The Beach Cottage by Joanne DeMaio
This book starts out with listing of author's other works.
Love the sketched drawings. Love that this is happening right now, real life to all of us.
Dedication and table of contents listing the chapters then the story.
Very emotional loving story about a couple that get married then learn of the pandemic that surrounds them as they travel to a favorite family beach house for their week long honeymoon.
Love things she finds along the shore and collects but she is also worried about her aging parents and what will happen to them as a couple. Everything she had planned has gotten cancelled so they just have themselves for a whole week...
She fears they got married too soon without learning much about one another. They go through some really fun wild times and some not talking to one another.
He is able to really surprise her with help from the neighbors and I can just picture it in my eyes how beautiful it really would be.
Funny thing is I live close by to Old Lyme, CT and have traveled there, even had friends there and the location is prime.
Not knowing what faces them after a weeks time where they really do get to know one another they head back home...
Love that the love scenes are just lightly spoken about-not explicit details-I Love this!
So many gems/treasures in this book, what a total shock it was to learn the author had put a book out!
Listing of seaside saga and about the author are included at the end along with links of authors website and how to contact her via Facebook.
Taming Wall Street by Stephen Gardner
Have watched and listened to this author via youtube about stimulus checks and other things happening in DC.
Book starts out with quotes from other famous people
Preface talks about Wall Street, banking and what you should get out of this book.
He is a very likable giving of his time and experience who gives you advice on what he has gone through over the years in his personal life and how things didn't work out financially.
Good news he has ways to get money for your future and that of your family without having to pay taxes on the money, still being able to use it when you want and no restrictions on age or what you want to use it for.
I can't even tell you how many cars we've bought over the years using a bank loan. OH MY now that I know I will never do that again. So much money has been lost without us even realizing it.
Love the examples of how to buy a car traditionally and how to use his method and the numbers are shown in easy to understand format as to how much each method will cost you.
There are so many examples here and at his website that will tell you more from others own experiences how they are now saving money.
I read about 700+ books a year on MANY subjects but when I read through about 25% of this one, it was very late after 1130pm and i had tears in my eyes and i wanted to call the authors phone number as it's listed and talk to him for advice.
We are almost ready to retire and have money everywhere and trying to get it together some stocks are failing and I don't know what to do with 401 and term life insurance policy.
Love that even if the laws change and I have this insurance policy i will never lose money again and i would be grandfathered in so i'd never have to pay taxes.
Can't wait to read more of this author's works.

The Founding Treason by Jeremy Burns
Book starts out with praise for authors works.
Really enjoyed this book, didn't realize it'd be over 400 pages in length, took me a bit longer than most books.
It's so fascinating to learn more about Templars and all the conspiracies that I've heard bits and pieces about over the years.
This book pieces them all together into one big puzzle for you.
Love all the travel, unknown locations, and link them all together to one another.
Love that this book goes back so far and how that all plays into todays' world.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

Adventure's Invitation by Cheri Swalwell
Book starts out with dedication page, list of characters.
Story starts out with Holly and her best friend and they are all going to participate in the church mission.
Everybody gets a job to do and her and Amber are a team. Guys have other jobs elsewhere but they all meet for meals.
Her boyfriend Mitch is also there and you find out they are waiting to be married, after she finishes high school at least.
Mitch had thrown his inhaler to her while playing on the field with the guys and girls are back to their job.
Several blame themselves for his untimely death.
She has an opportunity to move away after high school and start her young adult life, just a few hours from home. The church and all it stands for holds it together for her, the activities, missions, etc.
What I like about this story is that they have their plans laid out in front of them and never expect
Like the different age groups of the characters and how each deal with death and the church.
Choices/paths available and it's her decision which to follow.
Enjoyed the daily fun things, all things religion and how they are done in this community,
just how family helps others who are in need. Love hearing of things Mitch leaves for Holly and their special place, so peaceful and calming.
Many others help Holly overcome her situation but she has plans made and love chats she has with her mother knowing her so well she knows she's got a handle on things.
Love the choice she makes, date she goes on, her career and looking forward and taking the first step.
Loved hearing how decisions are made and she makes them seem so easy-a lot of others have her back.
Note from the author, except from next book in the series: Journey Back Home.

