Peace During the Pain by Cheri Swalwell
Book starts out with a listing of other works by the author and how to obtain them, along with a free ebook offer for signing up for her newsletter.
Dedication and introduction pages are included.
Was very interested in reading this book because my daughter has been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease and a 50/50 chance of a cure.
The hardest part is our physical locations as we are on opposite sides of the US. Don't get updates but doing this at her pace, which is fine with us.
What I love about this book is that it handles each diagnosis differently but there are many similarities-cancer is cancer and God is there along side us prior to the diagnosis and during and after.
Love the scriptures and how each has selected some that have helped them get through the hard parts.
Stories brought tears to my eyes: some died, some survived but it was the journey and fight each took up that made me know we can fight what my daughter has also.
Note from the author, acknowledgements and contributors pages are included at the very end so you know what others have done after writing their journey.
This book gives us more than hope and so glad we were able to read it at this time in our lives. Still doing biopsies but the main threat has been diminished. Enlist the help of friends prayers as it will help.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Recipe for a Husband by Anne Greene
Sounds like such a fun read from this author that I love reading her works.
This one starts in Bar Harbor, Maine a place we have visited. It's 1940's.
Her younger daughter and her are near the ocean and the man is being pushed from the sea into the rocks.
Nessie is blind and runs the lighthouse and she was able to rescue the man from the ocean.
Nessie has also tended to his broken leg after removing his pants. It's just October and they talk of the Thanksgiving holiday approaching in 4 weeks time. He's from Austrailia.
Love that the mother knits even though she's blind, just like me. Love hearing of the cookbook and the recipes inside along with a verse from the Bible-so cool!
Their father/husband had died 3 months ago. Kyle recuperates in the area and is looking forward to going back home to his sheep farm.
Like hearing of the work schedule for the week-very similar to mine but she also climbs the 100 steps to the light to maintain it. They are not sure they can maintain it during the winter months so they will advertise with hopes of getting married before the holiday.
They have to search the nearby waters for Germans...Love they can walk to the harbor to get lobsters right off the boat-she will cook dinner for the potential husband.
Recipes included. Kyle will be present when she entertains the man at dinner but he's got an ache in his heart....
Love hearing more of the locale as I know there are islands nearby that you can find sand dollars on!
Beautiful Thanksgiving love story. Light read, fun and did I mention the recipes are included-priceless!
Other works by the author are summarized at the end. Felt this story had a bit of everything-something for everyone including: God, romance, mystery, comical encounters with spouses to be, mysteries of the sea, cooking with love.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Split Screen Scream by Debra Parmley
Christie is attending the movie by herself as her girl friend's fur babies are ill. They had agreed to dress up and she's done just that.
She sits near a beefy type of man and gets involved with the movie. It's action packed and lots of adventure-he's scrunitizing the stunts as he does them also.
He notices a shooter nearby and in time he yells at everyone to get down as his arm lands on the woman pushing her towards the floor. The man has a gun and Chrsitie knows she's going to die.
Reed kicks the shooters gun out of the way and call's 911. Everybody else in the theater had to turn their phones in upon entrance. There are others who have been shot and he gave the information to the dispatcher.
Christie helps put a tounirquet on one man's arm while he helps the other.
Reed helps her put gas in her car not realizing she's in a real bad part of town with men lingering around-he folows her home and she's safe now.
Like interaction they continue to have but fear remains...
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
The Monarch and the Moth by Vincent James Vezza
Changes and adjusting to them. You hear the perspective from the moth and caterpillar and the frogs and tadpoles.
Grandchildren who are also cousins to one another have their own perspective as well and their own ideas and want to incorporate them into a video with audio explanation.
Grandfather helps guide them in the right direction. Love hearing about Saint Francis and his love of animals.
Grateful to hear how the children pursue the endeavor after they've left, also how grandparents keep them informed.
Especially like the bonds created by doing things together.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
The Mistletoe Bachelor Auction by Milou Koenings
Have read other works by this author and was excited for the invite to read this one.
Starts out with Rose, a model and she's in hiding and among her sister and friends. She's hiding because of the media that is hounding her.
Story also follows a fireman, Ryan and his friends set him up to be in the bachelor auction and Rose is to be a date for one of them.
We learn how Rose's brother is in charge and he wants to remake her business-set her up a perfume and makeup type business that will give his main company money in the long run.
