Saturday, December 5, 2020

Books read Dec 5

Cholesterol: Natural Remedies To Lower Cholesterol - Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally Without Drugs! by Sarah Brooks
Table of contents where chapters are broken up into a solution that will help your body get rid of the cholesterol rather than taking drugs.
Intro talks about how HBP can lead to diabetes also and how you can rely on drugs to handle the high cholesterol.
What the author states in this book seems worth a try as it sounds so much like common sense. Even though it could be in your genes the items they want you to substitute for are natural foods, not chemicals.
There are charts throughout showing examples of healthy food choices.
Can't wait to try some coconut oil with our meals.
There are just 2 recipes that are listed in table format along with directions.
It's a start and I hope it works for us.

Sandwiched by Tanya Schroeder
Starts with praise  and table of contents where recipes are broken up into meal and food categories.
Intro talks about the author and why they wanted to write this book.
Each chapter has a index of recipes inside
Each recipe starts with a title, color photo, summary of the dish, prep and cook times and servings.
List of ingredients is included and you should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs; low sugar, low sodium, low fat and fresh vs. canned items.
Directions are given and there is NO nutritional information.
There is one section in the recipe: prep/cook times and servings that is in a dark red colored rectangle with black lettering-almost impossible to read.
There are a lot of choices for different types of meat/poultry etc  used. 
There are quotes from famous people throughout.
 Interesting flavor combinations.
 Love choices of breads to use also.
Some of the recipes use a large amount of ingredients, be sure you have them all lined up before you start cooking.
Acknowledgements and index are enclosed at the end along with cooking measurement equivalents and metrics. 
Place for your notes and about the author are included at the end. 

Real food real kitchens New York Cookbook by Craig Chapman
Dedication page and pictures from NYC along with table of contents where peoples names are mentioned along with their cuisine and divided into boroughs of NY.
Forewords are enclosed from others in the area.
Love the idea of eating at a family table in a restaurant with others we don't even know. Have seen it on tv show A million little things and it looked so cozy and friendly. So glad to hear it really does exist.
Intro talks about what family means and food. Each of the boroughs is described in their own chapter
Each of the chefs are highlighted, their main country cooking expertise,  along with their recipe and their story/history.
Each recipe starts with a title, servings, summary of the dish, list of ingredients and how to make it. Servings suggestions are also provided.
I get lost with all the beautiful high graphic pictures it could be a book in itself.
Recipe index is included at the end. along with thanks to others.
About the author and photographer are also included at the end.


Party with sweet treats by Norene Cox
Starts with praise from others. Dedication page.
Beautiful colorful photographs throughout the book.
Table of contents with chapters listing holidays that are normally celebrated along with special days and, just for fun celebrations.
Introduction talks about the author and how she discovered the decorating part of the cupcakes was the great party of the party at school.
Tips and tricks chapter has a lot of great suggestions and ideas along with equipment needed.
Basic decorating secrets are shown in detail.
Each holiday starts with the holiday name, large colorful photograph. Title and summary of the dessert is included.
List of ingredients along with the process of putting it all together with step by step instructions and pictures.
Such cute ideas for not only kids but for an anniversary party. NO nutritional information.
Author makes these look easy to me they are over the top, but should be able to accomplish them, at home.
Index of recipes is included at the end. Acknowledgements and about the author are included.
Something for everybody!


Ben's Adventures A Day at the Beach by Elizabeth Gerlach
Colorful children's book about Ben and his family and how they spend their time at the beach one day. He dreams he is an able bodied boy.
Words are very tiny for me to even read. He dreams of all the things they will do while there. 

Happy Little Pine by Nirdesha Munasinghe
Colorful children's story about a pine tree...Fir tree is described as they sit among other older fir trees.
The day a man comes and digs her up and takes her to his house for Christmas and we see the old fir trees are sad and cry...
They have a plan and other things around them also decide to leave...With rhyming words he tells them he'll never take the little fir tree away again.
Rather sad book would've been better if they showed the tree decorated for Christmas in the house, having fun with the family.
Free tree activity book is offered.
More then just a Dot is also included at the end.
Not able to enlarge the size of letters very difficult to read on some of the backgrounds.

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