Under a Harvest Moon by Joleen James
Not only did the title get me but the summary=grape vintners. Love learning more grape things, so technical out of all the books I've read none mentioned the refractometer and technical things like brix.
Book starts out with Phiilip who is elderly and he has a man that works the vineyard for him. He dies in the field and in his will he's stated his daughter must live there for 90 days.
Others run the vineyard but she is the only one who can make the decisions as to what to do in certain cases. She brings her son with her and the housekeeper tends to him. Her ex husband has also tracked her down and as always he's only there for the money.
Find it odd Daneille must hold his keys and wallet and anything else that will allow him to escape while he has the child overnight. She wakes up early at 3am and Nico the production manager shows her what he's working on. Love the discussion of the grafting!
They also have play time and there are many hidden family secrets...
Just when they are getting closer to one another she hands him the letter her father left and there's one for her also.
Things become complicated and they split in many ways, never to be together again...
So many different angles, I'll be thinking of this book for many months to come.
My Review:
Wishing on Snowflakes by Joanne DeMaioHave enjoyed all of the author's other works and knew I'd enjoy this one as well.
Snowflakes and Coffee Cakes
What I especially like about this book is that there are two full length books, surrounding the town of Addison during the cold winter months.
Such a close knit community and love the events that take place in the New England town.
Story is about Vera who's landed a job writing about the town's events for the local paper. She also calls on Derek for help remodeling the house and barn she bought.
She knows he hurts from the loss of his daughter as to others in the town and she has an idea to commemorate her life.
Snow is magical with the wishes upon the winter stars. Love learning snow axioms and other trivia and technical facts of snowflakes.
Snow Deer and Cocoa Cheer
Love how they help out one another for each of their businesses. Jane is a card designer and Wes is the local mailman.
Love their careers and learning a lot of new things about whittling, white tail deer, etc.
Love the magic of the season as the winter events occur.
You won't go wrong in reading these stories, such treasures!
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
There was an old lady who swallowed a shell! by Colandro_ Lucille
Audio book: Children's book that rhymes and is so silly, it's just a perfect book to read.
Like that it also features other sealife. Love wave the best because of what it makes.
Love how it all gets connected with every new addition. By the end she's carrying a ton of things.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Going to the sun_ Glacier National Park _ adventures with the Parkers by Graf_ Mike
Have enjoyed other books in this series and have found other things to do in the national parks that we were not aware of.
Just a recent article on the news about this park and how one photographer is tracing the ending glaciers by photographing at the same spot as back in 1800's of prints.
James and Morgan, the twins are camping with their parents at the west side of the park. Wolf talk event they will attend.
Story also follows various animals as it's their habitat. Like their journals and what they found to be important.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Olympic National Park, touch of the tide pool, crack of the glacier, a family journey in one of our greatest national parks by Mike Graf
Have visited this park with our daughter and her family several times and always find new things to discover.
Wasps are most dangerous in this park. Like different parts of this park as we've experienced it ourselves. so diversified and huge.
Seeing emergency rescue in action wasn't what I had thought but it was great. Lots of different places to go, we enjoyed many of them.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Control Viewers! Make Your Color Photography "POP!" (On Target Photo Training Book 10)
Starts out by reviewing tips from another book to refresh your memory on what you will need to know to make the photos POP.
Like the examples of thirds in lines for photos shown, make you appreciate how you position the subject to the center of the photo.
Colors and explanations of what they mean and are associated with in photos. Filters section to me, was first brought out in a different book by the author.
Lots of links to various sites on the net for further information. Bonus material available. Like work exercises at the end so you can experiment with what and how the author has explained.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
A winter dream by Richard Paul Evans
Family fate and forgiveness. The thirteen children all work for the family business but joseph, the 12th. It comes to a head one day when his parents are traveling and the others have found one brother has stolen money from the company.
The others want to prosecute the brother. One brother has a solution.
He has to start a new life in another city-a rival to the family business and it's interesting how this resembles Joseph and the coat of many colors. Love the walking tour of the city as it's yet one we have visited.
What I especially like is that he's able to help those in family business.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The Rug Merchant
Story of a man who has nobody and he relies on his rugs to find solace.
He lives above the shop among other tenants and one year the rent is raised and it's too much for him to pay.
As a last result he knows he can sell the rugs, but then what. Sirius has many conversations with his male friend, Averginia about having sex with women and he knows he needs to find a good woman.
He feels he's done Kathleeen wrong as she may be overheard a conversation.
Some shopkeepers are leaving due to the high rent and one rallies and hopes to demonstrate and force the owner to back down to regular rent.
He reaches out to his mother...then his brother for a loan...if he marries they might give him money...
Very explicit sexual details as he tries to come to understandings...
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
All you need is food. Easy 50 recipes.: Recipes for every day.
Each recipe starts with Cooking time and servings. List of ingredients and how to make the dish.
Few pictures and no nutritional information but you should be able to substitute some ingredients for a healthier choice.
Specialties from other foreign origin. Cornbread will be our favorite to try.
