A Box of Wishes by Jori Aguilar Sams
Story about Tindara and she's run away from the orphanage as others have taken everything from her. Her parents had died suddenly and there was no one to take care of her. Story follows her young life on the streets. Author describes the scene in front of you so detailed that you can see yourself there.
Such sad horrific scenes are described as to where she gets her food from. I know it happens in our world but hard to read about. She does scurry around the garbage and she only finds broken glass that is shiny. She startles a kitty and they follow her around. She wants a Christmas tree of her own and a family. Her
kitty she calls Cricket. Tindara looks for more food for them both and finds another red object.
She is able to find a red box. She unwraps it and does find a bright shiny box.
The box is empty but she holds onto it.
What happens next is magical and she has her own Christmas spirit.
Her angel shows herself as an angel to help her. She is able
to get three wishes and is told to be careful how she says her wishes. She has to do all this by Christmas eve. Her angel whispers she has to believe.
She could wish for food but it'd not be forever. She looks at her favorite toy store. I like her first wish and how others take her in as if she is their own. Problem is she is scared when a new baby is born and they no longer pay attention to her so she leaves.
Her next wish is evil and she realizes what she has done when she visits the family again.
With just one wish left she knows what she must do but will it be a good or evil wish.
Great decision follow and you realize there are good in others.
Book ends with a thank you note from the author and how to contact her.
Other upcoming works by the author are listed at the end.
About the author is also included along with her other works where the books are synopsized.
Can't wait to read more from this author.
I received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
My mind is always in writer’s mode. I feel most grounded when I’m doing just that. This is when I have a chance to give back all that’s been invested in me. Spiced with a past that has led me to live in states all over the US, as well as four different countries across Europe, this has supplied me a palette full of colors providing plenty of material to sing and write about. “But by the Grace of God go I!” Create. Inspire. Repeat!
I'm the face behind Writeious Books. Thanks for stopping by! Here you'll find heady nonfiction, poetry, fun travel fiction, and even some illustrated books for kids. So browse around and have a little snack while I serve up some food for thought!
Betrayal at the Border by Mark M Bello
Starts with kids playing after dinner, a Venezuelan game their mother taught them. We played similar games growing up.
ICE is rounding up undocumented people and sending them back to where they came from. The kids have one secret and they will not tell anyone of their parents citizenship status.
Story also follows another couple, caught up in the Syria/MiddleEast war where they were to leave for US to visit relatives and are now caught, not being able to leave the country at all...
Sounds like exactly what's going on with our country these days.
Mann and Blake lawyer agency know all the rules and will help those they can. Zach has the money and Marshall knows immigration laws.
Family live near Detroit and the wife and daughter will travel back with help from a soldier while they are in Syria to visit relatives. Father stays behind...
Like alternating chapters of each of the families and the obstacles they are up against.
Like hearing of the choices they can make when it comes down to the hard stuff.
US case is brought in front of a judge and you think things are going very well to bring the parents together with their children til you learn the kids were to be taken to a detention center but only adults are found there.
No traces of where the kids are.
Zach works with terrorists and SEALs to come to an end to the woman and her child being kidnapped. Love the generals, so cool!
He's got the money and now the team to help not only negotiate but return the hostages.
Author has such words that he describes the scenes so you feel as if you are there, can smell what they are smelling and see sights you wish you had never seen. Love the history along the way.
Just when you think everyone is safe the court system handles the situations...
Such torture to go through court system, like the outcome. Lawsuit is part of this drama.
Note from the author at the end describes effects in Congress to get a bill passed to help the immigrant process more uniformly and standard throughout.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.
Awful Reckoning by John M Vermillion
Book starts out with dedication page and preface about the theme of the book.
Special thanks and love the tribute to Leonard Cohen. Love his lyrics and music, so sad he's no longer with us and he left his music for us to enjoy.
List of other works with dates by the author and a list of characters so you won't be lost during the book.
Prologue is about the code the two who had served together use to summon help. Will's daughter had been taken and they pretty much know by who.
