Healing Faith by Pamela Gossiaux
Starts with praise for other works by this author.
Starts out with Rachel and she's on her way to Three Hearts Ranch where she volunteers her time helping others with disabilities, seen and unseen.
She learns she will have a new client and there is nobody else there to do it but her. It turns out to be an old boy from high school that she is still angry about how he left her to take all the blame, didn't get to walk to graduation nor go to the college of her choice due to losing the scholarship.
Chris is a returning Vet and he tries to hold onto his part time jobs but his PTSD gets in the way. He's got many ways to calm himself and this is a last ditch effort to cure him.
They are together with Kim, the owner when the Humane Society bring in Faith who doesn't even resemble a horse nor can she walk. They are able to spend time with the horse healing her, bringing her back to life and she in turn helps to heal each of them, without realizing it.
They spend a lot of time together and learn how the other has changed over the years.
Love learning of Rachel's other clients and what their problem are and how she can see signs in them that mean they could harm themselves.
When Kim is about the lose the farm they rally together and make things happen to bring others together to help. Love the ideas for fundraising-so interesting.
Just before the event Rachel loses her job and she's ready to just give up but she recalls things from others and her grandmothers Bible.
Lots of scripture passages are quoted, love they have 'faith' in them
Love how this book teaches me so much more to look for in horses and people. I can't believe how much I learned from reading this book from a lot of different angles.
So many emotions while reading this book, NOT very often I cry. I did in this one but also laughed so hard and out loud others questioned me and I had to share what was so funny!
Hoping one day it can cure my son from his PTSD problems. Love how today's' life problems are talked about in this book.
Saving Grace is also excerpted with one chapter Can't wait to read more from this author, especially this series.
I received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
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