Mediterranean Diet: A Simple Cookbook & Guide For Busy People To Rapid Weight Loss & Healthy Eating Mastery by Lily Fitt
Since we adopted this lifestyle we are always looking for more healthier recipes to try out as part of our Mediterranean diet.
Starts out with how ti all began and the science behind the lifestyle.
Explains the benefits and how to even shop for the right foods.
Recipes include total and prep time, cook time and servings
List of ingredients and detailed instructions. No nutritional information and no pictures but very healthy choices.
Like seafood and fish sections the best but there are a lot to choose from.
Here's to us by Hilderbrand_ Elin
Have read and enjoyed other works by the author. Book starts out with Decan and his dad Jack and they are going on an adventure trip just themselves. They end up at Nantucket Island.
The country club where they get whatever they want... as the day slips into nightmine they have left the island.
John Buckley is in charge of gathering all the women together because his friend , the famous chef has died and it's up to him to contact the family-there are a lot of women from previous marriages.
As the executor he's not finding good news in the paperwork-he's broke!
Recipes included as the story follows those women involved and their children as they gather at the island house...
Chapters go back in time when he had met and dated and married and events of them breaking up. Hard to follow at times as I am listening to this on tape and there are so many characters, they meld together.
Lots of lies, secrets, catching cheating spouses, drama, sex and island life that goes back in time to the present and everything in between. I feel each set of the family could've had their own book.
Recipes included.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The Christmas list by Richard Paul Evans
Christmas story about a man who is featured in the obituary column one day but he's not dead. He attends the service of the right man-same name and as a bus driver the man was well known for being kind.
James decides he needs to make amends after reading the comments others have left on the funeral guestbook, thinking it was him.
His wife going through cancer is dying and James wants a divorce. He really wants to get back together with her but her sister won't even let her talk to her.
Touching how he reaches them.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans
Enjoyed the author's other works. I also have a timepiece from my father and it's treasured for time I spent with him.
A great story to pass onto the next in the family line. Book before the Christmas Box in this series.
Parkins estate and all the things in there: journals, grandfather's clock etc. Story starts in 1908 and it follows Mary Ann and David through their life together. The timepiece has many meanings.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The mistletoe promise by Evans_ Richard Paul
Love this story of how two people who work in the same building, he a lawyer, her a secretary at different companies meet for lunch and she agrees to his proposal to be friends,
spend time together til just Christmas Day. They are not to pry into each other's personal life.
He must have studied her a lot because he starts off giving her gifts, flowers, candy, scarves-very expensive ones and she likes the time he's spent on her. She's to accompany him to work dinners and any engagements she wants him to be with her.
Love the easy going conversations. Elise's divorced and has been alone for years so she treasures the time they spend together during the holidays. Love how Nicholas spoils her with gifts and travel, NY at Christmas sounds like a treasure!
Story goes back in time to when she was married to Dan and had a little girl...She's getting used to Nicholas and knows he would drop her if he knew her past. She also found out he cheated on her with her best friend. Love how Nicholas helps with the baking of the pies.
Tears come to my eyes when I find out what happened and you pray she finds the right guy to be with. Sad but joyful story.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
In celebration of small things by Cadwallader_ Sharon
Book about kitchen garden, country and simple sewing, preserving, furniture and repairs and natural environment and much more.
Lots of advice, how to buy meats, how to sew pillows and make furniture, how to launder with detergent that is safe for the environment.
Gas for your car, how to clean filters on furnace, right air in tires,
Breakfast food value chart is enclosed.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Bound by Temptation by Trish McCallan
Have not read other works by the author but the story sounded interesting.
Emma Janssen works at the hospital and is obsessed with Lucas Trammel, the time they spent several days together.
Lots of hot steamy sex scenes. She finds the hanging flowers a real chore, spending too much time just watering them.
She finds the house has been ransacked and she has no idea why or by who as nothing was taken.
Story also follows Lucas and he's on call for when his team is needed...his friend calls and tells him of her problems and he recalls their time together, intimately...
Alternating chapters where Emma gets a dog and wants a gun also to protect herself. Lucas wants to train her how to defend herself and show her how to use a gun but he won't intrude on her life.
Somebody tried to kidnap her as gun fire started and he tries to protect her... they are highly sexually charged for each other.
What I like about this book is the masculine side and the female side and how they are reluctant to get back together. Also all the action and adventure in the mystery of who is after her...just when you think the mystery is solved events occur and they start up again.
Like how the dog also plays a major role in solving the case. Liked the characters and this is the first out of this series I've read and I didn't find lost because of previous things in earlier books in the series.
Enjoyed this one so much I can't wait to read the others. Excerpt from Spirit Woods is included.
Bowling by Nelson Burton
All about bowling: how to bowl and tips along the way.
Even a section for advanced players. Authors father owned and ran a bowling center.
The author at 3 years old would try, a time when they had bowling boys-to reset the pins manually.
Accuracy and timing it what's it all about. We used to bowl on a league and for fun and I remember us having our own ball and bag and shoes. When we were younger. Wish I had the opportunity to have listened to this first.
