Thursday, December 5, 2019

Book Review: THE BUSINESS OF ATTRACTION by M. K. Lansbury

Starts with other works by the author of which I've read a few.
Chapters are then listed. Quotes from others start this book.
Montauk and we find Zara on the beach with her friend Ally.
We are given info about her relationship with Stewart but she had never even dated her.
She's involved in getting others to invest for the dating app they are working on: Soulmate.
She had met a man on the beach and had given her an alias name, as did he.
Like the idea of them trying it themselves and they plan to just hire all women.
Zara is set up with Lance, the CEO of a dating app, he's doing research himself to check out the competition...they have met many times in the past month.
Love learning about the oasis outside the city and have marked it as a place we need to travel to-about 3 hours drive for us.
At the big opening of Soulmate things go so very right: engagement, party is on and then things go oh so wrong: financial, family medical emergency and Zara telling Lance everything...
When Ally calls to tell her the outcome of the whole company she tells her about her part in it all. She hibernates at her parents house as her mom brings her dad home from the hospital....
Their whole friendship has ended as her relationship with Lance. So many secrets and there is hope for them all...
 Never expected story to end this way, WOW, so unpredictable clues didn't lead this way. Great read!
Author opens up about her secrets and an excerpt from another of her books is included at the end.
Other works with summaries are also listed at the end, about the author.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

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