Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Book Review: Officer Erik & The Very Special Dad by Steven Manchester


Officer Erik & The Very Special Dad  by Steven Manchester
Love this story because it's a true heart and soul story.
Being disabled for me is about helping others because there's always someone in worse condition than I.  Asking for help is hard to do till you become comfortable with others.
This story starts out at a local ice cream shop when Officer Erik notices a man who has fallen. He rushes over to help, as is his nature. Man claims he's fine and gets up. He wants to learn more about this man and tracks him down, knowing he can offer some help. They come to an agreement to help others who are in need of help.
Love the work they are able to do for the elderly couple along with help from all their children.  There are mishaps and some tasks take longer but the work gets accomplished. The families become friends and I love when Zeke does ask for help, for his kids because he is not able to physically do it himself.
 Love all the links and ideas at the end of the story to learn more about MS and how to involve the whole family in understanding.