Chapters on etiquette and technique along with rhythm.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
A Quirky Christmas
Children's story about a bunch of squirrels and how in the fall they collect whatever they can find for the long hard cold winter.
One day a giant comes and knocks down Reggie's home-the tree they will use for Christmas. For Reggie it means he has no home, or food or anything.
His other friends, will they come to the rescue and provide for him?
Like it best when he finds something and shares with all of them...
Turkeys, Pilgrims, and Indian corn, the story of the Thanksgiving symbols by Barth_ Edna
Chapters on turkey and the new world traditions. Once the Pilgrims land they find others who will teach them how to adapt to the new world.
Indian corn is quite interesting-we have only used it for decorations.
Even a section on cranberries!
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Fling by Pamela Beck and Patti Massman
Story follows the women as they contemplate their sexual lifes and how they feel they missed out.
Kelly Nelson, married in her 30's her friends set her up with her dream guy so she can experience a fling.
Different elaborate careers and their fast paced lives. Erotic sex scenes.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The Christmas Angel by Abbie Farwell Brown
an old woman remembers her years at Christmas when the maid brings in the play box with all the
children's toys in them. she sets out to do an experiment, by putting out a toy on the curb to see
who will take it. she puts out several toys that are taken til she comes to the angel. she puts that
on her mantel and it comes to life. the angel tells the woman to sit back and watch what happened to
the toys she had placed out on curb. she learned the fate of each one.
Book Fun Magazine October 2016
Enjoyed this version of the magazine a lot more than in prior months because the pages that have background images I can read the writing that is encased in it's own box.
Love the 'Into the Frying Pan' because it was down to earth and came with recipes that I can modify to suit our lifestyle. Beautiful photos!
Other pages highlight a book and a new author to me and appreciate the summary and other works (photos) of the other books in the series.
Love indepth interviews about some of the people behind the scenes that make this whole network possible. I know all the work they do for us each and every day and the service is free to anyone who wants to read and post reviews.
Have found many books from this month that I can't wait to request. Getting an email is just not the same=they seem to just be a short summary where the magazine opens up their life and beliefs and stories to us.
Think about joining soon you won't be sorry. bookfun.org
How skunk got his stripes
Cute colorful children's book about how the skunk becomes friends with a bear. They do a lot of things together, even fish.
Skunk gets so hungry he wants the fish now and when he does the bear takes matters into his own hands...
Colors by Brenda Ponnay
Colorful children's book about colors and the many things they could stand for.
Reminds me so much of Dr. Seuss, not a rhyming book but a very silly one. My favorite is the color blue because of blueberry bubbles.
50 Things To See With A Small Telescope
Starts out with an intro from the author then moves into how much money you have to spend on a telescope and how inexpensive they can be.
There are many that can cost a fortune.
Being blind I've never really seen the stars like others. I can pinpoint one or two but never saw the meteor showers even although they are right in front of me.
I find it fascinating to learn about all them because one day I may be able to see them. I did find the stars in the west are more visible to me than here in Northeast.
There are other things you will need, also a bit of knowledge about the galaxies and sun, moon and stars.
Like the examples shown in diagrams of how to find them all, kind of like connecting the dots.
Liked the charts of the upcoming lunar and solar eclipses.
Sweet Dreams, A Bedtime Hollow Adventure by Susette Williams
Colorful children's story about a train ride on the Bedtime Hollow into the galaxy and the things they see.
Favorite part for me was on the carousel as we've ridden not too long ago.
Enjoy the journey as it comes every night. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Frugal Minimalism And Loving It: 50 Proven Steps To Live A Minimalist Lifestyle, Clear Your Clutter And Live With Less (Simple Living, Frugal Living Tips, ... Organization Strategies, Living With Less)
Living frugally means that you can still have furniture but you won't be wasting things. I'm only reading this to hopefully get some information on the food products we grow in our gardens.
Starts out with decluttering and we have done that in the rooms of the house, several times over and we learn not to buy things we will never use.
Like their take on clothes and jewelry and I've gone through some of my closets and jewelry. Every time we visit one of the kids I give my granddaughter some of the jewelry I wore on that trip and same with my daughter.
Rather have them use it while I'm alive then when I'm dead. This way there's no fighting over it.
Love the chapter on fiancees and cable TV as we've gone that already, use Netflix and make yearly payments on some bills.
For gifts I give people things I make out of yarn-scarves, hats, etc. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
30 Day Whole Food Challenge: Complete 30 Day Whole Food Diet Meal Plan WITH PICTURES
The whole food diet is ridding yourself of processed foods which to me is a part of the Mediterrean lifestyle.
Most desserts, white breads should also be avoided.
Each recipe starts with total time, servings and a nice color photo of the finished item.
Ingredient list with healthy things along with directions. Nutritional value preserving but Fat is not broken up into good and bad
Sodium is also not mentioned which is a big consideration for us.
Has 3 meals per day for a full 30 days.
