Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Book review: A Chocolate-Box New Years (Chocolate-Box #2) by Josie Riviera

A Chocolate-Box New Years (Chocolate-Box #2) by Josie Riviera 
This story starts out with praise for the authors' works.
Story starts with Julie and she not only runs the restaurant but owns it and works nonstop.
Love that her siblings live nearby and are very supportive. She feels migraines coming on often as she is doing too much, doesn't count on others to do her work.
Story also follow Lorenzo and he's a Italian local weatherman and others jest he hardly gets the forecast right. He wants her to take charge of the wedding anniversary dinner at her place.
She assumes it's for he and his wife but learns otherwise later...He wants his grandmother's recipe and she tries it with his being the taste tester and she just can't get it right-the recipe was very vague.
Her sister-from the chocolate shop tell her it's so he can spend time with her-he compliments her often.
Love hearing of the authentic way to make pasta and that she donates the leftovers.
Like the things they find in common after spending a lot of hours taste testing the recipe-he wants it perfect for the dinner.
With so much in common they can't find ground to stand on where one is off balance and you wonder if they will ever get together.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

1 comment:

Josie said...

Thank you, Julie. I'm thrilled you loved my sweet romance, A Chocolate-Box New Years!