Friday, October 8, 2021

Book Review: Knits From Northern Lands 20 Projects Inspired by Traditional Knitting Techniques from the Scottish Isles to Scandanavia by Jenny Fennell

Knits From Northern Lands 20 Projects Inspired by Traditional Knitting Techniques from the Scottish Isles to Scandinavia by Jenny Fennell
Sample of 5 projects I received due to huge download of the total book contained a small section of the book.
Each pattern starts with a title and a brief paragraph of the item or facts  about the area.
Color full page photos are included along with more detailed photos of the design work.
Each pattern starts with a skill level, gauge, items you need: yarn and needles and what the model is made with.
Notions are also listed.
Charted patterns are included.  Pieces are sketched showing sizes as per size of the item..
Directions are given as how to start the project with detailed row by row instructions.
Abbreviations used in some projects are included in a chart format where they also tell you how to make specific stitches.
Stitch guide explaining how to make certain stitches are also included.
Diagrams showing these and other stitches are also included.
Charted instructions are included.  
I am a knitter for about 50 years now but would still practice the stitches in a trial run to make sure I was doing them right and to get into a comfortable rhythm.
Love the combinations of stitches telling a story on their own.
Received this sample review copy from Penguin Random House, Interweave via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
#KnitsFromNorthernLands #NetGalley. 

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