Lola The Mermaid and The Splish Splash Olympics. A Beautiful Kid's Picture Book. (Fun Rhyming Children's Books)
Colorful children's book about Lola the mermaid and she's getting ready to compete in the splish splash Olympics
She talks to other sea life and they are also going to compete. Love that there are SO many different kinds of sea life depicted in this book.
She had played a lot with her friends instead of practicing and it showed when she went to make her dive. She knew what she had to do and she called on her friends...
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Wishflowers by Jamie Thornton
Interesting story about what a girl will do when the town comes to throw them out of their house for not paying bills.
Some neighbors lose everything but she has a list of what to grab and is ready. Love what the wishflowers mean...
The Perfect Tiny House: The Best Proven Tips, Tricks & Ideas to Live In Small House Yet Feeling Large by charles hanson
Interested in this because you don't need to pay taxes because you don't own the land you move your house to. Public property although some want the quiet life of the woods.
Many lists of how you can make the furniture you have to pull double or triple duty. How to declutter and why it will save you time cleaning and money in the longrun.
Only problem I would have is clothes-don't have a lot but some seasons I can wear all 4 seasons of clothes due to where we live. My yarn would need a few storage units as it is my retirement fund-i shouldn't have to buy yarn but for a special occasion.
Story about everything to do with Halloween from a person who was raised a Catholic.
Starts with the name and then where it came from, along with other country traditions of the day.
Not only discusses the color but costumes and even has games and recipes.
Recipes seem foreign to me as I am not familiar with Muscovado sugar and sultanas Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Scandinavian: 90 Super Easy, Amazingly Delicious Scandinavian Recipes Cookbook That Are Sure To Not Leave You Out In The Cold (cooking for beginners, Mediterranean, ... cookbook, Mediterranean diet for weight)
Baking Texas Pies-Sweet & Savory (Delicious Recipes Book 9) by June Kessler
Starts out with different ways to make a pie or tart crust.
Sections on various kinds of pies: frozen, cream, cobblers and meat pies.
Very few photos. Each recipe has list of ingredients and how to make the pie. Servings are included but no nutritional information.
Our favorite would be a meat/turkey pie. Lots of tips for having pies come out just right.
Other recipe links are included at the end of the book
The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Xist Illustrated Children's Classics)
Classic tale of Peter Rabbit and his bunny family. He wants what is in the farmer's garden
although his mother has warned him never to go near it. He can not resist and he gets caught....
Great photos and story.
Food Dressup: Crafty Ways To Get Kids To Eat What's Good For Them by Erik Kopp
Wanted to read this book because we have a picky grandson and thought maybe if we let him help with the preparation he might want to actually eat it.
An introduction to the struggles we all face and a list of other books that are helpful.
Very colorful dishes and many categories to select from. List of suggestions once you cut open a piece of fruit.
The recipes do not include a picture for each one but there are some pictures in the book.
The recipes re very healthy and easy to assemble. Chocolate cake with zucchini/squash we will be making this weekend as it's very healthy and we have plenty of it from the garden.
Nighttime DSLR Photography: How to create awesome and stunning images at night
Have enjoyed other books by the author. This one starts out with how daytime photography is different from nighttime.
He's got a way with his words that make it easy to follow along and understand.
Different aspects of the settings and a tripod will help tremendously.
Really good suggestions with settings depending on which photo you want to take, will have to give this a try soon.
Strategic Posing Secrets - Hands & Arms! (On Target Photo Training Book 17)
Being on various social media sites I'm starting to see the poses and how effective they are in a profile picture.
Author shows many different ways hands can be placed to enhance certain things about the picture.
Never even though of the different parts of the arm making a difference but they do and those are shown as well.
Like exercises in the book because they make you do what you've learned so you can see for yourself the outcome.
Bonus items available and other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Pick Me! Pick Me! The Story of the Magic Pumpkin
Colorful children's story about how the family goes to the farm to pick out their pumpkin.
I had never heard of pop-up text so it was an added pleasure to experience it.
All kinds of hidden meaning when you double tap certain pictures in the story.
There is magic in pumpkins!
I Believe There's A Monster Under My Bed
Children's colorful story about how a boy thinks there is a monster under his bed. His parents tell him what he should do...
In order for me to read the book I have to doubletap to get the higher font size then doubletap to lower it so I can turn the page.
Good story about what the boy does but page turning has to go.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Halloween quick easy recipes. Scary dish, desserts and drinks recipes: Includes recipes for kids
Fun holiday book that features meals and snacks and drinks.
Each recipe gives a summary, some have a color photo and ingredients list along with how to make it.
No nutritional information but some really good ideas. Baked stuffed apples would be my choice.
Christmas Crafts: Easy Christmas Crafts Anyone Can Make!
Each pattern/idea starts out with a photo of the finished item, then list of ingredients/supplies and then how to assemble them.
Most decorations have a wooden section in them so you might need adults to help with the project.
Made many pinecone wreaths from pinecones in our yard from our trees.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Slow Cooker Recipes: Enjoy The Top 50 Easy And Delicious Slow Cooker Meals Under One Cookbook
Each recipe comes with a tiny photo, short summary and ingredient list. Directions are detailed. No nutritional information but you should be able to substitute some for a healthier option.