Love that he doesn't know a thing about her and she tells him she's there to meet with a medical team to help with makeup on victims of terrible accidents or those with cancer.
She is donating her time to reading to children at library during the week before Christmas. Love hearing of the events of the town, Pine Grove.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Sweet Peppermint Kisses by Josie Riviera
Chiara Johnson is driving to her new employment-a woman who has suffered some injuries from a horse fall.
The horse escaped from the fence area and ran out into the street and the boys in the car were injured and she stopped to help them out. She's late for her interview so the local cop escorts her to explain why she's so late..
Gertrude is the woman healing from her injuries and her brother Vance is the one in charge. He is writing an app about dating-she's gotten burned once from using one in the past. He takes a liking to her and he's allowed her to dress up the place with holiday decorations.
Love the idea of the book club-and there's only 2! Love hearing how they recycle items around the house.
She is also physically attracted to him and he wants her to bring her younger sister to help them celebrate the holidays. The family never celebrated...the grandparents always just maintained the horse farm and house to do anything else.
Misunderstandings and jealousy and her sister is missing-she fears heading to the ice that's not frozen yet... Like hearing how they celebrate with the children, what a treasure.
Love how the book got it's name and also the recipe at the end. Surprise ending.
Note from the author is included about the book. Great short story, can't wait to try the treats!
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
The Leftover Bride by Alicia Street
Book starts out with contact sites, praise and awards, synopsis of the book, and table of contents.
Like the Farmer and the Dell when the girls are dancing around at the wedding...
Heidi had lent Bailey money for the shop when it opened now she's needing another loan...
Story also follows Devon who's a local photographer and has known the girls since when they were very young.
Love that he wants to photograph the girls with the hats they make. Bailey makes soap and is looking for not only a partner but someone willing to help with the finances.
Neil shows an interest in her but at the party she sees him with another. Devon is in love but he tries to keep his distance from Bailey...
Neil has many marketing plans that will probably work especially with her fiances and selling the gifts he has lined up....
Bailey had agreed to new marketing and now finds herself desperate to get out of the deal-not much of her brand is even in the store any longer...
Love how the story goes back to the farmer and the dell, wicked funny there! Miracles do happen. Other works by the author are highlighted and praised at the end.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Angel Falls by Kristin Hannah
Starts out with a young boy whos surprised his mom by saddling her house and it's Halloween. After the accident the kids accompany their dad Michael-a doctor to the hospital til they know more.
He calls her mother and she comes the next day to help with the children and pray for her daughter's recovery. She's in a coma now...such heartbreak as they try to continue on with their lives while praying and hoping Mika comes out of the coma.
Leo figures out what triggers her memory and he has to make a hard decision to contact her first husband. Just when that is all devastating there are other hard choices and things Leo and Mika had planned to tell the kids together...
She has to come to some hard truths and let those who she cares for know what's in her heart.
Didn't see this ending, but it's a great story.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Sweet Blizzard by Milou Koenings
Lauren had left the plane but was shaken from the ride.
Story also follows Trey who rescues her from the blizzard. Takes her back to his cabin while he writes his next big book seller while she recuperates.
She's in town for the Black family, who he knows and he's finding himself intrqued by her and disattracting.
Wandering around in town she learns of the fate of the bookstore and library. She learns of other perks and is contemplating a big move on her part.
She's fond of Trey and I love their bantering on book subjects-even the kids ones, some I've yet to read myself.
Blizzard carnival around the town square help the town recoup some financial losses.
Interesting they he had spent time in prison and why...Love that some of the characters from other stories in the series are making appearances here-what a PLUS!
Easy to keep track of charcters, great read! Excerpt and other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
The Christmas Sparkle Test by Alicia Street
Other works listed by the author.
Story staarts out with Heidi and her sister Bailey and their father, Hank is there enjoying breakfast.
He's remarried to Cybil and hopes the kids will give her a chance to love his new wife and her kids.
Story goes back in time to when the girls were younger, 10 years prior.
Love the location and hearing of places we've visited over the years and the good memories.
We learn how Connor takes the blame and the reason he left her but not til the later years...
There is so much to this short story but it tells the whole story. Author has a way of brinigng it all together, covering both sides.
Very unpredictable ending, prescious! Love how the book got it's title.
About the author is attached at the end.
Other works by the author are praised at the end.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
A Team Macachek Christmas Anthology by Jean Gordon
Three stories in this book.
