Friday, July 20, 2018

Book Review: A Snowy White Christmas by Josie Riviera

A Snowy White Christmas by Josie Riviera
Starts out with Margaret and she's back in town where she grew up hoping to buy the mobile home she was raised in. She gets a part time job being an elf at Christmas at the store with others in hopes to save the money for the sale.
Story also follows Fernando, her love from high school. She had left shortly after school ended to the west coast to model but she has other secrets she keeps from him.
He is into real estate and he has secrets he hides from her. Some things just don't make it into their conversations.
They do get together for meals and visits with his family but she has her own life. Part of his secret comes out at the sale. She is devastated.
Felt story was a bit rushed at the end when secrets are revealed as to who Emmy's father is.
Like this book because of how hard each of them is struggling-her with taking care of her daughter who has disabilities. He has given his brother (who has disabilities) a kidney and they are recovering still.
Glad she realizes over time what's really important as things are revealed.
Love hearing of the holiday festivities, how children handle being disabled and fit into society, charity and caring for others in this story set in Upstate New York.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

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