Thursday, May 16, 2024

Book Review: When the Earl Desired Me by Lydia Lloyd



When the Earl Desired Me by Lydia Lloyd
Like this story for many reasons.  You can never imagine that Augustus and Olivia would be a couple ever again. He had sent her a note along with 10 guineas and she had left the household for another job in another country.
He is amazed when he sees her at the gathering. He listens to his sister so he knows which method he can use as not to put her in harms way, just so he can talk to her.   They become friendly again till she finds out the truth. There is so much more to the story and others lifes that is entertaining.
Love the orphanage and the work they all do for others. Can't wait to read more from this author as things are so descriptive and realistic for the times.
Adult situations, many of them.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion. 

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