Holiday Escape by Jean C. Gordon
It was to be Bridget's wedding day. Instead she's at the airport and waiting for her connecting flight to get away from it all.
Jeff died doing his job at the US Embassy overseas...she's going to go on the cruise to the Caribbean. Luke she notices at the airport-she was his PT teacher and he's hot to look at.
He and his older uncle are on the 'no holiday' cruise that means no holiday music or decorations.
What I really liked about this story was that I've never been on a cruise and was so fun to hear about all the other activities available off the ship.
Is it possible this could just be a once in a lifetime and they can end it at the end of the cruise... Excerpt from another in the series is included.
A Team Macachek Christmas
Lauren is taking finals, NY and he's left her behind after the break up text.
She's moved on and she's helping by giving her mother money after their separation.
Lauren is cleaning rooms and runs into Jessie as he's there for the Christmas party. She's used her money to buy gifts for relatives and the car and has no money for her books...
Mom wants her to contact her dad and get money from him.
Story also follows Jessie and he's there in town for the party but she gets under his skin, as always.
Like how they work together and you get to hear each of their side to the story.
What I love about this book is I've read the latest book in the saga and it helps me understnad what happened prior-fills in the missing pieces for me.
.Love hearing about all the decorations and the surprise he has for her for Christmas.
Christmas Pizza to the Rescue
Royce has received a note from Athena who's delivered a message from the bride-she eloped with another.
Story also follows Samatha who is delivering pizza to the motorcross builidng saving to pay for her sister's education.
Love what she discovers in the interview when they are snowed in.
Never thought of making a pizza in the shape of a Christmas tree-so cool!
Like how this collides with characters from the other stories, wicked cool!
Miscommunication and misunderstandings and you wonder if they can overcome it all and get back together.
Great read.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Death & Damages: A Mystery and Thriller Collection
I was able to read a review copy: Double Blind by Dan Alatore from this collection.
Have read the authors other works and loved them.
This one, although a bit out of my regular genre is a mystery but sample chapters sounded interesting and worth a read.
Starts with a trucker being killed and the whole scene is detailed with everything the killer is doing.
Others also end up killed. Found it a bit confusing as there are many scenes with different people and so far nobody is connected.
Like how the investigators are collecting the clues that are left behind to track the killer down.
Things escalate as the cops realize he's after them now... lots of action, adventure, mystery, horror filled scenes as one is being killed.
Enjoyed the read, give it a try yourself.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Shhh! by Barroux
Book starts with colorful children's pages showing the darkness.
Simple sentences and some pages with no words leaving it to the child to imagine what's going on from the pictures.
Shows various animals and how they are going to sleep for the night.
Best part is about the sheep! Cute young children's story.
Received this review copy from Quarto Publishing Group - words & pictures from Netalley and this is my honest opinion.
#Shhh #NetGalley
Every breath by Nicholas Sparks
Story starts with how the book came about by the author. Book starts with a man in Africa and his life there as a guide into the bush, as his family has done for years.
He's heading to the US, everything is set...he's to meet his bio dad. He says goodbye to his son and ex wife before heading to the airport. Drew's father, who's dying, was to arrive in a few days...
He wanders the beach and rescues a woman's dog, Hope who recdeived Scotty from her boyrfriend of 6 years.
We learn about Hope who summered at Sunset Beach and the cottage is now being sold-she's a nurse at the trauma center-Josh is a doctor. She's really there for a friends wedding.
Alternating chapters from each so you hear both sides of the same story...
Super unique area-Kindred Spirit, love what it stands for as generations have used it.
Sex scene. She wants to follow her dream.. story continues several decades later and she's downsizing and heading back to the ocean seashore to think of what she had given up...
AUthors stories usually have been ending with one happy and one tragically sad and this is similar to that theme.
Author fills in missing pieces of their lives over the lost years. Love learning about the locale and far away places and things that happen there.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Santa's sleigh is on its way to Pittsburgh, a Christmas adventure by Eric James
Chilren's story about how the child has to be asleep before Santa will visit. Things don't quite go like a regular night though.
Listened to this but am sure the book has very colorful pictures as they are described perfectly.
Rhyming sentences and the child has such a fright! Cute story.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The magic school bus on the ocean floor by Joanna Cole
Crazy class trip when the bus turns into a special vehicle that can go under the water. The teachers likes the kids to learn up close. They have air tanks and can get out of the bus to see all the creatures that live on the ocean floor.
