Friday, August 18, 2017

Book review Peace Cottage #2

Raising Evangeline (Peace Cottage Book 2) by Lisa Kent
What I like about this story is that it's the continuing saga of the first book. The girls are now settled in college and Lucy has been given the chance to raise another's daughter.
After much thought her and the girls decide it'd be a good thing for her. Her companion also thinks she should do more, if she wants and she looks into having a local paper.
Love the parts about homeschooling and what is taught and how she is able to get so much done every week. Such opportunities for Vangie.
What I didn't like was how the book ended as it's up in the air and the have to deciee what goes on from there as this is the last book in the series. There is another series by this author also due out and I'm not so sure I'd go buy it to read it. This book I did actually buy-I never buy books, the publishers send them to me for free for my reviews and I liked the small community in Maine and how Lucy heals over the deaths of loved ones.
Loved the scenery and very descriptive details-that's why I went out and bought the second book.
Like to be able to follow the characters onward.

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