Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21 Book Review: Bayou Redemption by Susan Sands


Bayou Redemption by Susan Sands
This story starts out with Doctor Elizabeth who is a cardiologist and works at the local trauma hospital. Her family lives in town also and there is a lot of drama and past stories to learn about.  There is also a new doctor, a cardiologist that is also hired at work and Elizabeth fears she will no longer be the head of the department.  She gets to know Dr. Charlie and likes him a lot as they do work together. They are able to discover many things the hospital had budgeted for that are not in place when the hurricane  is due to hit them. There is so much going on and injuries occur and how they all handle them. So many in the community come to help them out. Love that and how the problems the different generations are faced with, are handled.  Realize author knows about hurricanes with the words in the story and how to relief the pressure. She does her homework.
Love how Dr. Charlie steps back after all the help and caring Elizabeth has given him. It's for her own good. Ypu wonder if she will ever learn of his secrets or if he will leave the area like his last place of occupation… Excellent story. Other works by the author are listed at the end.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

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