So many fun facts about the life under the water.
Life guard is a trip!
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The magic school bus lost in the solar system by Joanna Cole
Story is written in a differnet order but all the parts are there.
Trip day in school and they are to visit the planetarium. Like all the different voices as I listen to this.
One of the kids states their school is better, higher, etc than the ones the bus leaves from.
Lots of information is given while on the bus. The planetrium is closed for the day but the bus turns into a rocket and they are on their way of another crazy trip.
Then they find themselves floating-they are in space with spacesuits as the bus as turned into a vehicle that can travel on the planets.
They visit the moon, sun then all the planets in order. So fun to learn about the solar system in this way-from a kids point of view.
Love the question and answer section.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The amusement park mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Kids are going to visit their cousins on Surprise Island where they have spent time at the amusement center. The Carousel horses are a big hit.
Especially loved the part where the owners joined the cousins for a meal and we learn of the history of the horses and how they came to be at their park.
Scary parts and you wonder if they will be able to gather all the clues and solve the mysteries!
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Benny uncovers a mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Two brothers take jobs at the local department store. Lots of things go missing and some new things just appear out of nowhere.
Benny goes out of his way with deliveries to please the customers. Boys implemnt ideas on how to catch whoever is doing things at the store.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The camp-out mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner
First time reading this author and looking forward to it because I am always looking for new books for my grandson to read.
Alden children are on their camping trip with their grandfather. Love hearing how they prepare for the trip-as they are packing the car.
They get mixed signals from others as they shop for food and check into the camp site. They wonder why not a lot of people are there and discover a lot of different reasons: noise, bats, missing things.
Lots of mysteries for the children to solve...medical emergency and love how everyone works together, everybody has their own jobs to do. What I like about listening to this book is you hear all the sounds as they happen, doors squeaking open, bags getting packed, etc
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Easy Quesadilla Cookbook (Quesadillas Cookbook, Quesadillas Recipes, Quesadilla Cookbook, Quesadilla Recipes, Quesadillas 1) by Chef Maggie Chow
Book starts with other works by the author, table of contents where recipes are in no specific order.
Chart showing abbreviations used then the recipes.
Each recipe starts out with a title, ingredients and directions. Shows serving size, chart showing prep and cook time and total time.
Nutritonal information: Calories, fat-NOT broken up into good or bad, carbs, protein, cholesterol and sodium each based on 2000 calorie diet.
A few basic recipes I might consider making as I know I can substitute for our healthier dietary needs: low sodium, low fat and low sugar products along with fresh vs. canned.
There are NO pictures.
Bunny Bath by Heather Herzog, Cat Eskey
Colorful children's story about a bunny and his bath routine.
I do not like the font size changes in every other word but I do like the numbers on the pages making this a two for one book.
Cute story but I've seen better.
Fashion climbing by Cunningham_ William J - Als_ Hilton
Enjoying how this young man grew up loving lavish clothing and ended up working in Boston. Like hearing of training where it involved other trades but he found useful in fashion.
Like hearing how he traveled the world and picked up so much knowledge to help with his imagination when it came to designing.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Searching for stars on an island in Maine byLightman_ Alan P
Enjoyed listening to this book because of the area and also other certain chapters of things we treasure in our lives.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
50 Superfoods Green Smoothie Recipes by Rebecca Fallon
Starts with table of contents and intro about green smoothies.
Each recipe starts with a title, prep time and servings. List of ingredients and how to make the drink.
There are no pictures and no nutrtional information.
My Dad Is a Butthead
Colorful children's book. Story of a young boy who is irked by his dad. Everything from first being woken up in the morning and all he wants to do is sleep.
After school his dad just wants to quiz him on school things and he's had enough of that.
Even after his shower he still gives his dad a big hug because he knows his dad loves him.
The Ornament Box: A Love Story by Phillip Done
What a great read about a family as they are decorating while the father is dying.
Story goes back in time to when the father had met his wife and they dated, got married, the hard time and struggling as time goes on while they raise a family.
On his death we find out about other secrets and all the ornament stories.
What a treasure of a story.
Ordinary Snowflakes by Jennifer Rodewald
Sydney can't wait for the Snowflake Party at school and she loves the things her teacher has tuaght them all about autumn.
Her mother finds the driveway plowed of snow and a box that she scoops up and puts in her purse.