Kill or be Killed (Mafia Kingpin, #1) by A.G. Khaliq
Book starts with content of where to reach the author and other notices: dedication and about the author.
Story starts in Birmingham, UK where we find Louis as a teen. He's lived through hard times with his mother and ex father who comes around from time to time.
He also gets in trouble at school and he has only has one real friend but they get into a fight.
Didn't really care for the abuse and fighting and drugs, stealing but realize for Louis it was essential for him to help his mother and their survival to live.
She is beaten up often also by the ex husband who we later find out is a mafia boss. At some time in time the only way for Louis to continue to survive is to just give in and do the work.
Work he's not proud of and some things that get his mother out of debt. It's either that or they will kill her.
Brutal truth in these pages and not my normal romance novel but a good eye opener as I know this type of life exists.
Reads more like a movie script as each persons name is announced before what they are talking about. With all the action this would make a great movie.
Story continues in the next books in the series as the story follows Louis as he gets older and wiser.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Soccer Tryouts: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make the Team (Understand Soccer Book 11)by Dylan Joseph
Book starts with offer of free printout of checklist for tryouts.
Table of contents is included showing the most important items you will need with tryouts.
Dedication page and preface which talks about how this book can really aid you in tryouts but you have to use the advice.
Player's pyramid is shown with multiple levels and skills. They are explained more in detail.
Introduction talks about what the book can do for you.
Each chapter has highlighted sections that you should really pay attention to as they are key.
So much detail is paid to experience of the author and what works over the years.
Love how the chapters are summarized with the most important information listed.
There is so much involved in the tryout itself: preparing with what to eat before, exercising weeks/months prior, and sleep and why is also explained further in the chapters.
Examples are also given of exactly what food to eat prior, day of and after and why.
When it comes time face to face there are also a lot of key points to make, some are just facial expressions and why are also detailed.
Coachable, wow hadn't thought of when you try out you are also telling the coaches you want to learn more. Great chapter!
Communication and words used will go a long way also and why some should be avoided. Have fun, you got this.
What I love about this book also is that the examples given can also be used in other things: going for a job interview, interviewing for other that soccer.
It's all key information.
Bonus tips are included and also I love the section on mistakes. we are all human.
Have fun and the afterword is also included at the end.
Offer of printout about tryouts is also discussed. Note to the reader and glossary of words used and explained.
About the author is also attached.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end along with offer of free book when you sign up for author's newsletter.
Acknowledgments are listed at the end.
Santa Fe Mail Order Brides: Matthew Touched by Grace by Katerine St Clair
This story is about Eli and he's lost his wife but has the 4 sons and he relocates them to Santa Fe bringing her rocking chair and hope chest with them.
The boys are getting marriageable age and he has a talk with the newspaper man and they write up a notice to send off to his friend in PA. Grace has lost her spouse in the war and can't seem to find what it is she wants to do now.
Her sister is always trying to fix her up with men to date. When the minister shows the letter to her God speaks and she wants to go to Santa Fe and help start up a mail order brides location there.
She buys a saloon and fixes it up as a boarding house for the women to come and date other men. Most men have been writing for months to the women and can't wait for them to arrive.
Eli is the minister there and he has wed a few men already. One of his sons is waiting for his intended to show up and Eli has eyes for only Grace. She often asks the sons about him and she knows he's busy with church duties.
A fire tragedy happens and it draws people closer to one another.
Other works are highlighted at the end by the author.
Santa Fe Mail Order Brides Box Set 5 Books in 1: 1. Matthew Touched by Grace 2. Mark Found by Hope 3. Luke Embraced by Faith 4. John Finds Love 5. Eli Sought by Serenity
Read Matthew Touched by Grace
This story is about Eli and he's lost his wife but has the 4 sons and he relocates them to Santa Fe bringing her rocking chair and hope chest with them.
The boys are getting marriageable age and he has a talk with the newspaper man and they write up a notice to send off to his friend in PA. Grace has lost her spouse in the war and can't seem to find what it is she wants to do now.
Her sister is always trying to fix her up with men to date. When the minister shows the letter to her God speaks and she wants to go to Santa Fe and help start up a mail order brides location there.
She buys a saloon and fixes it up as a boarding house for the women to come and date other men. Most men have been writing for months to the women and can't wait for them to arrive.
Eli is the minister there and he has wed a few men already. One of his sons is waiting for his intended to show up and Eli has eyes for only Grace. She often asks the sons about him and she knows he's busy with church duties.
A fire tragedy happens and it draws people closer to one another.
Other works are highlighted at the end by the author.