Bread puddings would be a great choice for our lifestyle.
Besides desserts and dips there are main dishes.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Wishbone Wishes, Judy Moody and Stink
This one is about Thanksgiving time and all the events surrounding the holiday in their town.
Judy has a lot of collections: acorns, wishbones, etc. She found her Pilgrim costume.
She wants to win this years turkey trot...such imaginations the bones are for the kids.
They will combine and be a team so they can win the 3 event game.
Lots of interesting historical facts about the holiday: Thanksgiving. Great story for kids to read, love their Thanksgiving dinner...
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
For the Love of Caramel
Starts out describing what caramel is and it's flavor and then cooking tips.
Recipes but no pictures and no nutritional information.
Sauces and brittle type things are included. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
All about glaucoma, questions and answers for people with glaucoma by Leydhecker_ W_ (Wolfgang) - Crick_ R. Pitts
Husband was recently given some new testings for glaucoma, they will watch it, take pressure checks at different times of the day, as a baseline.
I read up more about this disease as if I don't already know enough with all the eye issues I have and learned a few new things.
Mostly the drugs taken and other diseases do play a part in vision. Things to look out for, high blood pressure medicine and being diabetic.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The Locket by Richard Paul Evans
Have read other works by the author and have enjoyed them.
This one starts out with Ester and she's just come to the mining town, and chapters advance to 1989 where she lives in a nursing home.
Story also follows the boy, Michael who takes a job at a nursing home after losing his mother.
He has a girlfriend Faye who's attending college and she cooks for him often. Her father talks to him and he needs to break away from her or she'll never get any money or endorsements from him for her education.
Story also follows Ester and her life at the mining camp where she cooks and raising her mental child.
Interesting about the locket and the connections through the years...
Circumstances arise and he's up on charges of a man's death in the nursing home. He knows he's being framed...
Powerful touching stories.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The carousel by Richard Paul Evans
When I learned there was a prior book in this series I read that one first-The Locket.
Have liked carousels and have gone on at least one as an adult. I don't recall my younger days as I was blind and most of my adult life as well. After eye surgeries I got some vision back and was amazed to see the brightly colored lights, twinkling and they remind me of stars that I can now see also.
In RI we've had many amusement parks with the carousels and I've read stories about the horses and always find it fascinating to learn how they were built, out of what materials and why and where they are today.
This book is about the love story of Faye and Michael. Chapters of Michael and his return to work and college. Faye has traveled east to attend college there as they each have a secret from others...
So much loss and love as the circle forms
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The lost art of reading nature's signs_ use outdoor clues to find your way_ predict the weather_ locate water_ track animals--and other forgotten by Gooley_ Tristan
Very interesting reading although from England some of the same signs are true here in US. Things that you see in everyday life if you are hiking along woods and forest paths.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
A Story to Kill
Sounded like a good mystery story. Starts out with Cat, a professor who now wants to write books acquires her ex husbands house. She moves into it, in the town where she grew up, fixes it up to be a writers retreat. Her ex boyfriend is the handyman and others think he's hot.
She has many resources at the nearby college and the writers are able to use them. One important writer attends but after one day he's found dead. Her uncle the police chief helps to find out what happened.
Few characters and it's easy to keep them straight with one another.
Strange noises from the attic and nobody is there and her ex's journal shows up on the porch...
So many secrets, so many mysteries that all combine to make a good read. Amazing how it all comes to an end with answers. Excerpt from the next book is included at the end.
I received this book from The Kensington Books in exchange for my honest review
Art of the Slow Cooking: The Collection Of 100 Slow Cooker Recipes by Jeff Madison
Each recipe starts with the title, prep time, cooking time and servings.
Then the list of ingredients and instructions on how to make the dish.
There are no pictures. There are also no nutritional information.
Table of contents starts with a link to a dish, a link to the ingredients for that dish and link to the directions for that dish.
Halfway through the book the format changes for the recipes: some nutritional information is included: fat content is not broken up into the 4 main ones, no sodium is mentioned but carbs and calories and protein are.
Trees by Illa Podendorf
Love trees and learning more about them.
This one discusses the different kinds of trees and their attributes.
Parts of the tr
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
ee and other fun facts about trees.
The City Bakers by Louise Miller
Like baking and discussing the details of baking.
Olivia sets a fire by accident and leaves the city to go to VT where her girlfriend lives. She's out of money and she helps set her up with a job and a place to stay.
For the job interview she has to bake an apple pie=she's not interested in her resume.
Loved hearing of the tips along the way of making the pie-I had to listen to this tape 2 x to make sure I got them right.
She's given a few options for a place to stay-the Sugar House or a room at the inn where she will bake.
Chapters are titled by the month of the year. Like how she becomes one of the community and how she does it.
Through love and loss the story goes on. Easy to follow the characters until the big Thanksgiving feast. Really enjoyed this story.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
An island affair by Richardson_ Monica
Liked the idea of this story. Jasmine and her siblings now own the island houses and she's there to rehab them and have them be part of the Caribbean, The Grove bread and breakfast houses for rent.