We learn about Kale's past and how her signifacant other had just left with Sydney came down very sick...she's a special needs child wearing braces on her legs and she jsut witnessed her going down a hill on a sled and crashing at the end.
The male at the bottom and Joe the therapist had OKed it. Her music teacher Mr. Erickson crosses their path again and invites them to the farm and they will all go the next day.
Kale knows she needs to make amends with Joe also but is checking on her parents with a picnic lunch that they can walk to.
Love hearing of the Rock Creek traditions, so cool!
Kale is very confused about which one: Joe or Craig has left her the secret Santa gift of the snowflake and who keeps shoveling snow from her drive.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end along with a note from her.
Received this review copy from the author via bookfunnel and this is my honest opinion.
The Christmas tree by Abidel LeRoy
Word from the author about how the story came about. She imagines the travel a tree makes from it's first life to it's end.
Love the detailed descriptions of the sounds, smells and everything surrounding the tree as it grew.
Love how the night before Christmas is played out for real with the birth of Jesus. When we bought trees we would buy them with roots and plant them yearly after each use over several years.
Love the journey and how it relates to the birth of Christ. About the author is enclosed at the end. Free book when signup for newsletter. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end. Scriptures are footnoted at the end.
Received this review copy from the author via bookfunnel and this is my honest opinion.
The Lonely Little Bumbershoot by Jeff Edwards
Silly colorful children's story about a Bumbershoot and it's compared with umbrellas in the stand.
Like how it shows the boy getting taller over the years and with all the sun out the Bumbershoot is not required...
The mother cleans out the house of old unused things and donate the products to a charity where it's purpose is brought to life again.
Clever animals adorn the bumbershoot making it useful on sunny days also.
DIY Christmas Gifts: Create Simple DIY Gifts That Wow Friends And Family (Christmas - Hanukkah - Holidays - Gifts by Aubrey Azzaro
Starts with table of contents and free ebook gift offer. Short introduction.
Each project has a title, summary of the item and a color photo, materials needed and how to put it all together.
My favorite is the scarf as I'd knit one and have for freinds. What I don't like about this book is that each item does not start at the beginning of its own page.
Like the variety of choices available for even little kids could help.
Like the idea of food in jars so others can actually make the item. very colorful also.
Soap and balm recipes are also included.
Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Cookbook: 500 Everyday Recipes for Beginners and Advanced Users. Try Easy and Healthy Instant Pot Recipes by Jennifer Smith
This book starts out with a table of contents where the recipes are broken up into food categories.
Intro talks about what an instant pot is and how to use it.
Each recipe starts with a title, prep and cook time and servings. List of ingredients and you should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs: low sodium, low fat, low sugar products.
Directions are given. There are NO pictures. There is NO nutritional information.
Lots of choices even around the world cuisine.
Going to try to make some stock, we make lots of soups throughout the year.
Stock came out perfect, even soup made with it.

AMISH Christmas Story: Miracles Happen When Hearts Are Open
Story starts out with Clemente and he's gotten the whole family in trouble and the community shuns them all.
They relocate with help from others to the top of a mountain where mother has declared she will deliver a baby in December.
The son Clemente goes into town, never to be seen again. The young girl helps the parents as much as she can but life is hard for them in the wildnerness.
Miracles do happen on many counts and there is a lot of religion and quotes from the Bible to help exolain it all.
Great read.

A Nantucket wedding by Nancy Thayer
Other works by the author are highlighted at the beginning. Note from the author also about the area.
Allsion is getting remarried now that her spouse has been dead for a lot of years. She's found a new man Ethan and he has kids.
She does also and she wants to bring them all together before the big wedding event.
Love nearby excusions as we just visited the whaling museum a week ago.
So many emotions as you learn about each group of people, all different circumstances and problems. quite interesting how things are solved.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

Minimalist Living: Decluttering for Joy, Health, and Creativity
Have started going through things we don't use and haven't in the past 10 years-time to get rid of them.
Attacked the fabric pile and making winter quilts for the windows to help keep the high cost of electricity and heat down a bit more.
Have been saving up nautical prints for the past almost 19 years, time to use them. Every season I find myself going through clothes no longer worn and donating them.
Looking forward to other tips by reading this book.
Like the explanation the author gives on what's important in your life-not live by how others do.
Great ideas for getitng rid of sentimental and keepsake items-think i will take pictures of them then i will always have them.
