Tuesday, October 1, 2013

reads oct 2013

The Good Wife by Jane Porter
I have read most everything else by this author and am happy that I'm able to read this one. Although part of a trilogy I did not find it hard to pick up and read and not feel lost.
I have read the first in the set and remember the women of the family and how things have been brought up to date in this book.
The mother has just died, Marilyn and the whole family has come together. There are many problems in some of the marriages.
Parts I really like in this series/book is that the book is about family life, from different generations and the problems are so right now.
This book is particularly about Sarah and Boone. They live in Tampa, FL and Bonne is a pro on a baseball team and travels much for the team games while Sarah stays at home with the kids. She'd love to relocate back to northern CA to be closer to family.
She feels she and Boone are not so close any more and she sees signs and they lead to infidelity but he swears she is the only one.  Brought up to speed on the others life's through the years as the sisters try to find the answers. More life events get in the way of Sarah returning to Boone in FL but she does send their son and he's got others lined up to help care for him.
The book also follows the life's of Lauren and her twin Lisa. Love all the baking talk and how their life's meet up with the Brennans.
Couldn't put this book down and 417 pages I devoured in a day. Love all the travel, different locations and most importantly I wish I had a sister/friend like the ones in this book who drop everything and engage in an intervention...
This book is the best of the series, in my opinion.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.

Highfall by Ani Alexander
Annika is just 17 and attending college for medical when she is almost run down by a black car.
The man takes her to the hospital where she's pronounced ok and they go for coffee. For hours they talk to one another and learn about each other.
She continues her classes and work after at the hospital. She sees signs of his illness and when he asks her to move in with her that is also brought up and she moves in with him.
His other friends introduce him to heroin and he loses his job at the bank shortly afterward. She feel she can't reach him.
She tries to make him see what his drug has done to them and upon learning she's pregnant she heads home to tell him but she walks in on them...
Her second boyfriend, Vasko is a financial analyst and they met via a programmer chat area online. They soon move in together.
The first and second boyfriends life's are followed as she moves onto Amsterdam for a change.
During the process she becomes mature and makes decisions that will make her happy.
I found the book hard to read because of the brutal language and sex scenes but able to get through it because of the story line.
She and Vasko make plans for the future and tragedy strikes instead...
She used to be such a dull ordinary girl, doing everyday ordinary things. She can't say that now. Not quite the ending I had pictured after all the drug use.
I received this book from the author in exchange for my honest review.


Elizabeth said...

Nice blog.

The Good Wife sounds good. THANKS for sharing your thoughts.

Stopping by from Carole's Books You Loved October Edition.

I am in the list as #28. My book entry is below.

Silver's Reviews
My Book Entry

JBarr5 said...

thanks following your blog via bloglovin. i am posting 1-2 books a day under separate posts.