Each story alternates between Jasmine and you hear her thoughts on the construction worker-Jackson. He lives on the island and will do much of the work himself-he lives at a local hotel.
We also hear how her appearance effects him and his work. He calls Edward her brother to warn him he doesn't care for intruding while he's working.
Explicit sex scenes and intrigue and mystery about their past lives. Especially liked the island life and how strong she stood to accomplish things, even though she used her body at times to achieve it.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Knitting pearls, writers writing about knitting by Hood_ Ann
27 writers who write and knit and their stories. 6 patterns are included.
Stories of loss and love and how knitting helped them survive through it all.
Most memorable is the one where she cleans out her mothers apartment since she's been gone for several months.
All the knitted item bring back such memories. Recap of the authors lives, their works and resource listings of where to get the yarn mentioned and a bit about their names.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
How to Save Money at Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Cut Spending
Love this book for many reasons. Although we already do a large majority of the things mentioned there are some we are lacking on: tools used outside and lawn mower maintenance.
Has charts of when to buy seasonal fruit and when to buy things on sale: month by month.
Has a portion on composting and gardening and how to get rid of clutter. Very well laid out.
Fudge cupcake murder by Fluke_ Joanne
This book is about Hannah and she's instructed others how to cook and finds a dead body in the trash.
Her whole family helps her to solve the clues, her sister and husband along with her mother.
They each have some funny things about them while her sister is pregnant. The body points to many others who could've done the nasty deed.
Love mystery of missing ingredient from the cake recipe from one who wanted to donate it to the cook book.
Recipes are included and this is an easy going book to read. Although a series they can be read by itself.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
The miracle of vision by Freese_ Arthur S
Interesting information about the parts of the eye.
Lots of information on what to look out for so you don't go blind, at any age. Procedures are discussed if you do suffer a loss.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Country Crock-Slow Cooker Recipes (Delicious Recipes Book 11)
Each recipe starts with a line or two about the item, then the list of ingredients. Some are very foreign to me.
Instructions on how to prepare the dish are included along with servings. There are no pictures and no nutritional information.
Listing of other books available is listed at the end.
County Fair Blue Ribbon Winning Pie Cookbook: Proven Enticing Pie Recipe Winners (County Fair Blue Ribbon Winning Cookbooks Book 3)
Found this cookbook adequate. Has various ways of making pie crusts and many variations on the fillings.
Few pictures and no nutritional information. Lots of choices.
Mom Goes for a Walk: Picture book for the youngest readers (Meet my family 3
Colorful children's book starts out with the things their mom does when they go for a walk. My favorite page is the knitting one as I have finished a vest for my grandson and he loves it!
Each page where it tells what the mother is doing, the page also shows it-makes it easy for kids to follow along if you are reading with them.
I loved our walks with the grandkids as we got to be kids ourselves, going down slides, playing with bubbles, etc.
Hope author does write one about the walk with dad, be an awesome father's day gift also.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review
Heartwarming Holiday - Anthology
Lots of authors with their stories but I am only reading/reviewing:
Set for New Year’s Nutcracker Sweethearts: Novella #3 by Amie Denman
Christmas town, Maine
Starts out with Pippa and she's the conductor for the ballet. There are holiday decorations all around her-too much but she has to pay the bills. Viola has wandered off....
Ryan had dropped her and she was with the child now, Voila. She had given up everything and the child was not even hers.
Story also follows Bodie and Neil as they are making the feast tables and ballet settings...His dog runs around and finds the young child while Pippa thinks he's harming the child. The woman has misunderstood...
She meets his aunt who runs the local inn when she goes to apologize and she agrees to have dinner with them and 10 others...
They each tell of their past experience with a significant offer and the children in their lives...
He knows Pippa and Viola will not stay long in town, he must not fall for them... especially loved the walk in the woods and all the wildlife. Then she gets an unexpected visitor and how whole world is about to crumble.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
Forever Fit and Flexible: Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond
My Review:
Forever Fit and Flexible : Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond by Cheryl L. IlovWas interested in reading this book because after my husbands heart attach we cracked down and got healthy and am always willing to learn and try new things to keep that way.
Book starts out with the authors own journey to achieving her goals and how at different stages of her life she realized what was happening.
Principles of the plan are discussed in detail and broken up into chapters. There are even exercises that are very well not only thought out but descriptions of how to do them and realize how you feel.
Very useful information and so easy to keep track of in a journal. Balance one I really appreciated the most as I use my trekking poles when we hike as I feel being blind I am at a loss as to balance sometimes.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
Go to Sleep Mom!
When I first saw the title I thought this would be about a child trying to get his mom to go to sleep so he could stay up and do what he wants.
The little boy goes about his nightly routine, brushes his teeth and gets a story read by his mom then he hops into bed. He's woken up with noises and he goes to investigate.
He finds a list of things his mom still has to do before she can go to bed....
He knows he can help.... other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Lost December by Evans_ Richard Paul
Diary entries tell the story of Luke and how he finished college, night of graduation party one of his best friends die
His father wants to bring him into the firm but Luke has other plans.