Like the stories along the way from many others. Resources are listed at the end.
Marshmallow Recipes by Jennifer Hastings
Starts with a table of contents listing recipes in no specific order.
Each recipe starts with a title, prep, redy in and cook time and servings.
List of ingredients and how to make the dish are included.
There are no pictures nor nutritional information.
Some recipes call for a large amount of ingredients: 15 in one of them so be sure to gather all the ingredients prior to cooking.
Recipes do not start at the top of the a new page, they are scattered about the book.
Interesting recipes but a bit too rich for my taste.
Other works by the author are included.
Marine Protector by Debra Parmley
Starts out when she has escaped the holds of her boyfriend and the biker club. She got away and is directed to a safe place out west. She and many other women who have been abused and battered have arrived to get help.
They are trained in many aspects of self protection. They have weapon training, self defense moves and awareness. This last one I love as being blind I can sense and hear and smell so much better than other because of the loss of that sense.
She loves being outside with the horses. She feels comfort and appreciates the others who come to the complex to train them. She likes Timber and he accompanies her to get his tattoo changed and spend a night out for dinner, in town. As she becomes more secure she gets a job serving drinks at the bar.
One night things get out of hand and what she's learned has to click in the way she was taught. Steamy sex scenes.
Wish society would train women/girls while in high school how to take care of themselves so they'd never have to be vunberable again.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
O Christmas Tree by Alicia Street
Story starts out with Cody and he's a carpenter working at the Chrsitmas Tree Farm and also at local places. He has a job at the Cat Cafe, making areas for the cats like cubbyholes.
Story also follows Piper who has started a cat cafe in town but not many want it there-they say she's a witch, practicing evil witch craft.
It's more of a shelter for cats but she also offers great coffee. We also learn how she employs Clari and how she's lost her mom and brother but she reacts different than her dad Cody.
Like how the relationship evolves and how they are thrown together for things Clari is interested in. Like reading books from this author-I always learn something new and appreciate the characters use their own hands to create their space and interests, along with the dancing.
Love how Cody steps up at the end with music. Praise from authors other works.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Lovers in Training by Alicia Street
Story follows Shannon and she's a private person.
Story also follows Tate who's into exercising. He had rescued her from a bad night heading home after the waitress job.
She then get a job as a trainer, looking forward to visits to clients homes. She can't believe it's the man who rescued her!
She doesn't want to cmpromise her job by going out with him but who would know? Steamy sex scenes and praise for authors other works are included at the end.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Microbiology ABC's by Michael Bacotti
Each page has one alphabet letter devoted to the microbiology that also includes a color photo and what the photo is all about.
Interesting short book.

Plant-Based Diet by Adele Baker
Starts with a table of contents where there is an introduction about a lot of subjects and recipes are broken up into meal categories.
Intro with colorful photo talks about the diet itself. Listing of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, grains, beans and herbs and spices, and oils.
Charts of nutrtient and what foods would provide it are listed.
There are meal plans available also.
Each recipe starts with a title and a small color photo, prep and cook time and servings.
Nutritonal iformation includes carbs, fat (NOT broken up into good or bad, protein, and calories.
List of ingredients and you should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs Low fat, low sodium, low sugar and fresh instead of canned.
Directions are also included. Conversion charts are listed at the end.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end. Free ebook gift is also available.
Cry of the Heart by terri Grace
Starts with a word from the author and the works enclosed.
Summary of the 4 stories enclosed.
The Storlen Heart
Events that could harm the children led Nancy to head west as a mail order bride with her younger siblings.
She won't end up in jail if she marries the shop keeper who she's been stealing food for her siblings...
Francis finds out information about her parents and shares it with her and opens his world to her about his past.
So many struggles and hardship she's had to endure and bring back his faith in God.
Emma's Western Hero
Rex was searching for a wife now that he's out in the west. Emma wants to head west and get on with her life.
A stage holdup finds her in control with the sheriff there to aid her...
Cleaniliness is Next to Godliness
Mary and several other women head west, Mary and her friend til Ohio, others headed further west.
Her life is full living on the farm tending to animals and crops. Love that he will teach her how to do things, so caring.
Comical moments when she talks to him...
Hannah's Race to Love
She heads west but gets taken from a kidnapper-he had lent her a cloth that had poison on it and it made her sleep. She woke to being tied up...
