Monday, September 30, 2019

Setp 30 Book Review: Holly's Gift by Josie Riviera

Holly's Gift by Josie Riviera
This book starts out with a dedication and about the series.
Holly is a Korean born woman who tries to not only fix things but help others.
Holly Kim teaches piano and realizes there's something wrong with one of the students as she's late and has other excuses but she is able to track her down,at a homeless shelter.
She was there to find them, on a hunch, but runs into obstacles as the center is closing due to a deterioration that the electric is not up to code...
They must evacuate everyone. Story at this point follows the decision he has made as he tries to come to grips with it and the beautiful woman that's wandered into his life.
Never read a book where female is from Korea and I like how determined she is, strong and brave all in one as she goes after what she knows needs to happen.
He invites her to the ice rink and would even hold her up and she learns many things about him. Love what the charm bracelet means to her and why.
Love hearing about all the outside winter activities. Like the passages were the Bible is mentioned and quoted and how it fits in with the story.
Love that her friend has left her money for charity, now she has a reason to use it.
Love hearing from both sides as you get the full picture.
Love how she teaches him about herself and love of God. She understands his position but know she will stick true to her faith and maybe he will slide on her side.
Bonus of a Christmas cookie recipe is included, OH YUM!   Dedication and acknowledgments and about the author are also included with nightlights of her other works.
Excerpt is also included of another holiday book.  Knowing some things about the author I love how they are brought out in this book.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion. 

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