The team is assembled with NO detail forgotten.
Lots of travel, keeping safe, and so many small things that fall into place that they notice and lead them to other decisions in their movements.
So much action and mystery that are solved over time. Alternating chapters so you hear what's going on with the kidnappers holding Julie for ransom and at the same time you learn of where the team is with not only their background investigation but assembling the team, what they will need and where they will meet and who will team up with another.
Like how the teams change depending on what attributes the team need to accomplish their goal. Everything runs like clockwork with them.
Terrifying to learn of Juie's captivitty and how one insubordinate is shot in front of her and she's forced to scrub the floor of all traces of DNA or the female leader will do the same to her.
Julie is smart and uses her body when she and just one other are left in the house. When she's able to she uses her knowledge: she knows what to look out for, stays hidden on the side of the road and follows as the cars leave so she knows which way to head to a city.
Being able to fight off a mean dog, wow she's got skills for sure and uses what she has on her to bandage herself.
Have read a bit about Antifa and I get chills because as the author states from the very start the US could be up against more then they've dealt with over the years with just this one group.
They are all highly trained and smart. Such a fascinating book the way the author tells his story. Can't wait to read more of his works.
Author has a way with his words that make the scenes visible to me due to the detailed descriptions. I sit on the edge of my seat and then have to pause for an hour to digest what I've read.
Ends with about the author and his other works.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.
Soccer: A Step-by-Step Guide on 14 Topics for Soccer Players, Coaches, and Parents, How to Make the Team, and Speed, Endurance, Flexibility, and Strength (Understand Soccer) by Dylan Joseph
Three books in this collection of soccer informaton.
Soccer Training: A Step-by-Step Guide on 14 Topics for Intelligent Soccer Players, Coaches, and Parents by Dylan Joseph
Have an interest in this game as I like to know how games are played, the rules and other information that is important. I didn't participate in school.
Offer of free spreadsheet and more. Comes with warnings to get checked out and given the ok by a doctor before you start the regiman that will turn into good habits.
Book is geared more towards an individual training and that makes it easier to be a team player.
So many different positions and uses for the parts of your body that I hadn't even realized. A lot of strategy is explained with detailed information about how to do the move from beginning to end.
Lots of coach and parent tips. The author's site also shows pictures and video's of the moves and positions. Nutrition, sleep, yoga and exercises etc are also discussed and why doing different things on a daily basis will improve your body to be able to play the sport.
What I liked about this book was the down to earth easy to understand and words are showing the encouragement the coach uses in a loving way.
Examples of things that happened are also detailed.
Favorite part was realizing the sandwich method of praise while at the same time tweeking the position of the outcome to be achieved. Doesn't then feel like you are getting yelled at or cut down.
Glossary of words are explained at the end. Next book in the series is highlighted at the end but you have a vote in the matter.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Soccer Tryouts: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make the Team (Understand Soccer Book 11)by Dylan Joseph
Book starts with offer of free printout of checklist for tryouts.
Table of contents is included showing the most important items you will need with tryouts.
Dedication page and preface which talks about how this book can really aid you in tryouts but you have to use the advice.
Player's pyramid is shown with multiple levels and skills. They are explained more in detail.
Introduction talks about what the book can do for you.
Each chapter has highlighted sections that you should really pay attention to as they are key.
So much detail is paid to experience of the author and what works over the years.
Love how the chapters are summarized with the most important information listed.
There is so much involved in the tryout itself: preparing with what to eat before, exercising weeks/months prior, and sleep and why is also explained further in the chapters.
Examples are also given of exactly what food to eat prior, day of and after and why.
When it comes time face to face there are also a lot of key points to make, some are just facial expressions and why are also detailed.
Coachable, wow hadn't thought of when you try out you are also telling the coaches you want to learn more. Great chapter!
Communication and words used will go a long way also and why some should be avoided. Have fun, you got this.
What I love about this book also is that the examples given can also be used in other things: going for a job interview, interviewing for other that soccer.
It's all key information.
