Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Apr 2 Book Review: The London Spymaker by Hannah Byron

The London Spymaker: A Riveting WW2 Historical Saga of Espionage, Love & Betrayal. Based on a real story. (A Resistance Girl Novel Book 7) Kindle Edition
by Hannah Byron 
This story starts out with Ansel and she's the oldest girl in the family. Her mother, father and twin girls made up the whole family. They are Jewish but able to stay safe for a while but need to get to a  safer location.
They have bare necessities and end up in the field between Germany and Poland. The nuns help them survive. No food, very cold and there is much death. They finally get a way out, by flying to England to her mothers brother that lives there. He is quite wealthy and takes them in. He has plans for Ansel. First they all get new names. Her father opens a book shop, and her uncle trades in diamonds with many nearby countries.
She ends up spending time with the pilot that brought them there but she's only 16.    She was able to be sent to the finishing school in Switzerland where she meets and befriends Pearlie. They form a lifelong bond.
She gets a job where she interviews women who want to help fight the war in France. They are trained and she notes where they'd be the best asset in the campaign.
She is in the bunkers under the city but she is also considering marrying the well to do man but she fears he's too much of a playboy for her. He has her life in his hands when he tells her of his plans  She devotes her time to the SOE and even after interrogating others during the war crime trials to find out more information about the agents she sent off the fight in France. Anna learns what happened to them all.  The war does end  along with all the threats made to her life. She has important papers that allow her to travel where she needs to go. Just one last mission for her...
Never saw it ending as such, very powerful, emotional, lots of travel, love lullaby’s translated into English, entertaining learning about the struggles, hardships, tragedies and death and how they survived and why.
This book by the author is the best out of the whole series, so detailed descriptions, something just connected with me in this read to keep it one of my top 5 books this year.



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