Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Book Review: Soccer Parenting: by Dylan Joseph

Soccer Parenting by Dylan Joseph

Soccer Parenting: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build Your Child's Confidence, Work with the Coach, and Help Your Soccer Player Succeed (Understand Soccer Book 10) by Dylan Joseph
This book starts out with offer of free print out where it summarizes this whole book, for free
Table of contents shows the chapters and how they are broken up for easy reference.
Dedication page and preface. Important pyramid chart showing all important aspects of a players life and steps to skills.
They are explained in detail. Introduction talks about the role of the parent when a child is playing soccer and how to help them in many different ways.
Love the chapters that have dark print because they are the summary of the important things. Rest of the paragraphs explain in further detail.
Examples are shown using pictures.  Like how the chapters prepare you for the public and how to conduct yourself in front of your child at the game also.
Really like the chart of right equipment and how that is included in the printout.  Materials are listed and the pros and cons of the equipment.
Food, sleep, practice and so much more are all important aspects of the game and you do have to set priorities.
Different phrases are given and explains why the child wants to hear them from you.
Afterword is given about how you are helping the child achieve their success.
Offer of free printout sheet is offered.
Offer of free ebook is also offered. About the author section is included at the end.
Other works by the author are highlighted.
Thanks from the author and glossary of words used are explained in detail.
Acknowledgements are also included.
Found this book fun because it includes a bit of everything thus far from the other books in the series. Felt this book can be used in most life circumstances, not just for soccer.

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