Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Book Review: Rumors by Phil M. Williams

Rumors by Phil M. WIlliams
Wow I was putting off reading this for so long and glad I finally started by reading just a few chapters every night.
That lasted about 3 days til I was reading 10 chapters every night til today where I just finished it off totally.
Can't fathom all the damage done to some by rumors or lies.
Relationships come from all different angles and people from all walks of life and they are not forced on you so you get to understand them a little better as they also play a part in what happens.
Felt such heartache for some and shocked at how some just were out for their own self and advancement at all costs.
Won't get into the explicit details but this is a great book that follows just a handful of people: a few teachers, a few administrators, a few parents and a few football players.
All meet everyday at the same school and we learn of all their secrets a bit at a time. Some are shared with others and some are not but they are found out...
Extremes this book goes to implement justice is beyond anything I've read in a super long time. Love how all the ends come out at the end-never saw it happening this way.
So many got so hurt or died because of rumors with wrong information being sent to others...
Love the brave and courage and those who hold true to others.
Have loved all this author has created but this now sits at the top of my list for this year as the best ever book I've read.
Can't wait to read more form this author-he does his homework!

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