Bonus tips are included and also I love the section on mistakes. we are all human.
Have fun and the afterword is also included at the end.
Offer of printout about tryouts is also discussed. Note to the reader and glossary of words used and explained.
About the author is also attached.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end along with offer of free book when you sign up for author's newsletter.
Acknowledgments are listed at the end.
Soccer Fitness: a step by step guide on speed, endurance, flexibility and strength by Dylan Joseph
Offer of free printout of the most important things in this book.
Table of contents is included with a chapter on the most aspects of fitness when it comes to soccer training.
Dedication page and preface about the books in the series.
This book concentrates on speed and endurance, weight training and stretching and flexibility.
Although I am not a soccer player nor have kids in that area I find the fitness material very useful. I am a gardener where I need to stretch to achieve tending to the garden several times a week.
Love the bold print of the most import facts of the book where the rest of the paragraphs explain about the concept.
Love that the author has taken the time to go over other important things in ones life, BMI and exactly how to do resistance training. Being that I am now over 65 my doctor is concerned about the bone density so she has me doing weight training exercises.
This book explains to me how to do them correctly and which ones I should be doing for which muscles.
Some of the phrases used I am not familiar with but there is a glossary of terms at the end of the book to help explain it in further detail.
Illustrations along the way also show how to do some things to be sure you are doing them properly.
Love the examples of a day of inactive and more active days by the author and how he handles the intake of food to maintain his weight.
Love reference you can find online to determine your own BMI using other means of measurement to get a truer calculation.
Charts included on weight training off season and in season.
So detailed with what exercises to do X times a week and how many sets.
Never realized there are so many ways of stretching and what they mean.
Love the positivity chants in routine stretches, so cool!
Injuries and how to tend to them and recover from them, very helpful and useful information here!
Afterword and about the author are included at the end along with free offer of printout.
Glossary of terms is attached also. One of the books that will be on my table for many months to come as I glance through it from time to time during gardening season as I limber up before heading out.
Received a review copy from the author and htis is my honest opinion.
American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins
Listened to this book from BARD and the narrator has a Spanish accent so it really makes it feel like I'm there. Descriptions are very precise in detail, some scenes I forget as they are a bit gory.
Story starts out when the mother and child are hiding in the bathroom. The shooters have invaded the house after shooting everybody outside for a family gathering.
Terrifying moments as one uses the bathroom in the same room they are in. After notifying the police she knows they must leave and seek shelter to keep safe.
The family get together of 15 and only her and her young son have survived.
Story then goes back to when she ran the bookstore with her husband. Times when they had to pay the cartel to keep their store from being broken into and things stolen.
Cartel visit other stores more often for more money. On the run I like how she is more alert to her surroundings and who is nearby. Love what she does with her ring and jewelry.
Child is scared and he is somewhat a genius with facts about things he's read. He knew the CO rivers and she hopes they make it there as she has an uncle there.
The package arrives with their food at the hotel and she is so terrified when she reads it. Haunting glimpse of her past.
She feels a bit safe but knows it's only for a few seconds as cars pass the bus and there are roadblocks.
Her son, Luca naps while she is still planning what to do next, especially if they have to escape a roadblock when the bus is stopped. She knows the cartel will be watching for them.
They are heading north and she hopes it is the right choice. Scenery along the way: colorful houses that resemble lego's, cute remark from Luca.
She knows of a person she could contact in the area. She's smart about her SIM card.
Lydia is able to track her spouse's friend on Facebook and finds a church the friend is a member of. She knows what and where the tattoo is and to watch out for it.
She knows they are still after her. Lying on the top of the train as it goes very fast might not be the perfect option to stay undetected.
Story keeps going back and then to present days. You are able to collect pieces of the things you want to know about, like a puzzle piece.
They can't buy certain tickets without a birth certificate for Luca...
They will be joining migrate workers in the journey north... Lydia's spouse was a journalist and he liked the strong bylines and stories he had to write about the murders.
