and listen to the quilt tell her what the square was about.
One day a new crib was moved in and her new baby sister was in the same room as her. The quilt stopped talking.
Karla then retells all the squares stories to her sister.
North of Heartbreak By Julie Rowe
Willa is a trained nurse and has many settlements in the wilds of Alaska. She has run away from society as her ex husband not only beat her but made her lose the baby and any further chance of having a baby.
She does not trust any man now but wants to try again with a new pilot that is sent there to help with the other pilots.
They start out by just kissing and she tolerates that. They go out on emergencies that puts their own life in danger but they only want to help the ones they are called to the area to help.
She almost faints when she sees the bear is after him Liam and has visions of him lying in blood.
Like how the terms of the local tribes and their clothes is explained, makes me feel like I'm there with them. How they use trees and smoke as signals and other things I've learned about the tribe.
Like how they explain why the bears are further inland, makes sense if you're familiar with the area.
When Liam tells her why she should know who he is from the TV reports he has to tell her why as she never has time for TV.
When his father comes to pay a visit things get out of control and he thinks Willa is after his sons money like the last female.
These two have a lot to work through to get to the point of being civil to one another in the plane on an emergency trip.
She just had one thing to tell him and she knew he'd run back down to the southern US for good.
Sex scenes are an added plus to this wilderness novel.
Making Piece A memoir of love, loss and pie by Beth M. Howard
The power of pie!
This is a story of a woman who loses her husband that was just about to sign the divorce papers.
They've traveled and lived all over the world and he could never find enough time for her.
Love to learn new things: pie safe, had no idea that's what they were called.
Love scenery of Washington along Olympic Mountains western area where we first learn of how she made her first pie ever, the instructions are priceless!
Making pies to her is like what knitting does for me-calms, relaxes me.
Love the shortcuts to baking pies and learning how she perfects her technique.
She has returned to Portland, Oregon from Texas after he dies and tries to get a job making pies. Nobody is hiring.
Heartwretching to hear of her going through Marcus things to be donated, given away or to keep a few for her memories.
The RV Camper that he wanted to travel to every national park and camp at is a bucket list item for me as well.
She loaded up the camper and drove it to her friends in CA and met up with another friend who would return in 30 days so
they could start their venture: how pie helps me grieve with my loss. making pies on the road.
She starts by researching the other places around town that sell pie. They filmed and showed how pies are made at different
establishments and at others homes: baking parties learning something new at every stop.
Love the idea of the Spur Award and how she uses it not only with horses but other major aspects of her life.
Story of how she is coping with her grief is spot on, even with her thyroid problem.
Judging at the various events was eye opening in what they do to their creations and creatures to be assured a ribbon.
And recipes are included!
The Switch by Sandra Brown
Lawson was in town and had set up a date escort with Maleena. Problem is it was Jillian who had showed up. The girls are identical twins and Maleena needed a night off.
Mercenaries, stock market agents, FBI agents, Cult like organizations are all in this book.
This fast paced and interesting to see what's going to happen and how it involved them all.
Sides have changed and now there's a goal to just survive.
Medical records come to the rescue at the very end to solve all the questions.
Love the different places I was taken to in this book.
Lethal by Sandra Brown
The sick man on the lawn draws Emily and her mom, Honor to go outside.
Honor sees nothing out of the ordinary when she peers outside in the Mississippi bayou.
He attacks her and holds her hostage as he takes her over when she gets close to him.
The attacker, Covern checks out her house and computer to try to find out where Eddie, her husband, who had recently passed away had hid the bonds, or gold or the money.
She knows nothing of any of this.
This story follows what the attacker is thinking and what she is trying to do to get away while
keeping her and her daughter safe.
The reader is also up to date on what the investigation is doing and how close they are to solving the mysteries.
Lot of moles in the police departments and the 'agencies'.
Only His Fool's Gold Series by Susan Mallery
Love the sound of this town, close to the city and in the heart of the mountains and country and wine vineyards nearby.
Nevada was trying to get the next site job. She thought she'd be meeting with the older man, not the son, who she had gone to bed with years prior.
Tucker doesn't know why she won't take the job, she finally agrees and it's so hard to keep business in the forefront because she wants to have sex with him.
Nevada is a triplet, Montana and Dakota are her sisters.
Ethan, her brother took over the family business, when their father unexpectedly had passed away just weeks ago.
He introduced wind turbines and was able to help put all of them through college, putting his education on hold.
