Sunday, November 29, 2020

Book Review: Sleigh Bells Ring in Romance by Shanna Hatfield


Sleigh Bells Ring in Romance by Shanna Hatfield
Story starts out with Jess and he's  recuperating from knee surgery and his daughter Janet is there to help him.
She meets the boy she grew up with next door, Blayne and her conspire to get his mother and her father together.
They were both married couples til hey lost their loves and were there for the other during the hard times. He knows now his dead wife wants him to be happy, even if it means marrying another.
Dorris can't get over her spouse dying, years ago now, but she likes the attention Jess pays her. Their kids set it up so Janet is going back to her family and Dorris will have to come visit Jess for lunch and dinner and help with doctor appts and therapy.
She brings over such  great tasting meals, Jess teases her but not in such good words. She retaliates right back at him.
He had pulled out a photo album and she carries it to the table while they eat and they remember all the good times their families had over the past 650 years.
They are in their 70's now and they do enjoy still going out for a meal, going to a Christmas tree lighting and other festive events.
They draw a lot closer as time as goes on but then something he says, or is about to say has her leaving and not talking to him anymore.
Her son knows what he has to do and confides in Jess.
Love this for many reasons: the age of the adults is my own age range, finally a great story of things I'd be doing and thinking, granddaughter spoiling her grandmother, opening doors for her, such emotions and know he's a true gentleman.
Love the atmosphere, little things that mean a lot, treats along the way especially the ending scene, how precious!
Can't wait to read more of this series.
Plus to this are the recipes at the end.

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