Monday, February 19, 2024

Children's books reviewed: Feb 19


Facts about the Red winged starling by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the bird.  
Never heard or seen these.


Texas Armadillo: Fun Facts About the Armadillo by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the animal.  
Heard of but never seen in real life.


Facts about the Mangabey by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the monkey.  
Never heard or seen these.

Facts about the Saddle Billed Stork by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the Stork.  
Never heard or seen these.


Facts about the Bonobo by Lisa Strattin
Colorful children's educational fun book.  This book starts out  with free ebook  offer when you subscribe to authors website. also information about box set of books and list of what they include.
Image credits are given then table of contents where chapters are listed.
Chapters include:  their life cycles, habitat, what they eat, etc. Each chapter also includes a full size photo showing different things about the chimp.  
Never heard or seen these.

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