Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Book Review: SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper by Howard E. Wasdin, Stephen Templin


SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper by Howard E. Wasdin, Stephen Templin 
Enjoy this story because it's action packed with things SEAL's do when they are working. Also enjoy his off hours and spending it with family and friends.
Love terminology that is explained and there is a glossary of the terms as well.
Lots of missions are described to the finest detail, I wonder if these are secrets that nobody knows about but they do now, is that ok with Navy?  Never heard of so many of them and appreciate understanding them. Like when they repel from a helicopter and what the aircraft must do to retain length and why.
Also I've seen SEALS's coming out the water locally and never realized what they did with their flippers. So cool to find out. TV shows never show that.
Story starts when he's very young and what he has to endure.  Love when he decides to better his life by joining the military.  Like hearing about the Forts that he trained at: one being in Clarksville and the other  at Benning. both places our son was located.
Like the laughs between the guys and about his son Blake but especially what they did to the dog that was biting them...
Found this book to be outright truthful and the missions are straight forward even if they go sideways.  Lots of parts of this book that everybody could enjoy, hope you get a chance to read this one.
I was hoping to find out more about what my son had to survive during his time in the Army when he was not stateside and this story is amazing.   
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).


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