The nuns after walking for 7 miles will keep them safe a night and with food. She gave up a lot of personal information even though she did not have to, never their destination. I'm really scared for her now.
She feels at ease with the other mothers as the young children sit at a table nearby.
Some women talk of the teen girl that was almost taken the night before. The man was in the cartel she's trying to avoid.
Love where and why she hides her money, so smart. Long struggles to get from one location to another. Unimaginable terror when boarding the train.
They are so close but then they are caught...horrid and horrific scenes as others are tortured and killed in front of their eyes. The other girls they were traveling with had made a call to their father but they get bad news there.
The attackers are not so easy on the girls...
'another day, another horror' is what they all go through, some worse than others.
I have read about the coyotes who will aid them from Mexico through the desert to the US. Never thought who was really responsible for the family deaths til she discovers who was behind it all.
Love the epilogue and about the author and why she wrote this book, mind blowing, emotional, numb should not be this difficult.
Love how the hoops and ring are her lifesavers and she needs to touch them when in danger and when in doubt as to their choices.
Strong, smart, brave, will do anything for their passage to US.
Thing I don't like are Spanish words and sayings as the story goes along that are not always translated into English.
Gets a 5 because i learned new words, travel, adventure, action, love, women were strong, brave and smart and mysteries.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Dear Santa by Debbie Macomber
Book starts out with a note from the author as to how she got the idea for this story. Dedication page.
Store starts with Lindy, she is back home for the holidays, loving she has a place to go.
She has news for them and tells them of losing her boyfriend to her best friend and out of a place to live but she solves that.
She mother had saved all the letters Lindy had written to Santa over the years so this year she wants a new best friend.
She ends up shopping and meets up with her old friend from junior high and they run into owner of the place they are eating.
She had once written a letter to Santa about him and once she hears the troubles they had that Christmas she feels real bad.
Her mom has an idea, cookies for him.... he shares cookies and coffee in his office with her.
She designs websites and can help him out...and he has a nice way of showing his appreciation.
Love scavenger hunt she has with her new friends, so fun and a riddle to solve. Magical special day at Leavenworth, so festive.
She gets a shock when she sits to talk to Santa. They see each other frequently and she is able to help pass out candy canes to the children.
love how the Christmas day went and the week after Lindy and Billy spend together.
His sister at the snowy hill gets her thinking of her decision to stay or to go back to the city to her job and apartment. Others have tried to persuade her to stay also...she also gives the hint of family secrets...
Her spouse have all their money invested in his restaurant and don't want to lose it.... Lindy has to go back to the city for work....
An excerpt "Jingle all the way" is included at the end along with about the author.
I received this review copy from Ballantine Books via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#DearSanta #NetGalley
The Butler by Danielle Steel
Story follows a man who has left behind in South America his twin brother when they reach adult age.
Joachim moves with his mother and she marries a man and live in Paris.
He is given jobs but he's not found his real love....he decides when his step father passes away to use the money he was given to go to butler school.
Never thought about it much and there are not many around anymore as our traditions and life style changes over the years.
Interesting to learn about the career. He relocates back to Paris to tend to his ailing mother and his butler long term job has ended.
Story also follows Olivia and she's moved to Paris and runs her design magazine til it ends due to internet offering cheaper ways to doing things.
She has no one else in the whole world and is taken advantage of by a maid. The butler guesses what's going on and lines up all the workers.
WOW he knows his job very well and things are resolved. He helps Emily get her house in order and teaches her of fun places to shop around town.
Joachim often thinks of his brother and fears he's in the mafia or something similar and fears they will never meet again.
When both are at a standstill they make a big decision about an estate a Russian had bought near Paris and want to help him redecorate it
He is interrogated about his travels when they try to make arrangements to ship her furniture back to NY. They find out about the brothers birthmarks. She orders a background check on Joachim.
Love hearing about his mothers career by finding those who had paintings stolen from them during the way, she was able to reunite them.
When both of their endeavors end abruptly due to money loss and things being returned to their rightful owners they are at a loss..
Surprised at how this ends.