This is the town where every main job is done by woman, it still astonishes me!
There is also a story of their mother, Denise. She has hooked up with a man her own age and after they hook up she has a crisis and breakdown because she feels she's betrayed her dead husband.
The building of the casino is in place and on schedule. They have to do some blasting which is new to Nevada.
It started with a kiss and then onto hot steamy sex.
Kat, who had gone out with Tucker 10 years ago is back in town. She is the famous metal sculpture and wants to give the town square a giant vagina.
artist. Kat shares another secret with Nevada.
After the explosion there is a problem that halts further progress on the casino.
Another story is when Jo tells Will of her past and he can't forgive her and move on, he wants to leave.
Nevada's sisters are to be married on the same day, same ceremony. Lot of work for a double wedding.
Love what they did rather than having the wedding cake, so unique.
one summer by David Baldacci
Jack is on his deathbed, but his wife dies and the kids are sent to other homes.
In SC he gets better and rejoins all the kids to be a family again.
Jack returned from the war with many medals is a construction worker and after he had worked 3 hours he was getting pains in his back, legs, all over.
The doctors told him 6 months if he was lucky. They were in Ohio where her family had moved to due to her dads' job relocation.
Jack was getting worse, on oxygen and taking pain meds.
3 kids and he's not sure how they are going to handle his severe illness.
He's written Lizzie letters, numbered, one for the last weeks of his life.
Lizzie wants to spend one summer at the Palace, her summer home and Jack thought her and the kids would enjoy it.
Lizzie leaves to get his meds at the pharmcy, roads are icy and next he's awake and cops are telling him she's dead.
Lot of changes occur when he's in the nursing home when his daughter smiles at him. He does recover and nobody has a clue as to why.
He collects the kids and bring them all to live in Cleveland, Ohio and they will summer at the Palace, that he can fix up. Lizzie's lighthouse is on the property also.
Lizzie's grandmother who had just passed away had left a note with her lawyer for Jack when he showed up with the kids.
Life of living at the beach and the everyday chores and parties, sand angels, all this brings back nice memories.
Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin
Starts out with young teens looking up the date of their 30th birthdays.
Then they are in their late 20's and they have no idea where they are going or what they will be doing.
They grew up together, right next door to one another and did everything together.
Years later: Darcy is to be married and they all go out drinking, problem is Rachel is so drunk she goes to bed with Darcy's boyfriend, Dexter and
it doesn't stop there. Seems he wants to know her better than worry about marrying Darcy.
There are many relationships they each go through and hope they've made the right decisions.
Love trip to England and the castles sound gorgeous.
Bring Me Home for christmas by Robyn Carr
Rich normally comes every year or so to meet up with his other Marine friends to Virgin River to go hunting and flyfishing and to set up the annual Christmas tree in the town square.
Becca was engaged to Denny, one of Rich's friends and they broke up after he had just lost his
mother and signed up for the war.
She's got some time on her hands as she lost her fulltime job teaching and was doing
sub work now but it's a school holiday-the week of Thanksgiving.
It was a total surprise when Becca showed up and Denny flipped out.
A medical mishap and now Becca will be staying for up to 6 weeks time.
While he watches her at night at his place she's at the bar owner's house during the day where the 7yo
and 4yo are around some. Love that she gets to teach them things, especially help to make the Thanksgiving
decorations for the table. The table is so big they move the celebrate to the church hall.
She's also had a chance to talk to Denny to find out what happened with him. We know from previous books
that he left San Diego to go to Virgin River to find his real father, whom his mother said was Jack. They
bonded but it was not Jack at all but the relationship stayed intact as the whole town just helps everybody
out that needs help.
Love again hearing about the locals and what's going on in their lives.
Never know which way things will do with these novels, at times everything seems set in stone then things
crumble to reveal a different ending...
And Mother Nature has to put in her two cents worth!
Hotel Vendome by Danielle Steel
Hugh has built a hotel that is fit for a king or queen. After a few years his wife leaves them and he gets to raise their daughter which he has no problem doing.
His whole life is Heloise and the hotel.
As years go by Heloise also loves the hotel business and applies to a Swiss school to get further training. She gets in and he finds himself lost while she's gone
so he undertakes a new project: redoing some of the larger suites. The designer is one he feels very comfortable with and really likes what she's done with the one
suite, enough to offer her the job of doing the rest.
Heloise is now doing an internship for 6 months in Paris along with her lover but things don't go so well.
