The Beach Cottage by Joanne DeMaio
This book starts out with listing of author's other works.
Love the sketched drawings. Love that this is happening right now, real life to all of us.
Dedication and table of contents listing the chapters then the story.
Very emotional loving story about a couple that get married then learn of the pandemic that surrounds them as they travel to a favorite family beach house for their week long honeymoon.
Love things she finds along the shore and collects but she is also worried about her aging parents and what will happen to them as a couple. Everything she had planned has gotten cancelled so they just have themselves for a whole week...
She fears they got married too soon without learning much about one another. They go through some really fun wild times and some not talking to one another.
He is able to really surprise her with help from the neighbors and I can just picture it in my eyes how beautiful it really would be.
Funny thing is I live close by to Old Lyme, CT and have traveled there, even had friends there and the location is prime.
Not knowing what faces them after a weeks time where they really do get to know one another they head back home...
Love that the love scenes are just lightly spoken about-not explicit details-I Love this!
So many gems/treasures in this book, what a total shock it was to learn the author had put a book out!
Listing of seaside saga and about the author are included at the end along with links of authors website and how to contact her via Facebook.
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