Beautiful Salvage by KC Royale
This story starts out with dedications and in honor of, and a quote from the author.
List of chapters from the different stories enclosed are listed, different phases of their relationship over time.
Book is about Madison and the different sections tell of her story:
Very emotional and a lot of thinking about where they were, where they are going and finally will he ask her to marry him?
Ian is the man of her dreams, but is he really. They all have secrets and I don't think I learned them all.
They both have issues and try to work through them over the years they know one another.
Like hearing of the girls only spa weekend and his alpha club.
Can't imagine what she did with the ring, never saw that coming.
Ends with poem from the author and about the author.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

Scrumptious Romanian Inspired Recipes by Anthony Boundy
Starts with Intro about what is inside this cookbook and then straight to the recipes.
Each recipe starts with a title, medium size color photo and summary of the dish.
Servings and cook and prep times, list of ingredients and you should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs: low fat, low sugar, low sodium, fresh vs. canned items.
Directions are given. There is NO nutritional information.
Has breakfast and lunch/dinner categories for recipes.
Not every recipe has a photo.
Love sounds and looks of desserts.

35 Barbecue recipes: grill tasty pork, beef and chicken on your BBQ by Jean Pardue
Starts with table of contents where recipes are not in any specific order.
Dedication and short intro are included. Explains how this book should inspire you to use the grill more.
Each recipe starts with a title, small color photo and list of ingredients. You should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs: low sodium, low fat, low sugar and fresh vs. canned items.
Directions are given and there is NO nutritional information.
NOT every recipe has a photo. NO servings are mentioned.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end as well as links to her sites.
Authentic Dominican Recipes by Anthony Boundy
Starts with intro that talks about Dominican dishes and has large colorful photo attached.
Tells you what to expect from this cookbook.
There is no table of contents and after intro book starts out with breakfast items.
Each recipe starts with a title, color photo and summary of the dish.
serving and cook times is included.
List of ingredients and you should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs: low far, low sodium, low sugar and fresh vs. canned items.
Directions are given.
Like that they give you the foreign name and English name of the recipes.
Recipes do NOT always start at the top of the page.
NO nutritional information.
Veggie root soup sounds really good and it has 22 ingredients.
Has recipes for lunch and other meals and desserts.
Spices the ultimate guide by Sara Hallas
Free book offer.
Table of contents where recipes are not broken up into any specific category.
Each recipe starts with a title, prep and cook times read in. Servings.
List of ingredients and you should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs: low sodium, low fat, low sugar and fresh vs. canned items.
Directions are given and some notes are included.
There are no pictures and there is not nutritional information.
Lots of fun recipes to keep as they contain things you'd buy prepared at a store but you can create your own flavors and textures with the recipes here.

Desert Willow by Patricia Beal
Book starts out with praise for the author's works and acknowledgements.
Dedication page. Story starts out with Clara Malone and she's a dancer, even has the degree to show for all her hard work. She's just arriving in El Paso, TX to hand deliver a letter from her grandmother to a friend she once loved.
Her grandmother is in the hospital in Brazil along with her daughter. Love the times Clara gets to talk to with her mother, seems like for hours on end.
Clara is at a loss in the hot summer weather in TX, first time there and the family sends Andrew to pick her up. They are both attracted to one from the very start and he shows her around town and introduces her to the family she is to meet.
The grandfather won't show up til a few weeks later. Andrew and Clara get to spend a lot of time together and i like how she finds dollar general her special store, it even has clothes for her to wear.
They attend church, baptisms and she feels comfortable even after getting a temporary job in the dance class along with office work.
Then her ex shows up and she knows Andrews ex is around also. Temptation and a strong will for both.
Like how it all ends but didn't see it happening that way.
Super love the bracelet with special words on them and hearing about her dedication with dancing.
Dominating Like Xander (Black Stallion's Bikers series Book 1) by Isabelle Stone
First time reading this author and like how she tells the story
Book starts with dedication and preface is about what to expect from this read: some hard topics to discuss and that occur in the story.
Story starts with Xander and he's the president of the motorcycle club: Black Stallions and has been for many years. He's one of the older guys and there are others a lot younger.
Story also follows Jenny and she's a new one to the group and most everyone welcomes her. She is going to earn her keep tending to the bar and serving and she's just glad to be rid of her uncle who was trying to sell her in the black market human trafficking auctions.
They realize they have a thing for one another and act on it. Like that they get to experiment with new things to them all and how others treat one another.
What I really like is understanding the club itself and things they go through, the different issues, age groups, where they come from and even how they were raised.
Everything goes along just fine til she's kidnapped and taken from Xander.
Won't spoil it but he goes after, with help, what belong to him.
Sad situation but didn't see the ending occurring as it did.
Book in the series #2 is excerpted at the end.

