Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Loved the summary of this book and the beautiful cover pictured.
Story starts out with Charlene and she's married to a businessman, Dale. He's beat her ever since they got married. She ran back to her family and when he came to get her he told her he'd beat his family if she ever ran away again.
She's endured two years with him now and has had it-she wants to go home for Christmas. He takes her-gives him time to spend with his lady friend, but he abandons her with no food, clothing or water. He brought her to the Page ranch-his family's ild dilapidated place.
As he leaves he hits her and she falls, hits her head. When she comes to she's at the ranch but 100 years earlier. Love hearing how the grandson, Billy tends to the ranch with others and his grandmother Miss Kate. She fits right in helping them all out and she prays Dale never finds her...
Story goes to the future and he had forgotten to get her a few days after he dropped her off-it's been over a week now.... Miss Kate had also been in the same circumstance so she told Charlene she could stay as long as she needed to. Bily takes a shine to her also..
Love the detailed descriptions of the ranch itself, buildings and how they even tend to the garden. Had to look up a few words to find out what they meant as I had never head them-priceless! - love a book that teaches me things.
She opens up to their questions and answers them truthfully.  Life and death matters and miracles are explained in the Bible!
Charlene's not seen her parents in years and she knows what she has to do to end the suffering...other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
I was given the book by Book Fun (The Book Club Network) and here is my honest review

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