She prays Duke will come find her and rescue her. Duke had bought out the claim of money that was owed to a man in Boston and her family was free and she was on her way to marry him.
She fears the kidnapper has killed her intended and she learns later of the facts.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Meals in Jars Cookbook: Healthy, Quick and Easy Mason Jar Recipes by Louise Davidson
Starts with an intro about canning jars and table of contents where recipes are broken up into meals.
Other works by the author are listed. Short intro, preparing canning jars.
Each recipe stats with a title, servings and list of ingredients. Preparation is included and nutritional info as per #gram (very confusing!) per single serving: calories, fats-NOT broken up into good or bad, carbs, protein and sodium.
There are NO color photos. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end. Charts for cooking coversion measuremnts and oven temperatures are included at the end.

The Water Fight Professional (Fun 4 Hire Series Book 1)
First book I've read from this author and enjoyed the book. A boy has nothing better to do with his time but to solicit to get others wet with his soaker gun during the summer.
He is clever to get money also from others who want revenge. Like the events of the family during the summer and the acitvities they try to keep the kids occupied.

The Art of Crochet Blankets 18 Projects Inspired by Modern Makers by Rachele Carmona
What I like about this book are many things: the vibrant colors, the shapes and how each designer has their own section in the book.
Title says it all, it is art and it is crochet blankets. Starts with a table of contents where each of the six designers get their own chapters for their works.
There are also sections at the end: techniques, abbreviations, glossary, about the author and yarn resources.
Beautful color photos throughout.
Each section we find the designer and a bit about them, the artist and the inspiration.
Each pattern starts with color photos, title, summary of the finished piece and finished size, materials needed: yarns, hook notion and gauge and stitch guide.
Pattern starts out with good detailed instrucitons with help also from a color key chart for placement. Some also have charts for making the designs but also have printed words.
There is no level of expertise but I think a very new beginner would have some problems following along.
Love seeing the textures. Love also that a male designer is also included in this collection of blankets.
Amazing how the designers got the art into the crochet stittches. Look so real, exquisite and stunning.
Like them all-so different than afghans I've made in the past. Layered waves and ombre stripes are my favorites as I've started quilting just this past week.
What a KEEPER!
Received this review copy from F+W Media via Netgalley and this is my honest opinion.
#TheArtOfCrochetBlankets #NetGalley
Knitting Socks by Emma Brown
Starts with a table of contents where there is so much introduction material you won't have any problem knitting socks.
Each component of the sock has it's own chapter also.
Intro talks ab out knitting and what section of the US and age groups use knitted socks the most.
Color photos along the way.
Tools and materials and lots of charts with helpful information.
Love the diagrams when you are ready to put the yarn on the needles=it shows you how to hold the needles. and how to wrap the yarn around your fingers. Videos are linked so you can view them online.
Love the various methods of putting the stitches on the needles.Photos are very helpful as they are in color and there is no distortion.
Love different parts of the sock and how each part has its own chapter so you can just concnetrate on that section.
Sock patterns are also included with sizing charts also.
Each pattern has a title, color photo, summary of the sock, difficulty level and size and required materials: yarn and needles. Gauge is also included.
Directions are given showing different color photor along with row by row instrcutions. Some patterns use a chart instead of row by row instructions but both are included.
Excellent resource book!
Knitting for Little Sweethearts by Hanne Andreassen Hjelmås and Torunn Steinsland
What I liked right from the start are the darling pictures of the kids with outfits they have on.
I do charity knitting for youngsters and others and appreciate the time it takes to make patterns.
Starts out with a table of contents where the outfits are not cateogirzed in any way.
Such beautiful color photos. Introduction about how the book came to be and the authors.
Each pattern starts with a title, summary of the item, difficulty level, sizes and material needed. Row by row instructions.
Like how they combine knitting and crocheting to finish the item. Love tips along the way.
Some items are charted with color schemes and other charts tell you what sittiches to use rather than written words .
Diagrams are also shown for some stitch explanations during the pattern.
Love that there are patterns for adults as well-to match the youngsters creations.
Love leg warmers best and think most of the patterns could be used for it.
Index and resource listing is availabe at the end along with acknowledgements.
Will definitely buy a copy of this book-so much to offer, and variety available.
Received this review copy from Schiffer Publishing Ltd. via Netgalley and this is my honest opinion.
#KnittingForLittleSweethearts #NetGalley
Multiple dates to publication-not sure when it will be released.