Monday, December 23, 2013

Dec 23 books read

101 Healthy Vegan Christmas Recipes (Quick & Easy Vegan Recipes)
Like how the book is divided into different categories.
Just glancing through I noticed the use of spices, which we are big fans of.
Some colorful pictures of the food as it's finished. Like how things are divided: raw and cooked foods.
Cabbage rolls look like something we need to try. Desserts look interesting but I will stick to fresh fruits because I wouldn't even know where to find half the ingredients.

Jane and Her Friends Celebrate Christmas
This very colorful children's book is about Jane and her friends and all the things they do together to get ready for Christmas.
Everything from the tree, ornaments, stockings, etc. Love all the rhyming parts and the visit from Santa.
Love how this is turned into a guessing number game at the end and there is also a nice surprise for a child.
There are other free books to get listed at the end.

Basic Knitting: All the Skills and Tools You Need to Get Started (How To Basics)
As an advanced knitter I am always on the lookout to learn more about my craft-a different technique or just something new.
First section of this book is dedicated to the tools of the trade and a bit of information on how to knit. Many colorful photographs show examples of what is being explained in words.
Feel some of the pictures are better just using diagrams on the next pages as they appear to be dark.
Second section is about the patterns themselves.  I find some of the instructions to be confusing. goes from continental to the English style-it's a bit much for a new knitter to comprehend.
There are also at the end a lot of appendixes with useful information.

TOP 10+2 Pizza Recipes: How To Make Homemade Gourmet Pizzas! (Top 10 Recipe Books)
Starts out talking about the history of pizza and how it's the perfect food because of the toppings you can make to suit your meal or dessert.
Tells you ultimately what you should have on hand for pans, bowls, stones, etc.
The basic recipe is given and how to let the dough rise and knead, etc. Variations of the toppings follow the basic dough recipe.
Very detailed instructions for each recipe. I found the recipes, the ingredients is going to take quite some time to prepare. Some an hour easy and I just don't have that kind of time even if the dough is ready.

Home Again by Kristin Hannah
This book is about Madelaine and now that she's grown up with a 16 year old daughter the time has come. The father had walked away from her and their baby but she survived with help from his religious brother, Francis.
Angel is now on his deathbed because of his heart history and drinking, smoking, drugs, etc. Maddy is a transplant doctor-the top of the field and it's up to her to let him attempt to have a heart transplant. Her daughter wants to know who her father is...she starts acting out by stealing and getting caught from a local store.
Many recipients are not good enough or a match til one day a priest is leaving a family session and he gets in trouble on the road...
After the surgery she knows she will never tell him whose heart he has..
Maddie and her daughter Lina for Angelina must stay together and overcome the grief of losing Francis, Angel also. After his hospital release the women take him to a new place where nobody knows of him.
Lina makes new friends and she tells them who her father is and they all think it's a joke.
Maddie is faced with telling Angel the truth about the donor=before the press release the name he has to be told...
Love how the story also follows Angel's story and everything he is faced with..

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