Luke decides he and his girl need ot travel Europe because his friend would never get the chance. His other friends come along also and Luke pays for them all as Shawn is trying to work out his money problems.
Travel is great and the bills amounted to so much more than I can even imagine. Things fall apart and then he learns of his fathers health and retiring and he's been disowned.
After getting beat up a man rescues him and gets him a place to stay and work... He takes a job at his father's copy center and meets a regular person with a child and he befriends them..
Misunderstandings and things go the wrong way for everybody but maybe Luke can fix it?
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
A perfect day by Evans_ Richard Paul
Wanted to read this book because it sounded like a great book.
Starts out with the husband Robert losing his job in the sales department. He writes instead and loves the story and others have read it and love it.
Agents don't like it so he gets a manual job. Then one reads it and he is on his way to success on the large scale. She sends him away from home for 4 weeks as he does signings and tv shows.
His daughter Carson takes it hard that he's away that long and his wife although she talks to him, it's not the same as being with him. The story is about the time his wife spends with her father when they find out he's dying.
He kept lingering on, way past the expectations til Robert talked to him about how he loved his daughter.
He also has a hard time dealing with being away from home and the success.
Things get even harder and a man tells him something only he knows. From there he has choices to make, something that can ease the pain.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Key lime pie murder_ a Hannah Swensen mystery with recipes by Fluke_ Joanne
Hannah is a judge for the county fair but she finds another judge dead. Hannah proceeds to gather clues, find out who wanted her dead and who has an alibi.
She also is involved with Mike the cop and the dentist Norman. You wonder if she will ever pick one! Love the characters and Hannah's family and people who run nearby shops in town.
So funny how her sister Andrea bought it that oatmeal was their mothers cure for getting gray hairs as Andrea has found a few on her head LOL
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Robert B. Parker's Debt to pay by Coleman_ Reed Farrel
Another tale from Jesse Stone chief of police of Paradise, MA and things are slow this time of year, all but somebody shooting tires out of random cars.
His ex wife Jen is about to be married and he's been invited to the wedding. His new love interest Diana wants him to come with terms of their relationship and he needs to rid his mind of Jen.
Jesse proceeds to combine a lot of different crimes to just one man....
Story also follows Mr. peepers a contract killer. He is part of the mob was on the trail for revenge. He kept a low profile and has no problem with killing someone in a slow torturous manner.
Lots of travel and speculations as to who the culprit is as he brings his new love to meet his ex wife and she's about to be married....
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Children's Book of Recipes: 30 Fun Dishes for Young Chefs (Educational series for kids 4-9 years 2)
Colorful book for kids and parents alike. Very cool names for recipes and the different parts of the recipe are color coordinated with what they mean throughout the book.
Many tips before you even start of how to substitute foods if you are eating gluten free or egg free, etc.
Beautiful photo for each recipe that shows the finished product. Each of the ingredients are listed along with a picture of the item so the children can help find the items before you make them.
Step by step numbered picture instructions along with other tips.
My favorite would be sandwich train as the possibilities are unlimited.
So much work has to have gone into this book, what a treasure!
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
The Awkward Owl
Colorful children's book about an owl who can't do the flying moves other birds can do. Anyone who sees him calls him awkward.
Little girl rescued him from hurting himself further and made him a house, outside and took care of him.
The owl loves her too and decides to give flying another try. She encourages him along the way...
Enjoyed why this book was inspired from his daughter. More works by the author are highlighted at the end.
I Like Cupcakes
Cute very colorful rhyming children's book about how the little girl really likes cupcakes and what they are topped with.
Has recipe for fairy cupcakes and frosting with help from an adult. Everything is in grams

Yammy Diet Cupcakes Healthy Dessert Recipes. Naturally, Delicious Desserts That No One Will Believe They Are Low Fat & Healthy (Diet Cookbooks, ... Loss): Eat and Love
History of the cupcake is discussed and how popular they are today.
Each recipe has a beautiful picture along with ingredient list and how to put the cupcakes together along with directions for frosting.
No nutritional information. Angel food or carrot cupcakes would be our choice to make.
Scooter and Cupcake
Colorful children's book about two piggys who are best friends and they like to do everything together.
The pages go through everything they do and there are a lot of them.
How To Shoot Weddings Like A Pro! (On Target Photo Training Book 21)
Have read many of the authors other booklets and have enjoyed them.
This one starts out as other with sunset photography. Some pitfalls because you only get one chance to get the shots.
Check list of things you will need to do before hand to be totally ready for the big day when you are the wedding photographer-that also means going to the reception for pictures.
Other aspects of the day are highlighted with their own check lists of who to take pictures of as a group-VERY detailed.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
The Simple Skillet Cookbook: 15 Elegant and Easy Recipes for Your Cast Iron or Electric Skillet (Cast Iron Cooking - Skillet Recipes - Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook)
Recipes for your skillet. Starts out with breakfast and continues onto lunch and dinner and even a few recipes for dessert.