Wounded Heroes Anthology by several authors and Debra Parmley
Starts with introduction about 5 authors, 5 stories about Heroes.
Short summary of each story is included.
A Rosa for Russell by Pamela Ackerson
1864 Prison at Andersonville
This story is about Rosa and she's one nurse who helps heal others brought in from the war wounded.
Like hearing of how she also uses herbs and poultices to heal them further. She takes a liking to Russell and after he's discharged he comes back for more
cures of hers and even has a holiday surprise for her...
Two Step, New Steps by Debra Pamley
Story starts out with Len and he's recuperating after his gunshot wound. He attends his motorcycle Marine friend Nash BBQ where there is an announcement of becoming engaged to Betsy.
Len is introduced to her sister Leann who has just gotten a job at the local bank in a few weeks time and is moving out of her sisters apartment.
Love the surprises during the BBQ and just the talk, so interesting just finding someone you want to talk to more. They set up a date of a movie and dinner for the next week.
Like how everything is going along so smoothly then BAM! Love how she helps the heroes who come to her rescue, like she had planned it. so cool. Can't wait to read more of her works.
Like getting out of my comfort zone and this author knows how to do that!
Love that Betsy and Nashs story starts in 'check out' from the author and continues in this one.
Bringing Her Home by Teri Riggs
This story starts with backstory about Tommy and Jess. Uptodate story starts with Tommy and he's gotten a call from his boss, the captain.
He's now FBI and is called on many cases of missing people. Sex trafficking auction and Russian mob are all involved and he has to rescue his old partner Jessica.
Lots of action, adult language and sexual situations.
As Time Goes By, by Maggie Adams
Elizabeth has buried her husband, killed in the war and his best friend Tank never even showed up. She goes on with her life and uncovers Robert's hiding place and his last letter for her to reach out to Tank for anything.
Story also follows Robert and how he has been in the hospital recuperating from his injuries. He does reach out to her and tries to find clues as to what happened to Robert and he knows she has the answers.
He also likes her, a lot...
Fallen by Nia Farrell
This story I had a hard time with because it involves a priest and sexual habits with a woman. Being Catholic I was brought up that this is not ok.
Adult sexual situations.
Meet the authors is included at the very end of this book.

Sugar and Spice (Bakery Romance #4) by Cecelia Dowdy
Starts with Mason and he's opening a new store where he can express his food creations.
Sheila crashes into him and she thinks he's Rafe-who's actually his twin brother. He often is mistaken for Rafe.
Sheila needs a job and she knows bakeries but she hurried out of the store before the interview.
She also has severe money problems and her dad is out of jail and wants to meet with her if she can fly there to spend a few days together for the Christmas holiday season.
She prays for a miracle and she gets the job. He was enthralled with her and prays she will return and he will help her out any way he can.
Love hearing about the tip jar - I always look for one even in hotel breakfast room, they are so appreciative.
He has a family gathering that he needs to attend but his medical problem stands in his way often.
Like how he takes matters into his own hands and has some nice chats with Sheila and gives her his opinion on various subjects.
Didn't see the ending happening, so unexpected!
Excerpt from the next book in the series is included.
Recipes included and other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Connect with the author and link to sign up for her newsletter.
I received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

Memoirs of a 20th Century Gentleman: Part One - Innocence by James B. Hansom
Interesting book about a man from his young years to his adult life. I value all the jobs he's done over the years and the things he's learned and taught himself.
Love how he wants to help others in similar circumstances as himself, so thoughtful.
Love the travel, adventures and how he overcomes his anxiety and fears.
Not my typical genres but was ok book read. More books to come in this saga as the author ages.
I received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