She had visited with her mom a few times over the years but she was so wrapped up in her drugs, new babies and her music lover to even give her notice.
Now that she's back in NY with her dad they find their interests are the same and they get to talk about their love for one another and how they can further their
relationship and allow others to come in.
Bright Island by Mabel L. Robinson
ISBN: 9780394809861
First thing that attracted me to this book was that it's about an island. Love islands as I spent many a year in my teens growing up on one local one.
Next thing is the state of Maine. We have traveled around the state and have spent many a week there just discovering new things.
Mary Curtis has 6, 4 living boys who were now all married and living on the mainland and the last child she had a daughter which she named, Thankful.
They were all coming to visit for the day to have a Sunday dinner.
The family has decided come September she will spend time over on the mainland going to regular schools. Spend a few weeks with one relative and then onto
another. Thankful is not too keen as she likes her daily routine of jumping into the frigid ocean for a quick wake up swim, then onto breakfast, feeding the
animals and other chores before she heads out in her sailboat, The Gramp. she misses him so much and loves being so free to do, dress and as she likes on the island.
The mainland will be so different.
The charcoal type drawings throughout the book are interesting to visualize.
Another solution presents itself and that is what Thankful wants and is able to get.
Is this going to be the right choice for her?
Love not only the Latin language, I had picked up a book of my brother's once to study it. but also the knowledge of the winds and sailing. What a lesson!
Highlander traditions, song and dance and everything it stands for comes out in this book.
Not only the weather she knew about but the signs of fall, when certain berries were a certain color, I remember those.
Happy to hear the gift her gramps gave her in his will, priceless!
Wish there was a previous book when the grandfather was alive and teaching her everything.
Getting Rid of Bradley by Jennifer Crusie
She's just gotten divorced and feels free again. Until she gets mugged in the alley.
Bad things lead to her ex-husband, Bradley but she holds the secret.
Somebody blows up her house, many times, her car, and the protection comes to pay a visit and
stay. She has feeling for the cop and he as well.
Lucy can't wait til they find out the person, there are a ton of bank bonds out there
still and a strange double identity.
Comical and serious at the same time.
Mad About the Boy by Suzan Battah
Julia was shopping when Kelly saw her and attempted to meet up with her.
Julia found a cute guy and asked him to be her pretned boyfriend and he agreed to have dinner with her Friday night in exchange.
They finally got rid of Kelly and exchanged cell phone numbers and then left the store.
Kelly was mad that she'd not heard back from Sebastian when she thought Julia was dating him.
By Designs is her company and a lot of the detailed descriptions are about the places she goes through and sees.
She's not felt anything for a man since her husband died 2 years ago.
He is a surfing champion and also is part owner of THE Augustine Hotel there in Miami.
Surfing lessons, like to learn new things with each book I read.
He has the hots for her but is too busy with charity events he has no time for himself.
She has the hots for him and wants him but her dead husbands face keeps coming into her line of vision and she feels like she'd be out of line by forgetting him and moving onto another man.
After a long time in the hospital recuperating from a car crash her mother in law comes to the rescue and gets her to not feel guilty and to start eating again.
He whisked her away for a few days to a pivate island where we find it a hot and steamy scene.
They return after much needed relaxation to their jobs which leave them but just a few hours every week to get together with one another.
The wedding of her girlfriend finally happens and he has had a visit from his fathers wife, leaving Dylan the 4 yo at his apartment, til she takes him back from the nursery school.
Health issues arise leaving him very concerned about her.
Death, custody and other major things happen that keep them away from one another and at the same time bring them together.
Will they ever be at a place where both of them can come together?
First Impressions by Jude Deveraux
Eden Palmer was sent away when as a teen she became pregnant from a rape on her way home. She ended up filing papers for a woman in the Carolinas. When her son was released from jail, a sex pedophile, she had
to leave and journeyed to NY where she got a job in the publishing field and raised her 5 yo daughter. Now she's notified she owns the house as both the mother and her son are gone. Her daughter is pregnant and
expecting her first. Eden decides to check out the house and spend some time with the longtime residents still alive.
Jared McBride is sent to find out things about this woman as her name was on a paper that a spy swallowed before he died. He's been part of special ops for many years and is recuperating, taking things slow as his leg heals. He will take up residency in the 'washroom' where he will spend time fishing and relaxing.
Because she attacked him in her house when he was attempting to reset the breakers she felt bad and invited him to live in her house so it'd be easier to feed him.