No pictures and no nutritional information. Detailed list of ingredients along with a summary at the very start of each recipe.
Instructions along with cook time.
John Muir wrestles a waterfall by Danneberg_ Julie
Love hearing of the moonbows, never heard of such a thing. Loved hearing all about the nature
at Yosemite and things others will never get to do. The author explains what he did and saw in 1868 at Fern Ledge.
Reminds me of Thoreau as he had a small cabin and survived on the land.
Moonlight spray and how he wanted to protect the land is discussed.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
BeeYOUtiful: A Storybook & Mindfulness Activity Guide for Busy Little Bees (Lead to Love 2
Very colorful rhyming children's book about a day. Some are good, some are not so good and how to cope with them.
Also excerpts from other activity books: Hugging book, breathing book and many others at the end.
Interior Design: How To Make Your Home Look Amazing by Sebastian Sharp
Book starts out with basics of finding your style and also a large section on decluttering so you can find out what it is you really have.
Lots of ideas with color and multipurpose items.
Can't-Miss Pumpkin Desserts
Not sure what it means by level but in each recipe it also tells you serving size and what size pan to use to bake the item.
List of ingredients, along with how to make the cake and frost it and how to serve and store it.
No pictures and no nutritional information. Pumpkin donuts would be my choice to make.
Clean Eating: Delicious & Healthy Recipes Cookbook For Weight Loss + 7-Day Meal Plan For Weight Loss & Wellness (Clean Eating Diet, Weight Loss, 7-Day Meal Plan, Healthy Eating, Healthy Living)
Starts out with difference between organic foods and clean eating.
Other myths are discussed in next chapters. Weight control and some food substitutions.
Meal plans and listings of what foods you can eat. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Have read other books by the author and have enjoyed them.
This one starts out with Mara and she's relocated to Western Florida and helps the pastor with the gardening.
Love how the quote from the Bible relates to the teenage boys who are there to help with some work before they are given the Wifi code.
Very precise with details of taking care of the snake bite wounds. Then the story goes back to three years earlier and the twin women are doing medical rounds as part of their medical education.
Victor, the boxer had banged up hands and they met for coffee in the morning and Dr. Ruth Burnette invited him to church later that night.
Then the story alternates between the two time frames...
Interesting learning about the boxing career as it also follows their time together in a relationship.
Frightening some of the scenes as it deals with the mob. Victor relies on his Bible to help him get through the tough days.
Found it a bit confusing to go from the present to the past where the characters are using different names. You don't find out why til later in the book.
Would have been a great story in chronological order also. Story goes from past, present and future but in mixed up order.
Discussion questions at the end along with a luncheon and recipes for the discussion.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
I received this book from The Book Club Network (bookfun.org) in exchange for my honest review.
Silly Elephant Peace with Bees by Nadh Poduri
My Review:
Peace with Bees by Nadh PoduriBook starts out introducing the elephant and all his friends so you will become familiar with them if you've not read other books by the author.
Ephan is a blue elephant and he loves to eat his breakfast and then head to the beach with his friends.
Book is a children's book that is very colorful. Typical day at the beach and the bully takes his honey bottle, again.
They discover the bee hive and there is going to be trouble. Watch how Ephan handles it....
More games and activities are on a clickable link at the end.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
Christmas at the Grand Hotel: White Pine Island Novellas #1 and #2
Liked the story line and thought cover was basic, simple and to the point. Am new to this author so excited to read this book and others.
Love the recap of the two books in this series without giving the whole thing away.
Island sounds so perfect! Love that it involves a golf course as I am a fan.
Ned and Bethany's story, White Pine Island by May Williams
Phillips family owns the huge Grand Hotel sitting on the bluff overlooking the ocean. Ned runs the golf course and he's compliant on all the regulations. There is a group that wants him to make changes...
Ned's sister Ellen took care of transportation..other cousins handled other areas. Mr. Hinkle and his daughter Bethany would tag along and not play. Ned couldn't believe how much she had changed over the years-she was now a knockout!
They cut that night short and went to the hotel to check in-she's got her own room, early for the wedding preparations of her sister. She's there to spy on Ned, sending pictures of the golf course to her old boss who will go after his course as it's not compliant with rules and regulations.
She has a lot of secrets and he hopes to find out about them all. Love her new career choice, same direction but getting an education for me. Also the history of the area is fascinating.
He hopes to get closer to her to find out her secrets....hot steamy sex scenes.
Misunderstandings arise and you wonder if they will continue their relationship....
Next in the series sound really good also, can't wait to read them.
White Pine Island Novella 2 by Amie Denman
Pete's family owns and runs the golf cart family business. He's happy on the island, an electrical engineer and there's just enough to keep him busy, things that challenge his mind.
Ellen also works for the family business on White Pine Island, in transportation part.
They are both lifetime friends over the years and both just want to work and inherit their families businesses when the time comes.
His father are ready to sell and move to the mainland... steamy sex scenes and you wonder how they will remain to be the best of friends ...
Really enjoyed this read also and can't wait for the next in the series.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.
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