Saturday, February 16, 2019

Book Review: Two books by Hiliary Walker

Riding Out the Turbulence by Hilary Walker
Like this book because it talks about Timothy in his younger years and why things are the way today.
He heads back to the farm around Thanksgiving and his horse that he left behind to go earn money dies while he's there.
His mother is on his case about going to church with her and his father.  As he is leaving he meets a priest at the airport and on the plane that he feels his mother had something to do with and it gets him to thinking...
Like how this book turns out really sneaky she is.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

Riding Out the Devil by Hilary Walker
Like this book so much because it's the start of the series that I've read the last three of already.
Like putting the missing pieces together and wondered why things were the way they were in future books.
Jack is running the horse farm and is notified of his mothers death and funeral that he is able to attend and he comes clean to his father about the past...
Love how he reaches out to a boy that has UC like himself and he educates them on how it can become better with right diet, exercise and sleep.
He has trial and error periods to find out what causes flareups-especailly as everybody is different with the disease.
Love hearing of the very specific details of how to deal with the horses once he starts training the boy how to deal with the horse.
Introduction to Father Michael to the farm as he used to ride prior to entering the monastery.
mysterious yearly calls that still upset Jack.
Love bible quotes that are tossed out-there should be more, in appropriate places during conversations. Some leave me with a smile as they are almost like a wives tale but they work.
Father Michael asks him for more help after Joe leaves because he did such a good job with him. Jack in his mind is telling his mother to get off his case...
Love how he is able to talk to the Father and can confide in him and is welcomed back to the church and how he now has closure from his past mistakes.
About the author and other works are highlighted at the end. Lots of medical advice about UC.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

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