Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Book Review: Oh, Christmas Night by Jane Porter

Oh, Christmas Night by Jane Porter

Oh, Christmas Night by Jane Porter
Starts out with Rachel Mills and she's so disappointed that she did not get the promotion.
She works as an accountant and a man got eh promotion. She'd been the one that had been there the longest.
She receives a package from her godmother and sends a key with Big Sky written on it. It's her book store in Marietta, Montana!
She starts to think all the work she had put into her job and it was going nowhere, maybe time for a change?
Story also follows Atticus Bowen who's a real estate lawyer. He hopes to acquire the building in Marietta and bring his restaurant/steak house there.
They both have arrived in Marietta and discover the town on foot.
Love they are at Marietta during the holidays as the festivities are endless....
She needs to prove to him that she can make a go of it with a profit and like her new job of running the bookshop. Shouldn't be too hard with the supply of books she has to offer and it is Christmas.
Love how the other business in town help her out. She knows he only wants her building. He keeps telling her he wants her to succeed....
Unexpected ending and like it.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

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