Thursday, May 28, 2020

May 28 Book Review: The Mystery of the Runaway King by Paul Moxham

The Mystery of the Runaway King by Paul Moxham

The Mystery of the Runaway King by Paul Moxham
This book starts out with series listings of the authors works and praise for his writing.
Story starts out in Wales and the children along with Will were visiting with Will's father who is a writer and the kids will entertain themselves.
They are familiar with the area as they have visited before and they plan to camp out in the woods near the house. They first buy some ponies for several days and head to the lake where they spot a girl coming out of the water.
They talk to her and realize she's staying at a friend's house and Sophia is to go there and ask permission to camp out.
Kids gather and help Sophia with her tent. Overnight the storm moves in and one hears a dog whimpering and goes to investigate. She is kidnapped and removed from the site. She attempts to get away and remembers some moves she used prior to get away.
Others at the camp start looking for her and after talking they all realize they got the wrong girl. That's when Sophia tells them who her father is.
There is so much action and adventure and yet more mysteries as the children are able to go to places they are familiar with to stay out of the way of the men in black cars-they know it's the Golden Dragons now and they are also trying to overthrow the country's government and Sophia is a big part of it.
On one scary road chase they go off the road and get assistance from Bridget.  So many places are visited along with new ones and you wonder if they will ever be safe again.
Love the Eagles Nest and all hidden treasures there. LOVED the new words I learned-had to look them up to get various meanings.
Can't wait to read more adventures the children take me on.
Authors listing of latest works and just released are summarized along with buy links.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

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