Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Books read Oct 1

The Mystery of the Golden Dragons by Paul Moxham
Starts out with Carrie and she's visiting the kids for several days with her dad is off to Monrovia for business.
The kids go on an adventure but they are being followed and watched as they sail to an island to spend the night.
They are kidnapped and taken out of the country to Monrovia where they learn Mr. Chang is taking them to meet the head boss at the Golden Dragons.
They are lucky is some regards as one of them has stowed away and keeps track of them but also gets help from other fighting the Golden Dragons organization.
Lots of mystery and discoveries as they are chased, escape and captured and the chase is on once again. They do meet up with Carrie's dad and for a bit they are able to foll their captors.
Lots of sights and hidden rooms are discovered that aide them again in escaping. They find the coolest of places to hide.
Liked this longer length book as it's so detailed in the conspiracy of the government.

The Mystery of the Crown Jewels by Paul Moxham   
This book starts out with the kids getting an unexpected visitor: Nadia from a previous book and they learn of the kings birthday celebration that they are invited to, in Monrovia.
Parents let them travel with her and they meet the circus people and are given a tour of where the jewels are kept. While the performance goes on the jewels are stolen and everybody is searched high and low.
Joe thinks the jewels could be in the lions cage because nobody would ever search there. He watches and sees the lion tamer with a ransack and he meets Mr. Chang and hands over the sack....
They follow and chase and a fire erupt almost killing one boy. Others come to the rescue.... for a bit..
So much more action as they trace the jewels and try to recover them....
Fire on  the plane, blowing up, bridge falling apart as they cross and so many more dangerous scary things....

The Hope Jar by Wanda Brunstetter
Like how the book starts out: Sarah and after losing her mother she's going through some things and learns she has grandparents and sends them a letter as she wants to visit them. She's taking classes and hopes to have a bit of time to visit with them to tell them about her mother who left when she became pregnant.
Story also follow Michelle who's just leaving her boyfriend and at the bus station the older couple think she is their long lost granddaughter-Sarah and she goes along with the deception.
She lies a lot to keep her status as their granddaughter. They are Amish and she soon learns a lot of physical labor. Enjoyed learning all she has to do and is awarded with a puppy of her own.
She prays to God when some men are trying to grab her into their car but Brad shows up in time. She thinks it because she prayed to God.
Love learning about the African Violets. I'll have to give them another try.
Michelle has taken letters from the mailbox from the real Sarah and destroyed them without showing her grandparents. She even writes back to Sarah telling her not to come til the fall.
Like hearing of all the Amish words she learns.  Have visited the towns mentioned and it's cool to hear more about them.
Like hearing of the history of the Amish, learning so much about their communities and how they are run.
Story alternates with the girls and also other characters in the story. Love how she finds the hope jars with the verses and prayers written on them but is afriad to ask what they mean.
After she fell and bumped her head she opens up to her male friend and he can't understand why she did what she did.
Like how the book follows them all but hate the ending.  Does leave it open to more in the series if it is a series.
Lots of quotes from the Bible.
i received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

I.T. Geek to Farm Girl Freak: Leaving High Tech for Greener Pastures by S.A. Molteni
Liked this story because it's about a woman who marries, had a job in IT in the city and because of their parents failing health they move to the east coast, from the west to care for them.
They buy a lot of land and fix it up with the money they had saved and are able to tend to their parents. Funny how they add an animal a month, it seems and the problems they had learning about them.
It's soon that she has to go back to work to make ends meet but she can work from home-best of both worlds.
Little phrases at the end summaries the chapter. Lots of patience and try and try again til you get it right.
Quite caring as if they are children. Fun book to read.

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