Thursday, December 10, 2020

Dec 10 Book Review: The Diamond Courier by Hannah Byron


The Diamond Courier by Hannah Byron
Book starts out table of contents, then quote from Runi. Story starts in 1939 and Lili is about to attend her engagement party to Iain, but then it's not that at all...
She ends up away from home in a finishing school, visits with her relatives in Paris and meets a boy.
She also makes friends with a few ladies at the school and they stay in touch with one another..
When the war strikes they are all sent home but Lili wants more adventure. She learns of her mothers scandalous adventures also and how her met her spouse.
She finds a way to advance her interests and is able to get a job in London at the paper. Love hearing how she also befriends a man in her father's mines and she plans to help them get exposure to the wrong ways they are mistreated.
Super love hearing of her in the mines, my wildest dream. With her mothers news she fears she has caused harm so heads to London to work. The committee has set up a place for her to stay and to be fed as long as she writes.
She picks up with her boyfriend again and he wants her to head to the diamond mine while she is covering the war. He also wants her to do illegal things and she agrees but I feel it's only to keep him in her bed, as she knows he has others in his bed...
So brave and adventurous she is as she heads to help others but some things just don't go as planned. 
Love hearing of the farming practices, behind the scenes in the city about Communism and how she can help her friend Leo by getting the diamonds from a family friend.
Love listening to all the characters stories and what they are doing to help fight the war in their own way.
Like hearing about the mines and how she hopes to help those that must go down the shafts daily and are not getting their rightful pay or compensations.
Throughout the book I felt as if I was right there, the author does an excellent job of describing everything, the scenes, smells, sounds, etc.
Hated to see this one end as there are so many tragic events that go along with history of the war.
Never expected the story to end up at all as it did, brilliant!
Can be read as a stand alone and the saga goes on with others stories of the times.
Sneak peak of the next book in the series is attached, sign up for the authors newsletters for upcoming releases, author's note with resources, and about the author are included at the end.
Other works by the author are included at the end.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

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