Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sept 17 Book Review: Sworn to Serve by Charlee James


Sworn to Serve by Charlee James
This story starts out with Addy and she's just gotten a message about an accident with her twin brothers wife to be.
She rushed to the hospital all the way from Paraguay to help her brother. She lands and Ubers to the hospital where she meets her brothers team mate. Silver.
He really goes by Archer and he takes care of her when her brothers busy with his wife to be and recuperating from the tragedy.
She spends a lot of time with Arch and is able to get him to open up about his sister Quinn.
When she gets back to her country location and job she learns of a mutual mission with Navy SEALS and her and her mate Wyatt.
The mission becomes involved and things don't go according to plan but Addy is a huge help in the rescue of the women and children.
Wyatt wants to take another course along the water but she informs the SEALS she knows the river and it will make them have to leave the boat to walk over the land right into more danger.
The group go with her plan and they make it safely back to Virginia, USA. They are debriefed along the way all but Arch and Addy. They go to visit his mother for her birthday and learn of rocks thrown through windows at not only her house but Arch's as well.
The team is on the case also and fill them in on the debriefing and how ti all went down.
She ends up meeting with the Dr. in charge of her group and learns so much more that she has to make a decision. It's life and death and Arch is not right there for her.
Love how this ends. So entertaining, locations are new and descriptive, family opens up to Addy along with her brothers friends and families.
Love how you catch up with the others in the family and how the pizza joint is opening worked by handicapped kids.
Love the varieties of flavors.
Adult situations.
Another book in the series is excepted at the end.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing  and this is my honest opinion. 

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