Monday, October 11, 2021

Oct 11 Book Review: Betrayal at the Border



Betrayal at the Border by Mark M Bello
Starts with kids playing after dinner, a Venezuelan game their mother taught them. We played similar games growing up.
ICE is rounding up undocumented people and sending them back to where they came from. The kids have one secret and they will not tell anyone of their parents citizenship status.
Story also follows another couple, caught up in the Syria/MiddleEast war where they were to leave for US to visit relatives and are now caught, not being able to leave the country at all...
Sounds like exactly what's going on with our country these days. 
Mann and Blake lawyer agency know all the rules and will help those they can. Zach has the money and Marshall knows immigration laws.
Family live near Detroit and the wife and daughter will travel back with help from a soldier while they are in Syria to visit relatives. Father stays behind...
Like alternating chapters of each of the families and the obstacles they are up against.
Like hearing of the choices they can make when it comes down to the hard stuff.
US case is brought in front of a judge and you think things are going very well to bring the parents together with their children til you learn the kids were to be taken to a detention center but only adults are found there.
No traces of where the kids are.
Zach works with terrorists and SEALs to come to an end to the woman and her child being kidnapped. Love the generals, so cool!
He's got the money and now the team to help not only negotiate but return the hostages.
Author has such words that he describes the scenes so you feel as if you are there, can smell what they are smelling and see sights you wish you had never seen. Love the history along the way. 
Just when you think everyone is safe the court system handles the situations...
Such torture to go through court system, like the outcome.  Lawsuit is part of this drama.
Note from the author at the end describes effects in Congress to get a bill passed to help the immigrant process more uniformly and standard throughout.
Received this review copy from the publisher and this is my honest opinion.

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