Friday, February 15, 2019

Book Review: Soups and Stews Recipes Cookbook: More Than 50 Homemade Recipes For Every Day And Season by Emily Brown

Soups and Stews Recipes Cookbook: More Than 50 Homemade Recipes For Every Day And Season by Emily Brown
What I like about this book is we just returned from a wicked cold trip to Detroit MI this past week and had been served vegetable soup from fresh ingredients so looking forward to finding something as good in this book. There were SO many to choose from!
Starts with a table of contents where recipes are broken up into categories: creamy, seafood,  red, vegetables, meat broth, and stew varieties.
Short intro about eating healthy with soups and how to set things up right so it doesn't take hours to make.
Each category explains a bit about itself, the history and how to obtain healthy benefits and secrets along the way are included.
First off the layout is so different than I have ever seen: the picture icons showing servings, prep and cook time and volume/servings.
Each recipe not only starts with the above but a title and list of ingredients using fresh ingredients in American measurements with British measurements in parenthesis. Most of the ingredients also use low fat, low sodium and low sugar products.
Nutritional info included: calories, total fat, sat fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbs, dietary fiber, sugars, protein, calcium and potassium. (some recipes have other nutrients listed)
Directions are given in how to prepare and serving tips are included.
There are NO individual recipe pictures.  There are very few pictures-one per chapter.
Love all the international countries choices of recipes that are included.
Some recipes call for canned items, I would be using fresh and also low sodium variety of broth.
 Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
A KEEPER!  Has something for everyone.

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