Love how the garden helped solved some riddles and puzzles and mysteries in this book. Learned a few things about wisteria as well.
The history of the garden was fascinating and going to look awesome once planted. Excellent finish.
If You Were My Man by Francis Ray
Mathailda owns the prestigious restaurant in South Carolina.
Rafael is on duty with his special ops buddies, he mostly talks others down or out of the line of fire.
They have started dating and family gets in the way. Her sister is in town and bad things start happening at the restaurant.
And now she is pregnant.
His sisters and family come to the rescue towards the end of the book to get them both to realize what's important.
Lord of the Mullets by A. M. Sawyer
A mythical magical land...
Matilda and Sasha rule the world. They make things appear and can control the king.
He has nothing left worth any value.
King does tell the women the weaknesses of the enemy surrounding them on all accounts.
Now the women take their time to travel to the different parts to conquer the enemies there so they can rule.
Fred, George and Billy have no one to ask for a loan so they can get money for beer. They are the southern army, Trailer Country better known as. A black cloud appears and afflicts pain and hurt on everybody but the 3 boys. The others are withering in pain and seem to have a hangover.
The boys wander around to try to figure out what's going on.
On their way to cut off the witches from destroying a town they hit the gun shack and armor themselves with what they will need.
Each chapter we find them at a different location and it's explained how they got there and why
they are there and how it will help them beat the witches and warn the others.
Lots of quests, almost like Lord of the Rings, and the Three Musketeers along with several other movies.
There is so much to get out of this book. At times it's also like a comic book series with the 'SLAP' and
other action words. I like where they go and what they do to achieve the final outcome. Didn't see that ending coming.
One Easter Basket by Cindy Bracken ASIN: B007GE8JF6
Illustrated, very colorful children's book.
Starts out with one Easter basket and it is a counting
game as to what goes in the basket on each page. After
it's all counted I can imagine it would be a very nice
Lion Pictures by G. Alexander ASIN: B0074B6UTI
A colorful book that has fifty pictures of lions.
Different species of lions and mostly shows them
sitting in their environment in the tall grass.
Fish Pictures Volume 3 ASIN: B00746N6AY by G. Alexander
A colorful book that has 49 pictures of fish.
The book shows a lot of different types of fish
and different colors, some are at an aquarium and
in their own tank, some share the tank with their
Baby Farm Animals by Cindy Bracken ASIN: B006M1TKDO
Illustrated and very colorful book about baby farm
It not only tells you what the adult animal is called
but what the baby animal is called.
It's Wintertime, Freddie Frog by Karl and VonLogan Brimhall
Illustrated children colorful book about a frog that is
wondering why instead of seeing summer insects and bugs
there is white snow falling from the sky.
Snowmen, shovels, hockey pucks and icicles are what he
finds when he looks around at the snow.
The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland
A few things struck my interest: an island, word summer and sky is blue.
Just two things I like to get out of every book I read: learn something new and to be
taken away to a new place. This book has that and much more.
Her whole life was planned out for her, as were her other brothers and sisters lives.
College, law school and then the family law firm. Just before graduation she had gotten
a note that Aunt Tilly wanted her to spend the summer with her at the Outer Banks in NC.
The island with the bed and breakfast is in the outer banks, loved hearing of the wild ponies
when Nicholas Sparks wrote about it.
They never talked about Aunt Matilda but they agreed to let her go for one month and then she
could come back and work a month as an intern.
She and her sister were planning on what she could do there, cooking was a high priority and a summer romance.
She loved to cook but her mother when caught, would scold her and tell her she's never to cook, always to be served.
She hopes to be able to cook this summer and meets a challenge when she can pick out what spices were in the fish the first night she was on the island.
When she arrived some bad things happened and some good things. It was not at all like she
expected and there were other family secrets as well. Why had no one even talked about the secrets so deeply hidden....
Love detailed descriptions of all the lush vegetation on the island.
Wow and to learn about surfing, never knew about a guard before.
And I love the indepth secret of the family, as more is revealed and more is hidden.
Love combinations of foods and spices, gives me an idea of what to use in my own homemade muffins.
I did laugh out loud when she answered the phone thinking it was her sister and it was her mother and she told her where she was. I never laugh out loud, it was SO unexpected.
Glassblowing, love to watch the artist do this craft in person, such a treasure to hear the objects being described.
Love the ending and wish there was another book as in a series, the next part...
