Thursday, January 24, 2019

Book Review: Ramonst by A F Knott

Ramonst by A F Knott
Starts out with a boy and his mother taking a plane ride discussing the dog that foamed at the mouth and had died and they did not know why after testing at UTN.
Memories of Clyne holding a cat down on the slide and slicing it open...
Talk of incest and raping....summer with the counsins in East TN. Uncle is there with war stories...
Lots of memories of the lazy summer days in 60's that comes along with news reports that I also recall growing up.
Love hearing of the games played with the relatives-we never got to play flashlight tag because there were 5 of us and we didn't have 5 flashlights. Cousins also in the neighborhood also had large families.
Didn't understand the lingo but got it after a while and at times found it revolting as we were not rasied the same way.
At times the book is a very deep dark story and there are many secrets that come to the light.
Not really my genre but glad I read this book til the end.  Very detailed and descriptive, sometimes very graphical in nature.

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