Hooray, I can do it: Children's a book about not giving up, not dropped his hands, Developing Perseverance and managing frustration (Emotions & Feelings book for preschool 2) Ky Aleks Harrison
Book starts with a nameplate and then the story. Busy times for the family as Max is signed up for learn how to swim. He listens to Coach Tim and starts out well but things don't go so well for him so he gives up and get of the pool.
I remember trying to swim myself and there is a lot of practice involved. He listens to his mother and father and after his birthday he gets a bike and has to learn how to use it. He doesn't give up on that so tries the swimming again.
Liked colorful pictures and rhyming words on the pages. Glad to see the whole family is behind him after he is able to proof to all what he can do.
Very enjoyable story and can't wait to read more of the author's works.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
When I lose My Temper by Michael Gordon
Starts With a nameplate and story starts with Josh and he's ready to go to the park to play.
Problem is it's raining so his mom sees how angry and upset he gets and comes up with a great idea.
This even works on older kids and adults.
One page is extremely hard to see with black lettering and very dark background. Love how it shows his dad that the method worked.
What's even better is he does get the park eventually and he gets to use the method again til he is friends with the girls.
Coloring pages are included at the end. About the author is attached.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Meet the Top of the Wardrobe Gang by Melinda Kinsman
Love how this colorful children's rhyming book starts out with a challenge, find the nibbled carrot on every page.
Story starts out with toys inviting you into their home.
Like hearing about all the creatures and how they came about and all their adventures.
Fun educational activities to do are listed at the end of the book.
Other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
The Little Llama meets a Unicorn by Isla Wynter
Story starts out with Lila the little llama and she wants to meet a unicorn, she's heard a lot about them.
Colorful children's book and imagination. She follows the clues and information she knows of them.
She travels to a rainbow and asks many along the way if they've seen one of those.
Lila was so surprised when she finally did see one near the rainbow!
There are magic words to make it all possible, cute story.
About the author is included at the end along with other works are highlighted.
Opossum Opposites by Gina Gallois
Story starts out with facts about opossums and did you know facts.
Many colorful pictures in this children's book to enjoy.
Talks about features of them and about their lives from birth to older.
So many things to learn about these creatures, in a fun way.
I Don't Want to Go to Kindergarten I'll Miss You Too Much by Maureen King
Note from the author about techniques used not only for entering kindergarten but high school, moving, etc.
She strives to teach others how to cope and gain specific skills to practice daily for smooth transitions.
Story starts out with Tina just being woken by her mom and she wants hugs and kisses.
They are going school shooing after breakfast.
Tina really doesn't even want to go to school but her mom tells her it's going to be fun and she will love it.
They meet up with others school shopping and they know them also and Tina is reassured from Bobby that she will just love school.
They are invited to Bobby's house so they can show them how to use super powers so they won't be so sad.
Emotions and strength play a part in what is shown, so cool!
Notes for the reader are included at the end.
Activity directions are given.
Page where child gets to place their name and happy memories
Special kindle bonus pages Other resources are listed at the end as well.
Penguin coloring pages are included.
Sweet and Sassy Summertime – Volume 2
7 stories by 7 authors.
Maeve Perfect Match Series by Josie Riviera
Love how this series, all stand alone with a common theme, came to be, so cool!
This book starts out with Maeve and she's been so busy tending to her ailing brother and working and her friends notice it also. The match site owners want her to try out their service-pick an island and spend the allotted time together with her perfect match, while the company takes photos of them enjoying each other and the location.
She makes arrangements and ends up going to her island of choice, Corsica. Love the reasons why she wants to go there. She is treated with high regard when she arrives-everything is seen to and her match have itinerary they are following-places to see, things to do, and relaxing. She is a purchaser of hotel equipment.
Story also is following Edward and he is part owner of a huge company that is interested in making another resort-that's why he wants to go to the location-to take photos of the area and to see if it will work. He and Maeve do spend a lot of time together, getting to know one another and they are really from the different parts of society that you know it will never work out for their match.
Love the things they do, how caring each is to the other, especially love the food topics and sights and surprises. One doesn't go as planned when they meet up with Edward's friends and they really make her see a different side to Edward. Upon return she is summoned back to Ireland, an emergency. You know it was too good to be true.
Note from the author about the location, recipe included, acknowledgements, About the author and list of other works by the author are included at the end along with an excerpt from the next book.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.
Unforgettable Sweethearts: Unforgettable Lovers (The Unforgettables Book 18
9 stories from 9 different authors.
Aloha to Love by Josie Riviera
Really enjoyed this story because it follows a woman-Angelina and she's a writer and some of her script needs correcting before they can make it into a movie.
The scientific expert Caleb is on the cruise also and he conducts classes about his career choice. He knows a lot about volcanoes. She takes his classes and he helps her with the script-he playing the male part.
Love that he tells her, when he stops reading his lines, that a guy wouldn't say that. what was written. They improvise and get through the script and then some.
Story also follows Rachel who's pregnant and on her way to meet her spouse who's already on the island.
Love hearing of the events that take place away from the ship and all that is learned on the excusions.
Good holiday romance, more from five others.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
A Chocolate-Box Summer Breeze by Josie Riviera
Book starts out with s short introduction about the authors works and sign up for newsletter and free gift.
Story start with Emily and she's sitting at the location where she had met Joe from the storm where they were trapped together along with many others as the roads were shut down.
They exchanged information and stayed in contact with one another with calls. They learned a lot about each other and felt a great companionship when together.
When Joe, a truck driver does arrive they share a nice meal that the diner owner has put together. He's rather a match maker. She had lost her spouse a few years earlier and she feels as if she is intruding on her kids lives.
He has a surprise for her and she is agreeable. They are able to drive to a location where she's never been, a rather run down cottage by the sea. She does find faults with it but it will do. She loves the location and scenery and just doing things they want to do, no pressure.
Most important is she gets her own room, no pressure! Love the things they do while together but when he drops her off it's a good bye as he feels others see him as chasing after her and her money.
It's a wonder if they will ever get back together with one another after the misunderstanding.
Love that the couple is older and is in the same age groups as myself. Love hearing of the music and seashore.
Story ends with a note from the author and a recipe. Acknowledgements and listing of all the author's other works are listed.
I received this review book from the author and this is my honest opinion.