Only The Strongest Survive by Ian Fox
This book starts out with a kidnapping of the CEO of a huge company that is worth billions in the stock market.
Although I don't normally read thriller books this one held my interest because of the many aspects of it.
The book concentrates on those who now run the company and the decisions they make with Emeily gone-they are still not sure if it was a kidnapping or she just needed a week away from things.
Love the story line and learning about the stock market.
Her life is spared, brought back to life and must now live where she has no outside contact with others but has transferred 2 million dollars to John. She had taken over his familys company several years ago and now John wants what the company was really worth-10 million.
One brother, Ronald has no idea she is alive again, last he left her was in the ground in a coffin, buried.
I am caught up in the moment of reading this and I can't seem to read fast enough to find the answers I want.
John leaves many nights and from her basement room she can hear the alarm that sounds when one comes and goes into the complex.
The story goes back in time as to how she got the position she held at the company and then to the present: She does get to spend some time with John as she advises him what to buy and sell and they get to talk about the past. She gets to know him.
Love the explanations of how to buy and sell and why.
Journalism during war or earthquakes was a new one for me.
I am totally petrified for her and then he announces he will set her free.
There is some sex and at times it appears to be rather brutal and at other times it's just a passion for sex.
The Perfect Family by Kathryn Shay
When her senior year son comes out she is there to support him and others are also but it has
caused such a drastic change in his other relationships with others in town and his immediate friends.
Jamie has made a pact with his friend that they would both tell their mothers today. Luke didn't and told Jamie this. Jamie writes a journal to get his thoughts down on paper.
His mother, Maggie feels a lot of things, she's happy if Jamie is happy. Maggie would tell her husband, Michael tonight. Michael wonders if something he did or didn't do when the child was growing up could've stopped Jamie from being gay. Michael says the church says being gay is a sin.
Discusses how others take the news as they are told.
Other family secrets come to light also.
Therapy group is an eye opener Everything is going on an even keel, as much as can be expected when he is in charge of the blood drive at the school and prom season is approaching and he plans to go with his male date we find others who will not allow them to go to pre parties together, parents who want to escape by having an affair, and a suicide attempt.
Buried in Buttercream A Savannah Reid Mystery by G.A. McKevett
Something about the title made me want to read this book.
From the first page it's action packed and a mystery all in one. She won't just stand there
and let things happen. She is a policewoman and on her wedding day, just an hour before it
was to happen the community hall where it was to take place burns and with all her wedding
apparel and that of the bridesmaids. She looks at the crowd and figures out who it is and goes
after them. She then goes home to where her whole family and extended family are staying overnight in the tiny house with her and her grandmother. They've eaten most of the wedding meal and cake also. All I can think is: oh man, what next...
3 attempts and they are still not married but are trying to track down a killer. Leads them to
investigate at the local strip club and travel to Las Vegas and the islands off the coast.
Other catastrophes occur and other mysteries that I don't think they will ever get to get
married in this book, maybe the next one.
Summer Days By Susan Mallery
Rafe Stryker has come back to Fool's Gold, he just couldn't say no to his mother.
Heidi Simpson came to get her goat that had blocked Rafe from going any further.
She sold goat products and that made the mortgage payments.
Fool's Gold is a town where the fire chief is a woman, the police chief is a woman,
lawyer who is a female, Judge is a woman, baliff is a woman, you get the picture.
This is the first Fool's Gold book I've read and didn't realize there was a lack of
men in town.
His mother had given Glen $250,000 to buy his ranch, he never owned it and the money
went to a friend for medical expenses.
Never knew the things I learned about goats in this book, and about wine, glad they explained.
Judge has given them a few weeks til she can reach a decision. Her lawyer thinks
the solution is for Heidi to have sex with Rafe.
Glen and May, Rafe's mother have romantic tendencies. They are all living in the farm house
as it's a waste of money to stay at the lodge for indefinite length of time til the judge
gets back to them.
They decide to build up the ranch, fences, barn building and inside of the farmhouse to bring
it up to standards.
Spring festival sounds great, food, crafts and the locals all getting together and on Mothers Day
May was bringing in more animals to the farm, sheep, llamas and others to arrive she said.
Rafe had looked over the new casino and 300 room hotel and was hoping when he won the ranch back he
could build a 100 home complex for the workers of the casino.
After spending the night together Heidi discovers the plans and thinks she has been betrayed. she will end up with nothing because he will win the ranch. Love the decision the judge did have to make.
