Thursday, June 20, 2024

Book Review: Celebrating Fathers by Jamie K. Schmidt

Celebrating Fathers by Jamie K. Schmidt
Kelly Hunter,  Anne McAllister, Justine Davis 
Nicole Flockton, Sapna Srinivasan

This collection of stories is about fathers who sometimes don't always see themselves as being a father at all. Some is a natural thing, others must learn but follow by examples. Each one is  a hero. Some stories are so much more emtional than others. There are hard subjects to them becoming a father. They all do really well at it.
Cowboy’s Daughter by Jamie K. Schmidt
Story starts out with Kelly and her daughter and they are heading back to TX to the three sisters ranch. Her father is threatening to sell it. This time the three  women have their own plans to come up with a business on the ranch to help keep it from having to be sold.
Their father has also rented out a few businesses that will keep them afloat a while
Kelly had never expected to run into the bull rider. They reunite and she has some difficult conversations to have  with him. She has has secrets from her family.
Trent was a great bull rider til his last injury. He wants to earn enough money for his family, problem is there could be 10 different families he's a part of. He hires investigators to track down the other women who could've had his child.. Like career he makes of what he knows.
Some tense moments with her father til the medical emergency. Love how he is around kids and how he can teach them on lambs rather than deadly bulls.  Adult situations.
So much action, emotions, career choices and how to save the family ranch.
All around terrific read, have read a few others from the series and can't wait to read more.

Matilda Next Door by Kelly Hunter
This story starts out with Tilly and she's going to London to take a special baking course. She loves to bake for the locals and friends. She will be staying at Henry's apartment while he is visiting in Australia-the next farm over. He has ailing grandparents and he hopes to get them the care they need to lighten their load. He also has made a lot of money with his company. While there years earlier he had a relationship with a woman.  After a few days in London Tilly meets Henry's new baby girl. The mother had passed away and a friend had dropped all the babies things off at Harrys.    She uses the internet to find out how to take care of the baby. Harry was heading to London but his grandmother has a medical emergency so Tilly brings the baby to him. So many twists and turns in this book.
So many of them  didn't have a good upbringing so they are not sure how to tend to a baby and their needs.   There are so many things he needs to do and he does want a family, but he's not sure if Tilly is the right one for them.
She's about to give up her dream of more baking classes to stay close to Harry and the baby....
Fear, struggles, loneliness, ...
Love the travel and excursions she was able to take while in London and learning how they take care of their farms in Australia.
What a way to become a father.

The Stardust Cowboy by Anne McAllister
This story starts out with Riley and he's on his way to pay a visit to a woman who birthed his nephew. He has sad news for her but is offering to buy out her 1/2 share of the family  ranch. Dori and her son Jake think about it a while and she decides for Jake and his dream that they need to visit the ranch. Love that they just show up one day and she rather takes over the house chores. Riley keeps Jake with him all day teaching him how to take care of the animals and the ranch. One day it will all be his. 
Dori is able to meet the locals an there is a lot of gossip and the women want to know about her and Riley. She denies it then she notices he is very friendly with an old class mate Tricia. 
Lots of twists and turns.
Love the ranch and everything there is to do there, the community coming together and the love of everyone. Yes there is gossip and rumors but it's like that in a small town.
You wonder if they will get together or if they are going their separate ways.
Love legend of the stardust cowboy, such an imagination. Adult situations.
Nothing But Cowboy by Justine Davis
This story starts out with Keller and he helps run the family ranch with his family. One day he actually found a boy in the hay and he didn't look so well. He was able to find out the boy's name Lucas and he fed him and got him a place to sleep and he helps at the ranch now. The story also follows Sydney and she claims she is the boy's cousin. The part that really got to me was when Sydney stated that her parents did not want her around and Lucas's parents were the same way. It was really sad but I was happy to find out that Keller Wanted to adopt Lucas and Sydney wants some part of the day To spend with Lucas to get to know him. Is great story. Love how the family gather around and the neighbors to help everybody out. 

Reunion in the Outback by Nicole Flockton
This story starts with Yolanda and she's going to head back home to her relatives. Her spouse Michael is acting weird and not over her losing the baby. They do have a young child at home and Yolanda is able to run her business with videos that she produces. He's now a cook at the prestigious restaurant and he spends a lot of time there.  She also thinks she may be expecting again and he wants no more kids because he's afraid to lose her.
Her family welcomes her in even giving her a light job to do at the bar.  Michael  heads to see her and the family 
There is so much for Michael to do even after getting a job at the family  place but he loves organizing and running the whole kitchen and he’s very good at it.  The family as a whole has lots of decisions to make.  There are many who don't like telling their secrets but it’s key here... Very emotional story and glad I stuck with it til the end.
Love hearing about her business, his work and travel through the country.


A Homecoming Mantra by Sapna Srinivasan
Shaun is raising his young girl by himself. He is a mystery writer and has time when Misha is in school. Story also follows Claire when her teacher told him of her interest in horse riding. They found a local woman who had a riding school. Problem is things don't go well when Claire finds him in her house. 
They each need to listen to one another. They do compromise and spend time with each other and Misha. His family is around and helps them out. 
Love learning if India country traditions , events and celebrations. So informative and entertaining. 

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