Received this review copy from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Delacorte Press via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#TheButler #NetGalley
Searching for Ganesha by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski
This book starts out with a collection of Ganesha's and they are described using many factors:
description, medium, origin, date of creation, dimensions and the story behind it.
Praise for the authors works is included.
Other works by the author are listed along with reviews from many others.
Table of contents, introduction about collections and the story.
Like learning new things and this is one I had not realized came in many shapes, designs and from different materials.
Love that certain things like way the tusk is facing signifies something different to a certain group of worshipers, vs another group in another country.
Like all the detailed parts of the statues but especially the story behind them are fascinating.
With the descriptions I can picture them in my mind.
Resources are listed at the end along with about the author and his works.
High quality photos included throughout the book. Large file if digital format.
Quite large differences between Asian countries and small changes in idol statutes and what they mean.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.
The Arbitrator by Max Nowaz
Acknowledgements and table of content.
What I like about this book is the imagination and outlook of the future.
A time in the future, different planets but also Earth remains.
The medical field in this book is so real but seems so far out of reach. You have those in charge and they can survive without being sent back to Earth to recharge for many decades.
Colonization includes robots, droids and humans and some that have been modified.
I like the idea of living, physically fit and mentally and then recharging. I can't imagine how organs would survive and not break down.
Love the war strategic maneuvers and how they work so they are able to survive as a group of innovators.
Brown is the arbitrator and after he shows signs of failing he is given drugs that renew his system, enough to help him finish a mission in one piece.
The drugs, untried on others in his species have a different outcome as everybody had expected.
Ending leaves the story line open to another book in the series. Especially can imagine a laser gun clearing a jungle, who knew?
Lots of action, adventure, mysteries, romance, travel, weapons and new species to learn about.
I received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

Get Rich or Get Lucky by Max Nowaz
This book starts out with Adam and he's a house flipper and has made a nice living at it.
He has friends Charlie and Dick and he looks up to them and he wants to prove to them that he can make something happen.
They meet in his back yard and he turns Dick into a fish and Charlie goes crazy.
Adam is flipping that house and has workmen in all the time. He had found a book of spells written in German and after he says on things happen.
The neighbors are strange and blame him for the uproar in the weather, cops always around, others missing, etc.
Things really get crazy especially with the fmailes. It got to the point I thought maybe he's just dreaming all this cuz it sounds so real.
He gets his job back at the college teaching but the deal to buy into the college gets confusing and plans don't go as they should.
Lots of characters and there's a lot of magic, real good story for just around Halloween. The book is stolen and others end up dying. Others approach him that are of the magic sort...
Interesting book and outcme.
Ends with information about another book the author wrote.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century by Jessica Bruder
Love the tribute to Leonard Cohen, his words matter.
Story is about Linda and she's now over 60 and on the road traveling from one location to another while finding short term work.
She had raised two girls and had even moved in with them at one point but they downsized and no rom for her. She lives in her modified van and works seasonal jobs in America, heading to warmer climates in the winter, AZ where rent is cheap and she likes the job of tending to the campsites and facilities.
She has many friends and people she runs into yearly and has a wealth of helpful information about jobs, that either she's done or knows other who have done them.
Depression sets in when you are forced to work OT but are only paid for 8 hours and when you are told it will be 40 hours a week and lucky to get 20. You can't pay bills with lower money, never mind survive.
I had watched a movie about this woman on TV and although you can't hear her thoughts you can see her actions.
I would be terrified to live the life on the road, never knowing who was going to rob you, abuse you or kill you. With pandemic I feel things have gotten worse and its everybody for themselves out there.
Raised from a frugal mother who could cook a meal and feed others not in their immediate family they joke about the lack of hamburger in the spaghetti dinner.
Love the idea of the earth ship and how you grow food in the house and you do not need any utilities hooked up, the house sustain itself.
Book is so much more entertaining, giving you the history of living in vans, rv's etc like the Okies in grapes of wrath (love this mention) traveling to areas they could survive in.