His mom surprises them all with her purchases and he has no idea where that money came from.
All this and steamy hot sex makes this an excellent read and I will now go find the others in the series because I know they will just as good as this one.
The Perfect Christmas by Debbie Macomber
Cathy has decided to use a professsional matchmaker as she's had no luck on her own or her girlfriends blind dates.
Simon is the professional psychologist that has a dating service as well.
He's told her she needs to do a few tasks first then she will meet Mr. Right-John.
She's a bell ringer around the Christmas holidays near a store and finds some good people out there and some not so good people that left money for the pot.
Her next task is to fly in to meet Santa from up above the ceiling then help him with picture taking sessions.
Next task is to put on a dinner for her neighbors.
These are very trying tasks and things don't go just right but Simon is there to pick up the pieces.
Hounds and Heroes by Bill Miller
The Hunt was allowed access to the farms every year. It was just the understanding that the farmers would move their animals to other pastures so the fox population would be kept under control.
Carly had begun to see a nightly fox to their farm at nightfall.
She hoped to ride with the Hunt one day.
She lived on the farm and her grandfather took care of her.
Charcoal drawings of what's going on appear in the book.
This is the story of a hound, Hampton that starts out lead on the hunt, loses the scent and relaxes in the stream for a minute and then gets separated from the others and ends up running for miles
and finds himself in the city-very unfamiliar territory.
After school her friend Freddie and her got on dirt bikes and rode to see if they could find the hound dog. They did find some prints....
There are places that the speaker is the hound himself and also the US Vet and what is going through their minds.
Fred's disappearance brought them all together.
They are calling Carly the hero for following Hampton.
Thanksgiving Hunt is what happens next and it's a very troubled time with the train coming and the Hunt heading towards the train...
Summer's Child by Luanne Rice
This is the first story of Mara Jameson. She had gotten married and was pregnant. Then she just disappeared and years later no one had
heard of her again.
Patrick Murphy is the retired state police detective who is intrigued by the reports of Maya and tries to track her down by clues left.
Her parents are dead and she had lived with her grandmother, Mauve. Mauve's best friend, Clara grew up together in the seaside town of
Hubbard's Point.
At Cape Hawk Rose plays with Jessica and it's close to her birthday and she has high hopes of seeing the whale, Nanny who comes to visit her
every summer.
Capt Hook is the local oceanographer and has a love interest in Lily
and captain of the ferry where he has an office near Rose's mom yarn shop where Rose's mom, Lily rented the store along with
an apartment for them both.
Jessica can't even tell her best friend that her birthday is the same date as Roses cuz her dad might come find them and make them go back
to live with him. She has bad dreams of what he did to a dog. She is now happy to be away from him where nobody knows them.
hate how the husband they ran away from uses the interent to get others to send him money and to trick her into sending a message under one
of her alias names. He will be able to track down where she is now. Reminds me of one coming into an authors chat saying her daughter and
family had gotten burnt out of their home and she loves to read. Ended up getting the author to send her books and I'm thinking to myself
what's wrong with the free library? Hope it didnt happen and I do hate scammers.
Cool to have all these various stories connected by just one person. Like how the stories are all told.
Love new things this book has taught me, pocket rosary also known as chapette, i've made these for nursing home.
Also pine needle pillows-how neat of an idea!
This book follows Rose's journey to better health.
There are just a few things that link this whole book and all the characters together. What a tale!
The Joyous Hills by Peggy Gaddis
Ben picked her up at the train station and she didn't like his choice of cars.
She can't just give up her career when he's ready to retire.
Sally Jardin is at the home to recuperate from everythings that's happened. It's just been too much too fast.
The place is in the country and it takes some time to not only get used to the residents living there but also the animals that come by often.
Dr. Seth Wayne is an aboringine and is Ben's grandfather and his job is to restore the flowers that city folk will just rip out of the ground.
She had talked him into giving free talks to children so he could educate the kids on what and how to pick flowers so they'd not be ruined. She got what she wanted in the long run.
He is a world reknown botantist, reminds me of Grandpa on The Walton's, He had a Masters degree in botany also.
Illusions of Love by Cynthia Freeman
Leaving France after the war he made his way to USA and then to Panama to get to the west. Although sick someone helped him and he continued his journey. struck it rich in CA and staked others money so they could dig for gold. His parents had died and now the rest of the family wanted to stay in Jerusalem and not to the USA. He felt there was nothing worth living for. He was introduced to Sarah and married her.
