Friday, September 27, 2024

Sep 27 Book Review: Across the Ford: Phyllida Taylor



Across the Ford: Phyllida Taylor
This story starts out with Katherine and her spouse Harry in London and they've been notified of her uncle's passing in Ireland. As her father is very sick she will be attending the funeral and also how the death happened and any details she can get.
She decides to take her time as things aren't coming together for her. She makes friends with many others and recalls the time she spent at the farm when she was younger.
SO many secrets through the years that come to light. She has a tragic encounter and then heads home to her dying father. He is happy to learn she is pregnant. She heads back to Ireland to finish her clue gathering. 
Love hearing of the details of the farm, the lands, the gypsies, gun running and so much more.
She likes the garden she can tend to, etc.
Katherine is able to find out the rest of the family history and pieces go together to finish the puzzle.
Great story.
Received this review copy from Alkira Publishing and this is my honest opinion.

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