Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Books read Mar 14

Destined by Gail Cleaire
Wasn't sure I was going to like this book but loved the writing style of another of the author's books.
A bit out of my comfort zone as I know nothing about Tarot cards and the fortune tellers but enjoy reading and learning.
What I loved about this book was Emily who is trying to be strong and powerful walks away from a job where they want her to do things she really wasn't hired for. Bravo for just walking out the door.
Which leads her to more job interviews where she comes across a curio shop and is hired on sight. Henry and her seem to have a bond through visions and other events although they've never met.
She's now the manager and in charge of getting the rooms in shape so they can open the shop or rare and antique things to be sold. She goes above and beyond while meeting his other clients and associates.
Love that she is able to help others in need and works with others she doesn't get along with to benefit the shop. Love the festival of sorts as the whole community work together in that feat and many other things to help one another make a success of their businesses.
Like clash of some as they do come together. Especially love the discussions of different kinds of power and are able to implement them and that the discussions are so today concerns of climate changes.
There are so many the book follows, male love interests, shop owners and their families and the spirit world. Didn't care for sex scenes, seemed to be a bit rushed and not that deep of a relationship.
Love how each chapter starts out with a step or symbol and it's described in words that you can use in today's world although they may not have been in the original 1700's tarot card decks (the way I understand it).
Received this book from the author and this is my honest review.

When the Bough Breaks by Ane Mulligan
Book starts out in NY where the state capitol building is a maze of corridors and offices and Sienna O'Shea is starting her first day at work.
A man directs her to go down a floor to the basement where from there you can reach anywhere. She's to testify and she is prepared. Her assistant Christine will be leaving shortly to deliver her new baby so she's trying to introduce her to many around the area that can help her.
She's to do extensive research so bills can be brought up and debated about and then passed on the congressional floor.
Story also follows Matt-who's a an old friend in GA and he's an investigative reporter who gives her advice and leads to stories to help her career along. They grew up next door neighbors and his sister is Sienna's best friend and he is in love with Sienna.
Story also follows Reese who is the governor's right hand man and the party has plans for him and his future which has been premade for him to just step into. Sienna will play a part in all this also as time goes on and he's in love with Sienna.
Love hearing of all the background hallways and hideaways of the building and find it confusing at times with all the alpha codenames that are sometimes not told what they are. Also some of the names, at times there are a lot of time but it's better understood later on as the story goes along.
Loved hearing of all the finer details that can put me physically in the same location as the scene that is taking place-the smells, condition of furniture, atmosphere, etc.
Know absolutely nothing about getting bills sponsored and passed so this is a huge learning experience for me and I'm hungry for the knowledge.
Prayer and asking God for help when she attempts to find her real biological mother. It's a trying time as the bill her bosses want to pass would seal everything completely in adoptions so she has to do everything by herself and not tell many.
The answer she needs first to find out is if God even wants her to find her mother and others remind her to this when they are asked to help. Her family problems get her to go home often and at times is sad to hear about.
Really like that this book can be read by a man or a woman as it has a bit of romance, lots of action and mystery and everyday events and how prayer can help.
Love the part God plays in all his when things get out of hand. Very believable story of how it all comes together. Never read on a weekend but I could not put this book down this weekend. Can't wait to read more from this author.
I was given the book by the author via Book Fun (The Book Club Network) and this is my honest review

The Ultimate Guide: Recipes of Maine by Encore Books
Love seafood of Maine and we visit at least once a year. Book starts right in with the recipes which included prep and cook time, ready in and servings. List of ingredients, and directions on how to make the dish.
There are NO pictures and NO nutritional information but you might be able to substitute for a healthier option it just won't taste like it really should.
Blueberry cake would be the healthiest due to the ingredients-one I will be making soon.
Pumpkin pancakes sound so good!  Lots of lobster dishes but I don't understand why you need to use things from a can and not freshly cooked as you can get Maine Lobsters year round at your local store.
Same with salmon-why use the stuff in the can, use fresh. Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.

Delicious 200-Calorie Dessert Recipes: Perfect for Your Sweet Tooth and Waistline! Diabetes diet dessert cookbook by Sarah Spencer
I am not one to count calories as I stick to a meal plan but thought I'd see what the book offers.
Like the idea of the introduction telling you how to use fat free items and what to use rather than sugar and fats.  Also tips on not to overbake or overmix. Love the list of ingredient substitutions!
Each dish has a title, servings, prep and cooking time along with a color photo.
List of ingredients and how to make the dish and also nutritional information that includes calories, total fat-not broken up into good or bad, carbs, dietary fiber, sugars and protein.
Like the ideas in this book because you can make the portions small and you can make one dish for all the guests that are due to show up. Pumpkin nut bread would be one I'd try.
Special section for chocolate desserts. Hmmm healthy chocolate chip cookies-worth a try as the ingredients are a bit on the healthy side.
Great carrot cake, my favorite and the ingredients are on the healthy side also.  Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.

The Avocado Cookbook: Fun and Easy Recipes  by Michael Holtby
This book is broken up into chapters for appetizers, salads, salsa,  soups, main dishes  desserts and drinks. Each recipe has a list of ingredients and directions. There are NO pictures and NO nutritional information but remember avocados contain healthy fat. It's the other items combined that might not make the dish so healthy, especially if you have to deep fry the dish.
Chocolate avocado muffins look to be the healthiest due to the ingredients=-i'd use olive oil or canola, NOT coconut.
Not much else struck my taste buds as I don't want to go out and buy special flours or oils to make one dish.

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