Martin has met Jenny again after 25 years and now he's not going to let anybody
stand in their way. Before it was religion and he gave in and married whom his parents
wanted him to.
Silvia-who his parents picked for Martin
Martin never feels like he's earned being the head of they dynasty so he leaves CA for NY to head up his college roommates firm.
Martin and Jenny make decisions that makes them happy til after his father is taken ill and Martin flies back to CA.
Like The First Time by Francis Ray
A few woman get laid off due to bad economic times and one other wants to get with them to do something she's put off her whole life.
One is good at selling, one at making beauty products and one has all the money. They can go in together and make it work.
Although they put their all into this project some of their spouses or loved ones think they have made a mistake. This book follows
their lives and how they are able to accomplish it all and what they've had to give up for it.
Such an awesome idea for things you can do at home but it's more work than just for one person on their own.
Such a diverse group of women, strong, easy to keep track of them and their loved ones.
Keeping Secrets & Telling Lies by Trice Hickman
About a black woman who marries a white male. That's only the start of their problems. It's not them that have the problem
but others in their lives just don't accept it. They are both highly successful people in the buisness world and they have a
5 yo daughter who goes to the prestigous schools. When Victoria goes to sign her up she sees an old boyfriend who had cheated
on her. He's there with his son to register him for the same school. She sees him at the wedding of her friend because he's
there with his cousin Samatha. Ted's mother is very ill and not expected to live but a few days so he hightails it to Boston
to be with her and the siblings. What is learned will not only shatter his life but the whole family.
He was also handed an envelope at the funeral that he didn't open til later.
He didn't tell his wife everything either.
She didn't tell her husband everything either.
Scrapbook Of Secrets by Mollie Cox Bryan
The group of woman who meet to work on their scrapbooking have found out some interesting things. Weird things like one of their mothers getting stabbed in the neck, not feeling it, but having to be operated on. Their way home they drove by the one who had died to discover her husband had cleaned out all his wives things, all her scrapbooking so the woman take it all so they can go through it
later. They do not think she committed suicide as she had young children. They hope to find more clues to back up the fact that they think she was murdered. One thing they find out had brought in a lot of money for the family.
The chapters are very short and there are a lot of them. I do not think with everybody involved that I could even tell you who is married to who and what kids they have. There are just so many people.
The mystery becomes more than that as other things come to light and things are happening to others in the community.
Love the glossary of terms used, tips and tricks and how to do scrapbooking. Also love that this is a series and there is more to come of the same type of mysteries with most of the same group of people. This means that maybe I'll be able to keep the characters straight.
Fortune's Secret Baby by Christyne Butler
Cooper Fortune has just recently found out through a DNA test that he is the father of Anthony. He had met and hooked up with a woman in Minnesota when he
was traveling and he moved on after 6 months. She became pregnant and never told him, just dropped the baby off at a relatives house nearby along with
the coin. The coin holds a mystery for those who have one.
This story is also about the family unit, the extended family and friends in the town of Red Rock, Texas.
He starts to date the horse trainer, Kelsey Hunt that lives above the stables and really finds himself falling in love with her and her with him.
He has moved into one of the houses on the ranch so he can not only be nearer to his sister in law, who will lend a hand with the baby, but his horse, Silo.
Health tragedy brings the whole family together.
OK book , wish we could've learned more about her being a horse whisperer or a mystery about the coins.
Descriptions of the scenery was good.
The Daddy Catch by Leigh Duncan
Dan Hamilton is a surgeon who is interested in some land where he could build the medical center. The proceeds from that will
fund the community center for foster kids who have aged out of the system. He is a mentor to many of them and as the original
group of guys wants to go to Belize to fly fish he needs to learn how to. He wants to build condos.
Jess Cofer, widowed 5 years ago runs her late husbands fly fishing store. She wants to only preserve the land where the shop is
located. She is all into the preserving of the land.
She agrees to teach him how to fly fish after taking a Saturday lesson with dads and their kids. He takes private lessons one day
a week, then teaches the foster kids what he's learned.
She's helping him locate equipment for the foster kids on learn with.
Besides the romance I do like this book a lot, takes me to places i've never been, very descriptive area.
Also i feel with what i've read about fly fishing in this book that i could probably cast and not be too bad at it. Again very descriptive
about that, the fish, the equipment, how to tie flies, beach areas, scenery of Florida makes this a well rounded book to read.
Dan really gets along with her son Adam and includes him when he can.