Daddy's Little Girl by Michael Gordon
Colorful children's book. Free offer of The Grumpy Dinosaur is linked.
Nameplate and story starts with Molly and her daddy who is the best ever. He is a super dad, he can do everything.
He is funny and powerful and takes care of everything even making her smile.
The words tell you what the pictures are showing and some are very comical, like makeup day!
About the author is included at the end and other works by the author are highlighted at the end.
Dragon's Fury: Children's books about anger, picture, preschool, ages 3 5, kids Emotions and feelings book 6 by Michael Gordon
Colorful children's rhyming story.
Story starts with Ben and he's got a special friend that he plays with.
They decide to bake a cake but the dragon does not want to eat dinner, he'd rather have cake first.
He knows what to do to calm himself down and gets angry at the park closing for the day.
They both become upset and when Gronk yells so does Ben and they feel better then.
About the author is included at the end along with works by the author.
Offer of free book.
The Bad Dragon: (Anger books for kids, childrens, ages 3 5, picture books, preschool) (Emotions & Feelings)
Book starts out with a nameplate then the story.
Colorful, children's rhyming book about a dragon and it's his first day of school. His mom tells him to be kind and patient.
He acts like a spoiled child when he doesn't get his way, has to wait to get in line and sit in a certain chair.
Everybody knows he acting like a bad dragon. Next day he teacher tells him about the rules Nell speaks up and acts til Blerk realizes what is important.
Like this one because it's about making friends.
About the author is listed at t the end.
Other works are highlighted at the end.
How To Accept No: Children's book about emotions & feelings, kids ages 3 5, preschool books (Self-Regulation Skills 10) by Michael Gordon
Offer of a free book and name plate start this book.
Josh is upset because he has to spend at the store with his mother and he'd rather be doing other things.
She explains what she does when she gets impatient and Josh tries it himself.
His dad also sees another time that he doesn't get to play with his toy cuz another is using it and he comes up with another idea to get the anger out of Josh.
Coloring pages are included at the end of the book.
About the author and other works by the author are listed.
Thank you for your reviews for Aloha To Love and A Chocolate-Box Summer Breeze! Much appreciated and glad you enjoyed.
I love seeing the cultural cookbooks. I love trying cuisines from places I've not been. :-) Happy September!
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