Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Jan 15 Book Review: Last Duke Standing by Cheryl Bolen

Last Duke Standing by Cheryl Bolen
Have enjoyed the series and this one starts out with Alex and Lord Slade and they are gathered in the library discussing the death of Alex oldest brother. Alex will now inherit everything but his intended fiancée must be told....
She upon seeing his body thinks he was suffocated and she and Alex will work together to find out who murdered Freddie.
They spend a lot of time together, actually getting to know one another and like each other a bit more... Georginna doesn't want to spend a lot of time at her mother's because her grandkids are hellions and not under control by their parents who also live there.
She has to show him the letters that point to another who could have killed his brother...there are other leads that Alex takes up.

Some clues lead to Alex but she knows in her heart it couldn't have been him...
Like the politics and art mentioned in this book and land deals and what they could mean to others...
He knows who killed his brother because of the horse and he knows horses!  They are coming after him next...love the trio and how they stand by one another.
Other works by the author and summarized at the end.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.

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