An Innocent in Paradise by Kate Carlisle
Logan Sutherland and his twin own the whole Carribean island and the buildings on it.
Grace Farrell works as a waitress for their bar til she tips all the drinks over and Logan rescues
the rest. He finds out she's never done this type of work but is willing to do any job he wants her to so she can continue her research into the rare spores that are on the island for medical research.
He's given her one week to learn the job or she's off the island.
He starts to watch her at work and they spend time together. He talks to her of his plans for a sports center and she talks of her spores and what they can mean to the world for cures for diseases.
His father and brother show up with their friends who are the architect/designers and they spend a whole day just going over the whole island.
Little does Grace know what they have decided but she ends up seeing some plans that were old ones but she jumped to the wrong conclusions.
Will they ever be able to be together?
The One She Left Behind by Kristi Gold
Sam, his ex wife Darlene and their daughter, Jamie.
Savannah Greer left town as a teen but is back for her fathers funeral.
After the funeral all the people her age arrange for a get together. When in high school they were known as the 6 pack club and didn't go anywhere without one another.
Time to catch up with what everyone is doing and with whom they are with.
Her and her mom, Ruth are having a hard time getting along, they've drifted apart over the 10 years Savvy has been gone.
small town festivals are really cool to hear about, all the activities and the food.
Only Hers
Shannon is a nurse that needs some downtime so for a few weeks she travels to one of her patients cabins in the woods but she's met with the landowner. Matt brings her to the ranch house where the housekeeper, Octavia makes her feel welcome. She has a letter that says she
can stay for a few weeks time. The patient has since died now and the turmoil over the land is in upheaval. They have to work it out for themselves so she starts to learn how the horse ranch works by doing the chores involved.
Heart of the Falcon
Dam meets Madeline-one of his friends sisters, in the city. They share lunch and some sight seeing around San Antonio.
He thinks nothing of going 900 miles to get the pair of boots he likes. They both work in the petroleum industry and are
bound to run into one another again as he's moving his business to Houston.
Shes pregnant and he's responsible and does take care of her medically. She befriends his mother and they get close and
she's off to visit with her relatives.
Twins party was not the place to tell the family. just to enjoy the madhouse of all relatives meeting to celebrate.
Also touches on the romance of Felicia and John Henry.
Break Every Rule:
This last book of the saga is about Domonica Falcon, she's just returned from Paris and wants to start her business in town.
Trent is a guy who got a break from a trucker who know trusts him and his wife with their decisions, business and on the house front. He is the supervisor for her store.
Interesting to learn about the trucking business.
Others in the family have a bit of time in this book also.
Her photography business can't seem to get off the ground and he offers to help with a business plan and introductions to others at a dinner party.
read 3/6/12 pub aug 1, 2012
Angel of the cove by Sandra Robbins
The description of what this book is about first struke me as one I had to read. Reminds me of
Mary Ellen of the Waltons and how she wanted to get on her horse and visit all the mountain people
as they had no means to get to town to see a doctor.
Anna is on her way to her a midwifes home, Uncle Charles the country doctor in his buggy are taking her
to the Cove where Granny Lawsom lives.
The descriptions of the flowers along the way sound beautiful.
She's only going to be on the mountain til the fall when nursing school starts. Or if God has another
path for her to follow.
Such a simple life, self sustaining and you trade food with others for the food they have.
Granny knows enough about the plants and how to use them to make medicine.
Ah love the explanation of a honeymoon cabin, barn raisings, like to learn new things with each book I read.
Lot of praying to God, inspiritational moments and bible scriptures.
Simon the preacher has also taking a liking to Anna and hopes she will stay at the cove and not go to NY.
Anna doubted she could do nursing after a wounded man comes to Granny's to get stitched up. She left the
area and sneeked back into her bedroom, she just couldn't face them.
The man's son the next day brought a loaf of bread in lieu of payment.
The lessons in herbs and what they could do to make a person feel better was a tremendous help to Anna.
God provided the plants to grown.
Bible stories are told to the children who are in Anna's care after their mother gave birth and the father
travel to get the mothers sister to help out.
After birth the baby is wrapped in the fathers shirt, what a legend/tradition, 4th of July pitching silver dollars.
Carefree lifestyle but when work needed to be done there was no whining, everybody pitched in.
When Simon kissed her she sent him away and they rarely now met at others houses.
She's got the healing hands as she breathes life back into a lifeless body, an angel they call her.
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