Thursday, August 1, 2024

Book Review: The Maverick's Surprise Family by Roxanne Snopek


The Maverick's Surprise Family by Roxanne Snopek
This story starts out with Lucas and he runs the adventure park as a guide.  He has CP but that doesn't keep him from having fun on the trails and doing outdoors events.
Problem is the park is no longer working due to a medical mishap with one of the clients that visited. They even took him to court. He has a lot on his plate but escape for a few days in Grant, MT where he is able to relax and find meaningful relationships.
He also is in contact with his family-the ones that were all given away for adoption when born. They meet up and go over what they do know via the paper trail. He is trying to find his fathers link.
Story also follows Bayleigh who runs the therapeutic riding stables along with renting out cabins. She does a lot of networking and has built her business over the years. She's also raising a teen who helps out at the stables.
Like mix and learning about each of the careers. Adult situations.  Lots of twists and turns in this story.
You wonder how long Lucas can go with so much against him.
Received this review copy from the publishing company and this is my honest opinion. 

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