Like how others have agreed to pitch in to help her with the adventure and living off the land.
Love hearing how she progresses with her dreams, plans and her earth ship. Wonder how it turned out.....
Love how smart she is and always listening to others on how they would do things, like building a water plant, using rain for crops, etc.
Travel, learning new things, way of the world when you live on the roads and public lands, fears of trafficking drugs, how to make ends meet.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).
Conquer Your Deliverance by John Ramirez
Dedicated to the kids in foster care. Quotes from bible are listed and their sources.
Next is a short article about the super hero in your life and the author describes his own.
Table of contents, like how they are titled, some common, everyday, things I'm familiar with.
Foreword and a tribute to his sister and how she struggled throughout her life the family was also able to celebrate many things.
Introduction talks about how an eagle was raised as a chicken.
Chapter about why the author wants you to read this book is next.
Love the chapter names as I can relate to them as I know about the subject. Such simple examples of things we are familiar with.
Love the parts where there isn issue with health or money or a job and God comes through for them. Having trust and faith in God makes all the difference.
We know we are only here for a short time you need to act now or you can believe the devil and that we will live forever.
Many quotes from the scriptures, bible and other fables we grew up with. These all reinforce what the author is telling us.
Spirituality is discussed in detail along with the darker side: cults, demons, etc. Love the phrase spiritual warfare-you do have the tools to fight the demons.
Many prayers and chants are offered at the end. About the author is included also has his other works highlighted.
So easy to understand because of the way the author tells the story.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.
Christmas Dessert Murder (Hannah Swensen, #20 & 23): CHRISTMAS CARAMEL MURDER / CHRISTMAS CAKE MURDER
by Joanne Fluke
Two prior stories in this box set.
Christmas Caramel Murder by Joanne Fluke
Love the authors work and treasure recipes throughout each book.
This one starts out with Hannah and Ross-her new husband and after having a meal at the Inn he asks her about last Christmas event where the caramel candy didn't quite work out well.
She then explains to him over the course of the rest of the night what happened. Started out with Lisa and Hannah and Lisa has agreed they will need to make more as the candy company is out of business.
As Lisa informs Hannah of her spouses late night work she worries his new assistant who he had dated in high school was going to be Mrs. Santa Claus this year as Herb was Santa himself. They catch a rehearsal as they are in the neighborhood and just as she feared Gloria is up to her old tricks.
They buckle down and discuss it while they experiment and make treats only to find out later that Phyllis is now dead...
The characters in the book that are always in the books are present here: Norman, Mike, Herb, Lisa and her sisters and mother. Even a guest appearance from her father as a ghost of Christmas helps solve this one.
Recipes are to die for!
I received this book from The Kensington Books in exchange for my honest review
Christmas Cake Murder by Joanne Fluke
Have read most all of other books in the series, can be read as standalone also.
This one starts out when Hannah is just in college and they've lost their dad. Delores, their mom is taking it bad spending a lot of time in bed, napping.
One day her friends come up with a suggestion that might help get her going again. Only she'd be able to handle the huge event.
She accepts and we learn about how it all came together and what she has to do to make the event a huge accomplishment.
What I like also is that Essie has notebooks of stories she had written and it's played out by other characters. Love getting two stories in one book.
Love hearing how the cookie shop started-had no idea after 25 books.
Like hearing of the regular day when their dad was alive and how he'd spill food on his clean shirt-reminds me so much of my husband also.
There are many components to the Christmas Ball and a cake parade is one of them, sounds so yummy and colorful.
Loved learning new things: spray Pam in spoon before measuring molasses! it won't stick!
Quite the mystery surrounding Essie, glad it got solved! Conversion tables at the end of the book.
Recipes included after every other chapter that relate to the topics in those chapters.
Received this review copy from Kensington Books via Netgalley and this is my honest opinion.
#ChristmasCakeMurder #NetGalley
Loved this set of two Christmas books.
Received this review copy from Kensington Books via Netgalley and this is my honest opinion.
#ChristmasDessertMurder #NetGalley.
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